Thursday, July 29, 2010

Doctors without Borders

See the photographs taken from the Doctors without Borders program around the world.


  1. I think that Doctors without Borders is an amazing organization. The people involved in this organization care so much about the world around them and have such a big heart. They obviously care so much about other people, and are very selfless. It takes a special person to devote their time to go across the world and care for people they don't know. Another thing that is amazing about this organization is that they go farther than providing healtcare, they also speak out to the public and bring up issues they might have neglected that are causing problems in the area. Without all the people involved in Doctors without Borders over sixty countries would be overlooked and thousands of people wouldn't get the care they need to stay alive.

  2. Stephanie Obialo
    Deinhammer 3

    Doctors without borders is a great organization that provides aid to underdeveloped countries. Without this organization many of those countries which have this organization will not have that support and care provided for their citzens. With that said, this organization is tackling a problem that will never end. As said on their website, doctors and volunteers provide aid for those who are subjects to violence, castotrophe, famine, etc., but by doing all of this they are sidestepping a bigger issue: the government's ignorance to its citzens needs. by having Doctors without Borders in underdeveolped countries, the governements of those countries will less of a need to care for thier people since they know oraganizations such as this one is taking care of the people for them. As an ironic consequence the government can continue to live in corruption and squalor and surrender thier responsibilities of thier citzens as leaders because Doctors Without Borders and other organizations like this one are willingly taking them and probably without any cost. Therefore those government leaders do not have to spend money on thier people. Basically, the health care of those citzens is surrendered because aid organizations are providing the care for free.

  3. Doctors without borders is an international humanity organization created by doctors in 1971. The doctors and volunteers in this organization care so much about the people that they meet, who needs their medical help as soon as possible. If they could not be there for them nobody knows what could happen to them. This organization provides help in almost 60 countries to people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe. The cause is due to armed conflict, bad nutrition, or natural disasters such as: earthquake, flooding, fire,etc... Doctors without borders is an excellent organization and every country should have this organization for its people.

  4. I cannot believe there is an organization like this. Doctors without Borders is such an amazing idea. It is definitely a great way to benefit society and to give back, not to mention a great way to use your talent to help others. Founded in 1971, this organization has spanned to over 60 countries and has 19 different locations around the world. The growth of this organization shows how successful it is and that it is needed in all places around the world. The part that sticks out the most to me is that the doctors are not afraid to speak out and stand up for what they know is right. For example, if the doctor's see abuse going on, they are not afraid to address it and help positively effect the community. Not only is this organization a great way to help others but it is also a great example of unity because the organization is spread out so far over the world. I believe this organization will continue to grow because the economy is not very well off and there are a lot of countries who need medical help. I think everyone should try to get involved in Doctors without Borders by either donating money or donating time because this could be the answer to epidemics, catastrophes and other horrible problems around the world. A little help from everyone goes a long way.

  5. I completely agree with you, Kim, especially about what you said concerning spreading one's talent. I think that, as Americans, we often take for granted the blessing that we have in our healthcare and medical providers -- something that, unfortunately, isn't present throughout the world. The DWB program is made to make significant change in that aspect and, as you said, bring a sense of unity to the world.

    One of the best aspects I read concerning this program was that the doctors involved in this program aren't giving aid to just anyone around the world; they are going to places were the need is at its absolute peak (their mission statement says that they are committed "to assist people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe.") It's a testament to just how fearless and brave these doctors must be, considering they willingly move from the safe, sterile confines of a modern hospital to make-shift tents of a war-torn country -- it's not uncommon for these doctors to be within close proximity to someone with a gun. I love the fact that they are willing to overcome that terror in the name of helping others -- a lesson I think everyone should keep in mind.

  6. Its refreshing to see these individuals risking life and limb for the well-being of impoverished human beings. During this time when the world is devoid of economic and emotional well-being throughout its rather inspirational to see these people venturing where not many others dare. To impoverished, war-torn locations where chaos runs rampant. Their bravery is a beacon of light in these dark times of terrorism and pending oppression. Its a cause that everyone can be proud of. Rich or poor, black or white, middle-eastern or whatever it doesn't matter. These brave doctors help everyone.

    Alex Wilbert

  7. In my opinion, Doctors without Borders is an amazingly respectable program that puts the medical needs of 3rd world countries ahead of their own. I believe that it is the people like this that are going to make our world a much safer/healthier place to live in. I think that it is amazing how many lives these people are affecting in such a positive way and i don't think they understand how thankful those people are that they are helping them. The countries involved are definitely considered to be a world leader in my opinion.

  8. These doctors show dedication to their work. They go out to these countries to help these people and ask for nothing in return. For a doctor that means a lot because they had to go through lots of schooling just to become one. These 3rd world countries don't have the necessary equipment and technology for some of their health problems. They help the people no matter who they are and they don't even know them. These people are heroes to the world.

  9. A good friend of my parents is a part of Doctors without Borders and after seeing some of her work in Haiti I was amazed. Doctors without Borders helps over 60 in need countries by providing them with medical attention. I highly admire the doctor who are a part of this non-profit organization and give up their time to help others in need. I think it is very important for us to help other countries in a time of need because we would want them to do the same for us. In an economy that is so dependent on other countries resources it would be in our best interest to no let other countries suffer. In America we take medical attention for granted when it could make the difference to some one in a third world country who might not have even know that medicine or food could help them. I think that Doctors without Borders is a wonderful program that is needed in a world like ours.

  10. The Doctors Without Borders program, an aid program that is mostly funded privately, does amazing work in the medical field all around the world. The purpose of Doctors Without Borders is to provide assistance and relief to impoverished or war torn areas all around the globe that otherwise would be getting very little, if any attention. The doctors, nurses, and other specialists that work with this program volunteer and donate their time to go into beaten down areas to provide aid to others. I think this program is great. The volunteers that work in part with this program and go over seas to help others are very courageous. The general idea of Doctors Without Borders is helping those less fortunate. Most people in the United States have more than enough to live comfortably and it's always good to give back. Seeing the pictures of the trips and all of the people receiving help is awesome. Extending a helping hand can go a long way.

  11. Doctors Without Borders is an amazing organization that is able to help 3rd world countries and people who would not usually be able to receive medical care. The group goes to places that need medical care because they do not have the proper technology or doctors. The people that make up the organization are true saints that are completely self less, they give up their time and effort and put their lives in danger to help others that without them would struggle greatly. The organization has helped in over 60 different countries around the world and are one of the first groups to a disaster area after an accident like the tragic earthquakes in Haiti. Doctors Without Borders is a wonderful organization that is made up of great people that have surely saved many lives and continue to do the same.

  12. Doctors without Borders is a truly inspiring nonprofit program. It is so amazing and reassuring to know that there are people out in this world who are willing to devote their time to help people and children who are underprivileged, malnourished, and sick. Without these doctors there would be many lives lost and many devastated friends and families. The doctors of Doctors without Borders deserve to be looked up to because they are helping others in desperate out of the kindness of their hearts. You don't find many people like them, people who will go out and work to help and not work just for money. It is really heartwarming to see the pictures of the doctors helping these little children and adults. I think we really take things for granted and we should really appreciate what we have in life, because those people are so thankful just to have a bowl of food, a cup of water and a doctor to help them get better. I think for the doctors the most rewarding thing is just seeing the smile on the faces on the people they have helped and realizing they have helped a life. This is one of the greatest organizations ever!

  13. Beautiful organizations like these can be such inspirations. They truly show just how loving people can me. My mom did a similar program (she's a nurse, a RNFA, more specifically) after the tragedy of the Haiti earthquakes. She flew down there and helped the people there that were already in an extreme state of poverty and just a few months prior one would have believed that they had nothing left to lose. Both her and the other doctors and nurses down there made a huge impact upon the Haitian society. Amazing organizations like that one and Doctors without Borders to an amazing job at spreading relief around the world, both in their physical wounds and their psychological wounds from their sense of helplessness after the quakes. Some of these pictures really capture the sense of love these doctors have for the starving children and scarred people of these various countries less fortunate than us. I hope that Doctors without Borders may continue its work for years to come.

  14. Doctors without Borders can make a significant difference in the world by providing emaciated and improvised citizens in 3rd world or developing nations who don't have health care or a source to meet the standard needs of medicine. The doctors that are willing to go into war-torn nations and help people in need of medical attention. It is nice to see people in Western nations providing generous hearts to aid people who might not be finically as well off as they are. I believe the program is innovative and I can relate to this because people at my church are involved in similar programs, and it is nice to see doctors going out of there way without pay to help the less fortunate with medical aid.

  15. People are far too ignorant on the actual degree of destitution most of the world faces. We take for granted how vital and important our common medicine really is. Doctors without borders is a step in the right direction, utilizing the innate kindness and selflessness only some seem to possess. Those caught up in greed and personal gain need to understand how their own negligence affects the impoverished of the world; rather, how it doesn't. Hopefully this program will inspire other charitable organizations to save lives.

  16. Doctors Without Borders is the epitome of human sacrifice, inspiration, and mankind's willingness to help one another. Husbanding talent, dedication, and resources on a Herculean level, Doctors Without Borders is a lifesaving organization that helps the developing world maintain a necessary level of sanitation, wellness and healthcare. No place is too far gone for these brave men an women. "[They] look at the places that no one wants to go, and thats where [They] work". With the recent earthquakes in Haiti, and Chile- it is important that we support not only the people who are giving these unfortunate souls, but the brave men and women who are giving them aid.

  17. After doing some research on the "Doctors Without Borders" program I was amused by their goals and the bravery that it takes. I have much respect for the members of this program. This program gives "independent" attention to those who have suffered malnutrition, epidemics, been excluded from healthcare, and injury from natural disasters or armed conflict! This is wonderful, and I am very proud to know that people are willing to help even in the danger of crisis. I am also fascinated that over 27,000 committed individuals are providing aid for over 60 countries! It is great to know that people are working together to provide quality medical care to third-world countries that don't receive it.

  18. Doctors Without Borders program involving many volunteers with a giving and caring attitude that provide relief to war torn and impoverished areas. Over 27,000 volunteers are currently devoted individuals who provide aid and care to over 60 countries worldwide. This is the type of program that doesn’t let “borders” and politics control where and who they help; their main goal consists solely of helping those in need. The third world countries are in grave need of help and the Doctors Without Borders program is a large helping hand in a below poverty areas. Without programs like this the world would not be nearly as a good of place. The Doctors Without Borders is doing the world some good and there are in need of more programs similar to this.

  19. The Doctors Without Borders program is an amazing function that allows people who ordinarily wouldn't be able to receive medical attention to get the help they deserve. The doctors go to remote places with governments in shambles and provide the healthcare that the locals need. They often are the only 'Healthcare Programs" that the customers ever receive because of the lack of stability in the regions. This function is surely a Godsend because of the willingness of the volunteers to help and participate for next to nothing. It is wonderful to hear that Doctors Without Borders work in over 50 countries worldwide and is helping to make the world a better place.

  20. Doctors without Borders administers care over fifty countries in the world, mostly to areas of Africa, and other developing nations. Disease spreads like crazy in areas with such poor health care, and so therefor it is absolutely vital to the independence of these nations to give them basic level health care. In one picture, a child is in a relatively empty health care center, and is getting a vaccine. If we were able to give basic vaccines to all parts of the world, basic standards of living would raise across the world. It is important to continue the financial aid of Doctors without Borders for this reason. -Zack Korman

  21. I had a really good comment and I got an error upon trying to post it, and it disappeared.

    I did extensive research for a project over Doctors Without Borders a few years ago, and my opinion has not changed since. Millions of people living in third world or impoverished nations have been given a second chance thanks to the heroics of Doctors Without Borders; a chance they would not have received without the intervention of a great force. Countries ravaged by war, famine, and disease never have the appropriate systems in place to help its people, and Doctors Without Borders braves the war zones to save patients with whatever tools present. Doctors Without Borders has been doing great work since it originated in 1971.

  22. Doctors without Borders is an amazing organization. The doctors and journalists who started this organization in 1971 have made an amazing impact on the world. It's amazing to hear that Doctors without borders work in over 60 countries now to help care for those who need it. There are millions of people in other countries who aren't as lucky as us, they don't have good health centers and medicine to take care of them. To see an organization who's sole goal is to provide medical aid to people who's lives are diminishing due to malnutrition, disease, castastrophes, and much more regardless of how they look or who they are is so powerful. There are so many non profit organizations out there that all have an important cause, but Doctors Without Borders travels to all these different countries to provide kids and adults alike the proper care that they would have never had. Looking at Doctors Without Borders and the pictures of patients they help, we are blessed with our health system right now and the life we live now and we should never take that for granted. It's important and inspirational to see an organization try to save lives or do as best they can.

  23. The Doctors Without Borders program, without a doubt, shows the utmost dedication that wealthy countries have towards the ones that are less unfortunate. Their mission to provide adequate health care to people suffering from injuries or diseases that are life-changing truly demonstrates the commitment these doctors have to their profession and their urge to contribute as much as they can to the cause. By doing this, the standard of living of other countries can improve as well as provide more opportunities for their people. By prolonging the lives of other people, the world can become a more opportunistic place where every country has the capability of supporting themselves. In hopes for being a beneficial humanitarian organization, Doctors Without Borders lends a helping hand to people whose situation is catastrophic.

  24. Doctors without Borders provides medical care to people from around the world. On any given day around 27,000 nurses, doctors, water sanitation experts and logisticians can be found providing their services for little pay. I think this organization is very dedicated to making this world better for everyone. When you think about your life and your daily routine you may realize that a lot of things you have are just provided for you. Well there are a lot of kids in other countries who do not oven have necessities like enough food, water, clothing or even a proper shelter. When we don’t get the things we want we usually get upset. Now think about a poor kid in Africa who won’t be getting to eat today. Our simple want does not even seem important to the necessities or the things we need to live. Other people are in the world and just because they are born in a poor country doesn’t mean they should have to go through the same hardships as their family had for generations. A little help can go a long way, and as Einstein said “a life lived for others is a life well lived.”

  25. The Doctors Without Borders organization is a prime example of the growing humanitarian effort aimed towards less fortunate or crisis ridiculed nations and cultures. They are an independent movement that consists of 19 organizations, with over 27,000 workers on hand every single day. Modern medical knowledge and technology seems to be improving every day, yet only seems to develop in nations that are wealthy enough to do so. Their main goal is to aid those who have been negatively affected by armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from health care, and natural disasters. This organization I believe promotes the idea of reaching out to others and helping those who are in dire need. Through their countless eforts, they have influenced others directly and indirectly in countless ways. They promote a sense of selflessness to the entire globe, urging others to assume responsibility in making this world a better place. Throughout these pictures and through their many efforts, they have proved the existence of intercultural strength and caring, which I believe is a mere stepping stone for an even greater humanitarian movement in the future as political and environmental issues worsen. Doctors Without Borders I believe is the beginning to intercultural cooperation and peace.

  26. Doctors without Borders is an outstanding organization that goes out of its way to care for people around the globe suffering from various health struggles. I admire the fact that this program also goes above and beyond health care. They are willing to help others who suffer from mental problems, abuse, natural disasters, violence, and many other catastrophes. In addition, they are not afraid bring out ignored crises and solve them. For example, they "condemned the Serbian massacre of civilians of Srebrenica in 1995". These volunteers go out to so many poor, faraway places to give them proper health care. They are trying to give these poor nations a chance to have a better quality of life, which will put this world on a road to success. This world definitely needs more organizations like Doctors without Borders.
    Susan Philip (Period-1)

  27. There are numerous amount of people in the world, that are in crisis, and sick to death without even a single care. There are some countries, such as Africa, and Ethiopia that are in danger of lack of food/water and many children and adults with disease. Furthermore, Doctors without Borders organization has tremendous support, and high quality care for millions of injured, and in crisis people throughout the world. This program is a life saving of one's devestated life into a miracle, which had a great impact on several lives. Few of the organizations offer high quality care, and treatments to the patients, however Doctors Without Borders offers the health care for any class countries or people, regardless of their ethnicity. The MSF teams helps tremendously in the caring, and In 2008, MSF had 3.7 million individual donors and private funders worldwide.

  28. Doctors without Borders is a program that caught my attention the moment I started reading it. After researching I found in interesting that there are so many people committed to helping those whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, because of armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, or natural disasters. I am fascinated that people would go out of their way in order to help save people less fortunate even though they know they are going into potentially dangerous areas. I am also fascinated that Doctors Without Borders, does not have a certain area in which they treat. I like that they offer health care for all types of people and don't judge the people they treat by their ethnicity. And by helping people in less fortunate countries, they are giving the people hope that their country can support itself without help. Doctors Without Borders is a great program, and I am glad that there is an organization dedicated to helping the people less fortunate.

  29. Jackie Clark Dienhammer p.6

    There are people that need help everywhere in the world and i think this program really reaches out to all of them and benifits not only the poeple that get taken care of but the doctors that are invovled too. There are a lot of poeple out there that need us and this organization does a great job at getting help out there. I was amazed when i read that this program is completely independent and has no government funding what so ever. The majority of thier funding comes from private donors. I think that it's terrific that there are other people in the world willing to go out there and risk their lives or help just by donating what they can. Either way lives are being saved, which in the end is all that matters. DOctors without borders has been doing this since 1971, and some doctors even support themselves when they go to the countries, which is even more amazing. They dedicate their lives to helping over 60 countries whose poeple survival is threatned by numerous things. I also think that it's great that this program is completely unbiased and will help anyone who needs it. They dont stand for anything except to help those who are unfortanate which what we all need to do be donig. One of the most recent places that doctors without borders has helped is in Haiti after the earthquakes hit. There are a lot of kids and people over there whos lives have changed forever and i believe that this organization will do everything in their power to help make that country what it once was. A little help goes a long way.

  30. Abbey Thomas,

    Doctors without Borders is the most amazing organization for other countries. Many countries do not have the technology or even the proper tools for certain diseases that are constantly gaining new victims and many die due to lack of treatment. With Doctors without Borders, these people are able to obtain the help they need and are able to recover. The organization also positively affects the U.S. in that more people are willing to help these people and are more willing to donate therefore saving more lives that have fallen victim to diseases. It really is amazing of everything we can do to help each other when we really think about the benefits it brings to everyone.

  31. It's a very heartwarming feeling to know there is an organization like Doctors without Borders. Being as fortunate as we are, it should be natural to provide support for those far less fortunate in the deepest, poorest regions of the world who needlessly die to things that can easily be overcoem with proper resources or technology. The commitment these 20'000+ Doctors show to their work is commendable

  32. Julie (Joo. Y) Kim

    Doctors without Borders are an organization established by doctors and journalists in France in 1971. Today, it freely provides mental, physical, and financial aids to any countries whenever their helps needed. Especially, the time when the countries are in armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, and exclusion from health care or natural disasters. After researching about this organization, I was amazed at their great deeds. They were not just simply volunteering...they had given up all the fine things they could get if they didn't volunteer in the first place. Later, I would like to join them and be one of the more than 27,000 committed individuals whose changing other individuals' lives today, too.

  33. Heather Price 7th periodSeptember 22, 2010 at 10:09 AM

    From the looks of the pictures and what a person was saying that it looks like they are without water and doing less without the proper needs of water, sidewalks, clothing, proper tools to help them with their medical needs.The Doctors Without Borders organization is a prime example of the growing humanitarian effort aimed towards less fortunate or crisis ridiculed nations and cultures. I see that people from our country is helping them out in the medical , food and water which shows that there is somebody who care and tries not to think of themselves.

  34. Natalie Meddaugh 7th Period

    Doctors without Borders is a great organization that will truly help any person in the world. This organization was created in 1971 by a group of doctors and Journalists in France that wanted to make a difference. Now they have 19 different offices around the world, with 27,000 individuals, to help any country that is in need. This organization is 100% neutral and from this they don't take any type of financial support from any government and for this they can keep their neutrality. Also they don't help any type of person more than another. This group don't judge any person by their race, religion, political affiliation, and gender; they just help any person who is in dire need of assistance. This is a great organization that is truly makes a difference and for that they are changing many peoples lives for the better.

  35. The Doctors without Borders organization goes beyond the strict line of what is right and wrong between science and human good to save the live sof many. Obviously its enormous growth since its founding in 1971 has shown the great accomplishments that the doctors of this organization have accomplished. Their strength and unmatched drive is what makes this organization so sucessful. These doctors are not afraid to put everything behind them and jump into new places where they can not be afraid of failing. The have faith in their practice and believe in what they are doing. Their amazing deeds have caused the Doctors Without Borders organization to grow and to constantly keep growing past their 27,000 strong group.

  36. Kevwe Ibihwiori- Period: 7th

    Doctors Without Borders is an international medical humanitarian organization created by doctors and journalists in France in 1971. Today, MSF aids numerous amount of patients throughout the countries; which they have been to sixty countries so far. They are helping those who are threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe. Many countries, such as Ethiopia, Cambodia, and Africa are one of the top most severe injured people. Which die from lack of food/water, and malaria, that are causing many deaths, and suffering in the country. Doctors Without Borders are helping these people, and doing a great job on their job. This organization is a very amazing program, that has been very helpful to several countries. Doctors Without Borders also does not take money from their patients, and treat with high quality care, to even poor countries. This is a grateful thing they do for us, and to the patients. I hope this organization keeps doing what they are doing, and spread their existence throughout other countries.
