Monday, March 7, 2011

Go Play!

Get out of the house.  Put down your phone.  Do something different for just three days.  Does it make a difference?  Does it change the way you feel?  Take at least thirty minutes out of your day for a total of three days and go play outside.  Bring your friends or family.

Grocery Store Field Trip

Do you think eating healthy is cheaper or more expensive than eating processed foods?  Can people on a limited budget afford a balanced diet?  Could you buy a one days balanced diet, all three meals, for under $8?  What if you had a family of 4?  Could you still survive on $8 a day? 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Healthy Me Challenge

Can you give up something unhealthy for 5 days?  OR could you add something healthy for 5 days?  Can you tell a difference in the way you feel by removing or adding something from your diet or lifestyle?  Take the challenge! 

Coppell Farmer's Market

Find out what is so great about the Coppell Farmer's Market!  Prepare a meal for your family or friends that you purchased from farmers market. You must cook a dish that includes vegetables that you select, wash, and cut yourself!  You can add spices, oils, and any other healthy item.  What did you make and what makes it healthy? Will you shop at farmers market again?  Do you think local shopping is beneficial to our community?  

Do a Fun Run!

Can you help the community while being healthy? Use to find a 1mile or 5k fun run in our area occurring by Saturday, April 16.