What other organizations are out there that are trying to save the world? Write a brief bio for the organization and attach their logo or an informational video that describes their mission. Make sure to preview the other entries before you post...no repeats! :)
Invisible Children is an organization that involves helping the longest war in Uganda; the children. Children have been used as weapons and are abducted from their families. Within this organization, people raise money to build new schools that will eventually allow the children an education. Also, Invisible Children brings about the children who live in the streets of Northern Uganda, with the fear of being abducted from the horrible rebels. These rebels look for more people (mainly children) to join their army by grabbing them off of the streets. Within this documentary that I have shared, three young men go to Northern Uganda and live with the children. This experience sparked their imagination to host a "camp out" on a certain day. This "camp out" happens in the middle of major downtown streets to demonstrate what the children of Uganda are going through. Thousands of people join together in order to give a voice and make a difference.
ReplyDeleteI believe this organization is worthy of a blog post because it demonstrates an organization that IS improving the world and the life of the children in Uganda. Believing we can change the world makes a difference in the long run and Invisible Children is a great example. Invisible Children is worthy of a blog post!!!
Evan Cliff P. 6
Court Appointed Special Advocates, also known as CASA, is an organization that focuses on helping foster kids. As the video describes, the statistics of children who are abused and molested is outrageous. These children are going from foster house to foster house without being properly heard. Judges appoint CASA volunteers to advocate for these children so that their needs can be heard. It is a non-profit organization that has business backings from companies like Archon Group and Goldman Saks. They raise money for these kids through fundraisers like Parade of Playhouses, an opportunity for companies to build extremely nice, high-tech playhouses for kids at North Park Mall. Children are being neglected, abused, and molested everyday. They need a safe, permanent place to grow up instead of either being locked in their prior conditions or jumping from house to house. CASA is an opportunity for communities across the United States to give back and help these children gain a life that they deserve. It hurts my heart to hear about children being robbed of a solid future simply because they have no one to represent them and their needs in court, so they get shipped off to some other foster care home. It's a local problem that will always exist, but with the help of Court Appointed Special Advocates, the voices of innocent children may be heard. They are the next generation, and they deserve to be helped. CASA is worthy of a blog post because it is an organization where anyone can help and anyone can donate and lives of children can be drastically changed.
Water is Basic is an organization with a mission to bring clean water to the villages of Sudan. The organization raises money to build drills in villages all over Sudan and educate villagers on drilling water. Their goal is to build a drill in every village in Sudan. The water conditions in Sudan are miserable. People have to walk miles to get water and the water they do get is unsanitary. Water is Basic wants aims to not only give villagers clean water, but easier access to water. Just one drill can provide water for an entire village for 20 years. Water is a necessity in life and Water is Basic is making sure that no one has to live without it. The organization has a number of ways to raise money for clean water. Each year, they host a local 5k and send all proceeds towards a new drill in Sudan. This years event raised $25,000 for the cause. Anyone can donate to the cause. Even just a dollar can make an impact on someone's life and the organization encourages donations. Coppell High School has been a major supporter of Water is Basic for a few years now and has raised a lot of money for clean water. Water is Basic can provide so much hope for so many people and is a very important organization. It is a cause that will save thousands of lives. It is worthy of a blog because of how important it is for people to have clean water and how much Water is Basic can help so many people. Anyone can help and save lives.
Free rice is an organization with a website that utilizes multiple choice games to fight world hunger. On October 7, 2007 Freerice.com went live and on this very day it donaited 830 grains of rice. Because it was growing in success, on March 2009 the website was donated to the UN World Food Program. Then, recently in September 2010, a new version of the game with social networking, groups, rankings and achievements was initiated by the UN World Food Programme. At the birth of this website, the name was originally FreeRice.com but after the new version of the game was launched it was changed to Freerice.com, un-capitalizing the second the “r” in its name. The multiple choice games utilizes English vocabulary as the major and original subject, however no w people can choose from mathematics, chemistry, geography, art, and foreign languages such as French, Spanish, Italian and German. There are now difficulty levels between subjects to create a more challenging aspect for players. For every question players get right, 10 grains of rice are donated to World Food Programme to underfed countries to help end world hunger. This organization/website should be widely known because it is effective in its simplicity. People can donate grains of rice to the underprivileged just by playing multiple choice games. After playing many games 10 grains of rice can turn into 10000 or more. The website is very effective because in its first six months of being launched, the organization donated more than 42 billion grains of rice. It takes 19,200 grains of rice to feed one adult for a day. It takes one billion grains of rice could feed 50,000 people for one day. The organization made 42 billion grains of rice; they fed almost 2100000 people. As the organization continues to grow, it continues to feed more and more starving families. Recently, since October 15, 2010, the website’s supporters/players had earned a substantial amount of rice to feed more than 4.32 million people for one day. It's an amazing website that takes little effort, supports education while donating ten grains of rice for every answer correct. It's free too!World hunger is a large issue but not many people can do much about it without sacrificing money or a part of one's life. Thus, this website donates rice for free through education which lets people help themselves and others not just locally but globally. There is no way a charity could make donating any easier. About 800 million people suffer from world hunger and malnutrition which is about 100 times as many as those who die from it each year. Just play the game, and "help fight world hunger one grain of rice at a time."
For the children is an organization which brings relief to children who experience disasters. This organization brings food, education, and medical care to children all over the world who have no other way of getting help. It was originally started during the great depression in the Appalachia region, where it worked to make sure all of the children were getting enough food. Today the organization works internationally to help as soon as a disaster strikes. It is inevitable that bad situations will continue to come about, and Save the Children works to make these bad situations better. In the United States, Save the Children has recently been working to promote literacy, good health, and internet safety. Save the Children is a great organization because it works with children all over the world, in order to make it a better place.
(scroll down for video)
Feed my Straving Children is a Chirstain-based nonprofit orangization which attempts to provide relief for straving children across the world, and ulimtately "strives to eliminate starvation in children throughout the world." The organization had orginally packaged food by commerical means, but now the packaging is done so by a purely volunteer community; this in turn allowing the direct opportunity for indidvuals to help out with the cause. In 2009, this organization produced over 96 million meals for children worldwide, and that number is constantly growing. The ultimate goal and progression of this orangaiztion provides all the evidence of its vast importance; this organization and many others are vital to ending the grand problem of world hunger, and supporting this organization's cause, even if one doesn't support its core faith, is key to bettering the world as a whole.
Make a Wish Foundation is an organization that enrich the lives of children all over the United States that have life-threatening medical conditions. This organization started in 1980 when a little boy, named Chris Greicius, wanted to become a policie officer, but was being treated for leukemia so he couldnt accomplish his dream. Well that changed with this organization. Since then, Make A Wish has helped over 200,000 children from age 2 and 1/2 to 18 that has not recieved a wish from any other wish-granting organization. Their mission is, "We grant the wished of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy." This organization is world-known and grants a wish every 40 minutes. Overall their one true hope is to impact the lives of the children as well as the families, donors, sponsors, and the community and better the lives of these sick children and make their dream come true.
Natalie Meddaugh, 7th
Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit Christian organization that builds simple and affordable houses for people who lack adequate shelter. Through volunteering and donations, Habitat for Humanity is able to provide housing for low income families and natural disaster victims. Not only is Habitat for Humanity recognized for its work in the United States, but it also has built houses in 90 other different countries. Furthermore, since Habitat for Humanity’s inception, it has provided over 350,000 homes which have provided shelter for over 1.75 million people. What is interesting about this organization is that it allows the people who need the housing to build their own house (volunteers from Habitat for Humanity along with trained professionals assist them with building their home). Although it does cost money for the recipients of the housing, there is no profit earned by the organization. Currently, over 2 billion people around the world live in less than adequate housing and 100 million more are currently homeless. With the help of Habitat for Humanity, both of these shocking statistics are gradually decreasing. But despite this gradual decrease, there are still too many people that do not have safe and secure housing. Fortunately though, anyone can donate or volunteer to Habitat for Humanity and make a significant difference in someone else’s life. Habitat for Humanity is worthy of a blog post due to its dedication for providing housing for the less fortunate which in turn can drastically change the lives of many.
click on introducing habitat or any other video
Jeff Kennedy 6th period
“World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.” They are currently in almost 100 countries (including the United States) helping around 100 million people world wide. They base their help by promoting families to sponsor a child in a place where children live in poverty. There are various amounts of money that can be donated for various things; 75 dollars can give a family a goat (they nourish and provide extra income through offspring and the cheese, milk, etc. products that can be put into the market), 100 dollars can provide a goat and two chicks, soccer balls can also be provided for only 16 dollars, 32 dollars can help give one child the education they need, and there’s much more. Through these various donations children around the world will get the help they need to live a healthier life-style. This is something that is worth posting because World Vision is really making a difference in children’s’ lives around the world. Through this organization they are brought closer to God and are helped in their daily living. With the employee’s just being in all these different countries, there is hope. World Vision deserves a blog post.
ReplyDeleteVisit their website:
Here's a youtube video about them:
-Izma Aviles (7th period)
Family Legacy is a Christian organization that was created in 2000 to love and support the orphans in Zambia, Africa. Through this organization, they have various ministries some including Camp LIFE and Father’s Heart. Camp LIFE gives Americans the opportunity to serve and love on the hurting orphans. Each year, the camp has more than 10, 000 campers. The children are divided into groups of 10 to 12 kids and are lead by an American. When the Americans return home, they go on a search to find people willing to sponsor the children that were in their group. Father’s Heart is Family Legacy’s ministry that allows people to sponsor these children. It gives people the to opportunity to impact these children’s lives by sponsoring them for $40 a month. By doing this, they are providing school fees, health care, economic support and Zambian discipleship. Family Legacy is an amazing organization that helps others remember the needs of children in other countries, specifically in Zambia. Not only does this organization impact the lives of the Zambians, but also the lives of the Americans who participate in it’s ministries.
(video at end of page)
Hannah Yates, 2nd
World Cocoa Foundation is an organization that supports cocoa farmers, and their families worldwide. It is a non-profit organization founded in 2000 for the purpose of promoting social and economic development as well as environmental stewardship in cocoa-growing communities. The foundation is a membership-based organization with approximately 70 member companies involved in the cocoa and chocolate industries around the world, representing over 80% of the golobal market. Its sustainability principles and goals were developed to guide industry efforts and prioritze the foundation's development projects in Africa, Southeast Asia and the Americas. Cocoa can be an economic engine in rural areas of the tropics, generating improved incomes and opportunities for farm families and communities. The WCF works through public-private partnerships that bring together development agencies, industry members, producing country governments, research institutes and non-governmental organizations to achieve its goals. In many respects, cocoa farming has changed little in the past 100 years. Cocoa is essential to the livelihoods of 40-50 million people worlwide, including the over 5 million smallholder farmers who produce it. The chocolate and cocoa industry is working to make a better life for cocoa farming families worldwide. I believe this organization is worthy of a blog post because it demonstrates an organization that is improving the world.
Keep Gym in School, an NFL Network organization, was created in 2008 to recognize and raise awareness of the long-term dangers of childhood obesity. Keep Gym in School is directly dedicated to addressing the issue of childhood obesity by improving the quality of physical education programs across the country. This organization is providing grants to schools that are desperately in need of new and quality playing fields, gyms, fitness rooms, and athletic equipment. The main goal of Keep Gym in School is to provide greater access to quality physical education to students all around the country who are currently battling childhood obesity. The NFL Network has teamed up with the NASPE (National Association for Sport and physical education), Action for Healthy Kids, Presidents Challenge, and NFL Play 60 to further allow this program to succeed and have a positive influence on the lives of many children across the nation dealing with childhood obesity. The NFL Network adopts a school district to accomplish this issue and provides a $25,000 physical education grant to one deserving middle school, which then uses this money to create and renew their physical education facilities and programs. Keep Gym in School is an amazing organization that is influencing a healthy lifestyle to the youth at a young age, which is important to prevent the long-term effects of childhood obesity. Childhood health is one of the most important aspects of ones youth and it is gratifying to know that organization is doing a wonderful job at bettering the lives of kids battling childhood obesity across the country.
The Red Cross is an organization that is designed for humanitarian aid. No matter where the emergency occurred, the Red Cross will be there in an instant. Founded by Clara Barton in 1881, this organization has grown globally and will be everywhere were help is needed.It has grown so much that high schools across America have clubs affiliated with this organization, such as Coppell High School's Red Cross Club. This organization also trains people in basic life-saving maneuvers, such as CPR, thereby expanding their influence and making everyone possible capable of lending aid.
ReplyDeleteThe Red Cross is worthy of a blog post because it is a global credible organization that gives help no matter the circumstance. Recently,the Red Cross is helping with the Cholera outbreak in Haiti and was aiding Haiti when they had their natural disaster. The Red Cross never ignores where help is needed.
Stephanie Obialo
Deinhammer 3
Smile Train strives to defeat the issue of the cleft chin and palate. As a small non-profit organization, Smile Train aims to be cost efficient whether it be fundraising or the maintenance. For example, sustaining only an administration consisting of 43 people worldwide and using digital technology to limit shipping and handling cost. Cleft chin is a major problem for developing countries, inhibiting speech and eating abilities as well as giving reason to be a rejection of society. Most often, those possessing the defect are unable to hold jobs, are cast away as babies, aren't allowed to attend school, and live a life of shame. To combat such terrors, Smile Train persuades volunteer doctors to fly to 1 of 78 countries where peasants are unable to afford surgery for cleft chins and provide 80 free surgeries. Relying primarily on donations, it receives no money from the government, and all donations are for the cause of the surgeries itself. For the meantime, the organization are employing local doctors of the poor country, providing free equipment to educate and provide the tools to join the fight again cleft chin. Over the past 11 years they have trained more than 60,000 cleft surgeons and related medical professionals from 140+ countries. In addition , this organization has held more than half a million surgeries in the last 10 years, and are holding many campaigns to spread the awareness of cleft chins as a birth defect in contrast to a curse. Smile Train consists of many other services as well. They provide food, money, and shelter to the poorest of the poor with the help of donors, and eventually hope to change lives, one smile at a time.
Peter-Huy Tran. Period 7.
GoodSearch is a website, similar to Google, that can be used as a Search Engine. The basis behind it, however, is for every search that is made, money is donated to a non-profit organization. You can choose from thousands of organizations to help raise funds for, and all you have to do is search as you would normally would. Plus, the site is powered by Yahoo so you get high-quality search results anyways. Half of the revenue generated from the sponsored search advertisers is shared with the charity, school, or nonprofit organization of your choosing. A list of participating Non-Profit organizations is featured at this link...(http://www.goodsearch.com/charitylist.aspx) Approximately 1 cent is donated per search, although in 2006, 2007, and 2008 each search generated 1.3 cents. This is a really easy way to raise money for people in need everyday. Not only can you select an organization that you have a particular attachment or interest for, helping is as easy as typing "goodsearch.com" instead of "google.com". I think it would be cool if our class decided to use goodsearch to raise money for a certain charity (melanoma?) and then saw the amount we raised by the end of the year!
ReplyDeletehere's a video about goodsearch.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCU8gYxpw58
Danielle Herubin. Period 2.
The United Nations Children’s Fund, previously named, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund was founded in order to relieve children who face factors like poverty, disease, violence and discrimination within their lives. UNICEF believes that nurturing and caring for children is important in their development. They also believe that ensuring a positive “start in life” for children with unfortunate living circumstances is the best way to ensure a child’s potential success in the future. Specific examples of UNICEF’s programs include: promotion of girls’ education, immunization amongst children to ensure they are protected from various diseases and prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS. I feel that UNICEF is worthy of this blog page in that it clearly has made an impact in the way in which children across the globe live due to the fact that 190 countries participate in UNICEF. Also, children are the future of society and the world, ensuring that children are healthy, safe and educated is the most efficient way in ensuring the success of the world we live in therefore making UNICEF an important world organization.
Samantha LaRoe - Period 5
An international movement known as The Salvation Army, organized and operated in a military fashion, is part of a universal Christian church and human service agency that is famous for its charitable works, bringing Christian messages to the poor, destitute and hungry children by meeting both their physical and spiritual needs. This organization is one of the largest and most diverse providers of social services in the UK after the government consisting of 1.6 million members. It started in 1865 and was formally known as East London Christian Mission. In time of disaster and adequate needs, for example Haiti’s Earthquake, Salvationists’ nationwide appeals for financial and material donations like food and shelter that will yield tremendous support, enabling the Army to provide assistance to thousands. The only ways they are able to pull this off is through funds from its members, the general public and appropriate enough, the local government and authorities grant. Also the Salvation Army has various advantages that make it different from all other organization. One of which includes the bushfires that hit Victoria. They were the first organization that go there to help the victims immediately and provide the basic necessities, and their fundraising provided financial aid immediately. But other victims had to wait months for funds from the Red Cross to arrive. This was because The Salvation Army had citizens within that country and was able to get aid to victims immediately before other organizations. Finally the Salvation Army is worthy of this blog post because it is a dream of a better world battling against hunger, poverty, and despair and it is fought with faith and compassion and its ordinary large members that accomplish extraordinary things through every day funding.
ReplyDeleteHere’s a video about the wonders performed by the Salvation Army.
Tobi.B. Period 2
The Touch a Life Foundation is an organization that centers around Vietnam, Cambodia, and Ghana. Within these countries child trafficking and modern day slavery are heavily present. The goal of Touch a Life is to conduct rescue operations to save the enslaved children and provide them with a safe place to live and go to school. But more than that, these children are provided with love. This non-profit organization offers hope to children who have nothing. It gives them a chance at a life they never could have imagined. It advocates on behalf of the voiceless and oppressed children who work from dawn till dusk 7 days a week. This program saves lives.
ReplyDeleteTouch a Life is worthy of our attention and assistance because it is truly making a difference in people’s lives. There are no ulterior motives behind the program, only the children being released from slavery are gaining something. In addition, freedom is something that should be an integral part of life. No one should have to fight for the right to their own body. This program is granting children so much more than a bed, food, and education; it is giving them their freedom. Slavery should have been demolished long ago, and this organization is working hard to make that happen. But they cannot do it alone. Touch a Life needs donations from ordinary people in order to maintain the program and continue changing lives. This is something bigger than us; it is something that has significance. It deserves our attention.
Link to the videos:
Catholic Relief Services is a non-profit organization that seeks to serve suffering people overseas. This organization provides relief in time of natural disasters and other major emergencies. They provide guidance and care for the poverty stricken and work to fight disease within these poor communities. Another mission that Catholic Relief Services executes daily is so maintain peaceful and just societies within many of these third world countries. In addition to fostering justice and charity throughout these communities, the CRS provides religious teachings to assist in the reformation of the societies that have been negatively impacted by poverty, disease, and violence. These teachings, both moral and social, allow for a sound government and community to form. CRS works endlessly to provide care and guidance for all communities, world wide, that have been placed in such terrible conditions. It is only with donations that the CRS acts as an agent of hope and assistance in over 100 of the poorest countries throughout the world. With the help of donations, the CRS can further its services to many more countries, to decrease poverty and disease, allowing for a more just world.
Molly Robben
Deinhammer, 3rd.
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is the first humane society founded in North America and is also one of the largest in the world. Founded by Henry Bergh in 1866, the ASPCA's goal ever since is to ensure the kind and respectful treatment of animals in the United States. In order to do this, the society aims to lead in three key areas:caring for pet parents and pets, providing positive outcomes for at-risk animals, and serving victims of animal cruelty. They complete tasks such as founding local animals hospitals or turning dog pounds into professional, healthy animal shelters. Along with any animal cruelty arrests against humans, this organization has altered the way people treat animals in the United States. The ASPCA has made animal cruelty a much more public issue and exposed how much of this abuse is really going on in America. After celebrating its 140th anniversary in 2006, the organization is still currently going strong with over one million supporters.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training is an organization (within an organization) that raises money to support leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and Hodgkin's disease research and treatment. Founded in 1988, the organization raises money with the help of athletes who participate in road races and triathalons. After signing up with the organization, athletes have the responsibility of finding charitable donors who would sponsor them in their future athletic events. Even though this might seem a little difficult, most people don't have a problem recruiting sponsors. With the understanding that their athletic performance affects the life of someone with cancer, its easy to see why 40,000 athletes anually push themselves to find donors and prepare their bodies to race the nation's toughest distance races.
News story on the creation of Team In Training and its current success as a charitable foundation
Jordan Williams
Casa de Amor is a non profit children’s orphanage in Bolivia. My cousin Jennifer Thompson is the founder of the organization and started her orphanage in 2004. Since 2004 they have grown tremendously and has helped a good handful of the 20,000 Bolivian children who do not have a home. They take in a large number of abandoned children and infants to keep them healthy and educated while attempting to find them loving homes with in Bolivia. When ever possible they reconnect children with some kind of family and keep siblings together. The Bolivian government has become very strict about foreign adoption and restricts Americans from adopting Bolivian children. With very limiting options Casa de Amor is many children’s last hope at a promising future or a chance of survival. Casa de Amor is worthy of a blog post because it shows how we can help at least one of the 20,000 children who do not have half of what we have at least find a loving home.
Taylor Thompson. 7th period.
Touch a Life is a non-profit organization whose goal is to improve the quality of life citizens in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Ghana. Their main focus is on children, but Touch a Life also helps those afflicted with AIDS, as well as some elderly citizens in Cambodia. They are currently giving housing, food, clothing, medical supplies,and education to more than 500 people, many of whom are children rescued from human trafficking. Touch a Life has not only improved the quality of life for hundreds of people, but have saved the lives of many as well. Human trafficking, while cruel, is much more than that. It is extremely dangerous due to disease, drowning, starvation, and beatings, and has taken the lives of countless children. Touch a Life's goal is to forever end human trafficking and show these children how important their lives are and how deeply they are loved.
Emily Fowler. Period 5.
SADD, otherwise known as Students Against Destructive Desicions, is an organization dedicated to promoting good prevention tools to students who may deal with issues like drinking and drugs. SADD is found in a heap of schools across the nation which helps get the message out to more students. Through this organization, students are encouraged to join in community service, role modeling, and positive peer pressure which provides them with a strong base when confronted with destructive decisions. SADD wants to show students that they can still have the time of their lives, but not risking it by acting silly for a few hours. This organization needs to be promoted more nowadays because of the higher risks students face inside and outside of schools with more drugs/alcohol being smuggled to students. If SADD can make a difference by teaching one students how to avoid bad choices, imagine how many can be taught across America.
Harvest Garden in a non-profit organization that works to alleviate world hunger through education and the improvement of nutrition of economically disadvantaged countries. The organization is run by full-time volunteers and has 5000 supporters each season. Garden Harvest establishes community farms to educate people on the organic production of fruit, vegetables, eggs and wool, so that they can soon run their own farm properly. This education teaches disadvantaged people of all ages marketable skills for obtaining good jobs and running their own farms successfully. In addition Garden Harvest allows people to donate goats, chickens, oxen, cows, and sheep to needy families in India and Appalachia. Through their website people are also able to donate tractors, trucks, shovels and other equipment to less fortunate families. Garden Harvest donates thousands of pounds of fruit, vegetables, and eggs to the poor every season, and absolutely none of it is sold for profit. This organization is making a large effort to help out the poor and to bring world hunger to an end, and the more people that join and help out then the better the world will be.
By: Abby Drake
Relay For Life is charity organization that holds events all over the United States to raise money in the cause of cancer and pay tribute to those battling or have died from cancer. Relay For Life works closely with the American Cancer Society and both organizations raise money and have contributed to all major discoveries in cancer research which has saved millions of lives. The Relay For Life event is a community gathering in which people raise and donate as much money as they can and as a team walk around a track all night attempting to influence others and raise awareness about cancer. My life has been dramatically effected by cancer. My father past away from cancer and I survived it as a child. I have been apart of this organization with my friends since we have been freshman in high school, and I feel that this organization makes a significant difference in the fight against cancer. Families all over the nation and the world are suffering in some way from the curse of cancer, and hopefully this blog will encourage everyone to become aware and attempt to make a difference by joining Relay For Life or in any way. The video below will help describe what Relay For Life is and its ultimate purpose and importance.
I Am Second is a Christian non-profit organization that helps people overcome through all kinds of destructive lifestyles; these destructive behaviors can range from abuse (physical, verbal, spouse, drugs, alcohol, etc) to disorders (mental, physical, eating, etc.) and more (affluence, divorce, fatherlessness, meaning, purpose in life, racism, satisfaction, pride, handicaps, selfishness, success, and war, and still more to come). This organization connects people from all over the globe with similar issues, and allows the people who have overcome that issue to share their insights with the people in need. By teaching that the LORD our God and Jesus Christ comes first, I Am Second offers the knowledge that no matter what mistakes people make time and time again, God still loves them and wants them to let go of their guilt and torment. I Am Second’s purpose is to provide a better life for everyone, everywhere.
Beau Vernon 2nd
ReplyDeleteMADD, or Mothers Against Drunk Driving, is a non-profit organization that promotes awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking. This organization has already made a huge impact on the rate of drunk driving related accidents and fatalities. Without this organization, some 300,000 Americans would have been killed had drunk driving been allowed to continue at the epidemic levels of 1980. Since the start of MADD, alcohol-related traffic deaths have decreased by more than 40%, but underage drinking is still the number one youth drug problem, killing more teens than any other illicit drug.
GOAL, an international humanitarian organization founded in Dublin, Ireland, is committed to serve the poorest of the poor throughout the world, in countries such as Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Haiti and Pakistan. A non-denominational, non-governmental and non-political organization, GOAL, since its inception in 1977, has spent over 650 million pounds to aid their humanitarian work world wide. Since 1977, GOAL has also responded to every major humanitarian disaster. In Ethiopia, for example, GOAL is currently help educate the population about nutrition as well aiding as HIV/AIDS education and helping at risk kids. GOAL is great organization that is helping many people all over the world.
Tyler Fenner 5th
ReplyDeleteThe American Diabetes Association is a group that helps promote the awareness and prevention of diabetes. It helps supports individuals that are diagnosed with diabetes and it provides different outlets for the patients. They provide useful information and facts about diabetes that helps prevent other cases. They offer a way for people to have access to helpful tools and medicine such as machines that read peoples blood sugar. Their website is a place where people can go and donate money to help those who can not afford proper medical care with diabetes. The website also has many nutritional facts and diets for diabetics to use to help improve their everyday life. There is a large amount of people that are diagnosed with diabetes and this organization provides much needed help.
First Candle is a national nonprofit health organization uniting parents, caregivers and researchers nationwide with government, business and community service groups to advance infant health and survival. With help from a national network of partner organizations, we are working to increase public participation and support in the fight against Stillbirth, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and other causes of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death.
ReplyDeleteFirst Candle believes that success in saving babies’ lives will be enhanced through strategic partnerships, collaboration and coalition-building. They are governed by a volunteer board of directors, employ a top-notch staff to manage our programs and services and utilize a national network of members and partners to support our efforts to provide every baby with the best possible chance to survive and thrive.
Brooks Middleton
Ronald McDonald House program provides a “home-away-from-home” for families so they can stay close by their hospitalized child at little or no cost. There are over 300 Ronald McDonald Houses across the nation. The organization raises money through donations from sponsors and individuals. Volunteers help to feed, clean, and comfort the families and patients staying in the Ronald McDonald House. Families are stronger when they are together sobBy staying at a Ronald McDonald House parents also can communicate with their child’s medical team and keep up with treatment plans. Parents can also focus on the health of their child, rather than grocery shopping, cleaning or cooking meals.
A Sister's Gift is a charity founded by Cheryl Edwards in 1995. The clinic in downtown dallas works to proactively test females for HIV. Their mission is to inform women about HIV and give them specific treatent options and resources to help them increase their quality of life and well being. They also volunteer throughout the community to create HIV awarness in order to prevent future cases. They are commited to offering women in dallas and abroad a vast amount of social services that target mothers, the disabled, and low income women that have limited food and clothing.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure is the world's largest non-profit organization for breast cancer. In began in 1982, and has invested over 1.5 billion dollars towards finding a cure for this disease. With the support of many sponsors and donators around the world, Susan G. Komen for the Cure has turned many breast cancer patients into breast cancer survivors. Several activities are held throughout the year to raise money for this cause such as the Komen Race for the Cure. They are local activists in over 120 cities and have helped treat millions of women in over 200 countries around the world. I have family members and friends that have been affected by breast cancer so this organization is very important to me. It is amazing how big of a difference on women can make in the world. We should be grateful for this non-profit organization and everything it has done to save many lives.
Jackie Clark 6th period
ReplyDeleteCompassion International is a Christian organization that sponsors kids oversees. Compassion was founded by Rev. Everett Swanson in 1952 and started providing basic needs for Orphans from the Korean War, as well as raising them to be good Christians. Today Compassion helps over 1 million kids in 26 countries. By paying only 40 dollars a month you can provide one child for the rest of their life. Those 40 dollars pays for the education, their health, their clothes, and their family. Compassion says that “Sponsoring children in need is breaking the cycle of poverty.” There are so many kids out there that need our help, and honestly we can spare just 40 dollars a month to help change how they live in this world forever. This organization is so great because you aren’t just sending money hoping that its helping your kid. You actually know that it is because you are able to write letters to them and they write back, you can send pictures and encouraging words to these kids to help turn their lie around. Someone can really trust this program because it is a Christian inspired organization and they are trying to change the world on kid at a time just like many others are out there.
Macaully Shumate 6th period
ReplyDeleteTo Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit organization that presents hope and finds help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA tries to encourage, inform, inspire and also invest in treatment and recovery. This organization aims at loving and encouraging those whom do not feel loved. The organization builds hope in that rescue is possible and freedom can be achieved. This organization began in the spring of 2006 when the organization's creator’s friend was struggling with depression and addiction and needed treatment. Friend's of the victim tried to raise money for treatment by selling t-shirts and creating a myspace page. When people began asking a lot of questions about how they could get their friends help too, the organization took off. To this day, TWLOHA still sells t-shirts. Switchfoot and Amberlin were some of the first bands to wear and support the t-shirts. Since 2006, the organization has responded to over 150,000 messages in 40 different countries. The organization speaks at concerts, universities, churches, etc. Two out of three people that struggle with depression never get help, and untreated depression is one of the main causes of suicide. Depression is very treatable, so by receiving treatment, victims of depression would feel better, the suicide rate would decrease, and the world is a happier place.
A lot of people across the world struggle with depression. If they would get treatment, they would be happier and freed individuals. I believe this organization does a great job in making people aware of this problem. It also brings hope and relief to people that are experiencing the problem.
To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit organization that presents hope and finds help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA tries to encourage, inform, inspire and also invest in treatment and recovery. This organization aims at loving and encouraging those whom do not feel loved. The organization builds hope in that rescue is possible and freedom can be achieved. This organization began in the spring of 2006 when the organization's creator’s friend was struggling with depression and addiction and needed treatment. Friend's of the victim tried to raise money for treatment by selling t-shirts and creating a myspace page. When people began asking a lot of questions about how they could get their friends help too, the organization took off. To this day, TWLOHA still sells t-shirts. Switchfoot and Amberlin were some of the first bands to wear and support the t-shirts. Since 2006, the organization has responded to over 150,000 messages in 40 different countries. The organization speaks at concerts, universities, churches, etc. Two out of three people that struggle with depression never get help, and untreated depression is one of the main causes of suicide. Depression is very treatable, so by receiving treatment, victims of depression would feel better, the suicide rate would decrease, and the world is a happier place.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people across the world struggle with depression. If they would get treatment, they would be happier and freed individuals. I believe this organization does a great job in making people aware of this problem. It also brings hope and relief to people that are experiencing the problem.
Buckner International, a global Christian ministry that seeks justice for orphans and at-risk children in the United States and more than 50 countries around the world, is an organization that provides hope for orphans across the globe. Buckner aims to help others realize that something can be done to help children in need. Buckner devised the “Shoes for Orphan Souls” program in order to deliver aid to orphaned kids around the world. This ministry of Buckner International provides new shoes and socks to orphans and at-risk children around the globe. By organizing shoe drives and aid trips, Shoes for Orphaned Souls, or SOS, provides opportunities for individuals, groups and organizations who want to transform lives by lending a hand to those in need. Since 1999, more than 2 million pairs of new kicks have been distributed to children in a total of 68 different countries.
ReplyDeletehere is a video a church put together of its members participating in Buckner's Shoes for Orphan Souls program
The Susan G. Komen for the Cure® organization is one dedicated to raising awareness and for and research funds for breast cancer. It was started in 1982 by the sister/CEO Nancy G. Brinker of Susan G. Komen. For years since its inception, it has become the world’s largest non-profit group to contribute money raised dedicated to aid in the search for a cure of this cancer. Along with sponsors and their Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® races that take place globally throughout the year, $1.5 billion has been invested thanks to their supporters and members. Recently the movement has spread to more than 50 countries through partnerships to fundraise or be receiving research money raised in the States.
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realized. Workers fight for children's rights, their survival, development and protection all around the world.UNICEF was created by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946 to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II. In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the UN System and its name was shortened from the original United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund but it has continued to be known by the popular acronym based on this old name. Headquartered in New York City, UNICEF provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.
Hoops for Heart is a national program sponsored by the American Heart Association along with the AAHPERD. It was founded by cott Neal and Taryn Bachis of Albuquerque Academy in New Mexico in 1989. They were gym teachers who had noticed the unhealthy effects of kids being inactive and realized how much it effected the heart. Many kids around America are becoming extremely unhealthy and to this day this causes a number of heart problems. So with this, they decided to take a stand and founded this organization. Basically the system is very similar to jump rope for heart. They raise money at school events and then put that money towards the research and educational programs that fight against diseases in the heart. They currently have over 5000 schools around the nation participating in this event. Below is the link to their website.
Kyle Echerd
Deinhammer 6
Disney's Friends for Change Project Green trys to get kids to take little steps everyday to help the planet. Disney wants to inspire everybody to work together to make small daily changes that add up to a big difference. Disney focuses on four major categories; waste, water, habitat, and climate. Disney distributes $1 million in donations to environmental projects around the world.
Ellie Rose 2nd period
ReplyDeletePUSH (Play Units for the Severely Handicapped) America is an organization that supports programs for children with disabilities. Every summer they sponsor Journey of Hope in which 150 young men cycle across the United States from the west coast to the east coast in order to raise money for this charity. This large fundraising effort provides for special playground equipment for children with all sorts of disabilities. This charity also supports events for handicapped children such a wheelchair basketball and sponsors construction programs for making buildings handicapped accessible.
The NAACP, or the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is an interest group that was founded in 1907, making it one of the oldest civil rights organizations around today. The mission is "to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination". Although the name suggests only racial justice for blacks, they really are in favor of racial equality across the board. One reason this is important is that America is a leader in civil rights (umh, sometimes), and therefor needs to be the leader in equality programs like affirmative action for other countries in the world. The victories this organization go on endlessly, and continue to this day. Without them, we would live in a world of Black Panthers and other outrageous organizations led by Malcolm X supporters.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that distinguishes this group from the other organizations mentioned is their ongoing support of a single topic with such vigor. One example of this would be the NAACP not backing Justice Clarence Thomas, despite his obvious skin color. This is a bold move that makes a clear stand- we only support those willing to promote the agenda of racial equality. This stand is important to make for the world as a whole, NO ONE is free to be against racial development, regardless of race or ethnic background.
Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) is an organization established in 1991 that fights against medical and humanitarian crisis facing children in the Middle East. Its main goal is to treat every child in the Middle East in need of surgery, which is not available to them locally. They locate, sponsor, and run volunteer medical missions to the Middle East in treatments such as vascular surgery, occupational therapy, maxiofacial surgery, and more. The PCRF also helps improve the quality of medical care by contributing medical equipment to the West Bank and The Gaza Strip. The PCRF provided a million dollars worth of treatment for many sick children each year. IN addition, it trained Palestinian surgeons and sent American medical personnel to treat difficult medical cases. In 2008, thousands of children had expert medical tests and surgeries/treatments for free. This is a great organization that has accomplished so much and provides plenty of help to kids.
The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) is a non-profit organization that assists people who suffer from poverty, hunger, disaster, and injustice. The CRWRC is involved in 35 different countries around the world and is currently fighting a recent outbreak of Cholera in Haiti. CRWRC offers many programs such as their Embrace AIDS Program, International Disaster Response Program, and Free a Family Program. The Embrace AIDS Program reaches out to communities hurting from AIDS and provides them with information about the disease. The International Disaster Response Program has reached out to countries like Bangladesh, Ecuador, Indonesia, and Kenya providing food, clothing, and water. The Free a Family Program allows you to support one child each month to help break the bonds of poverty and ensure a good education. To get involved, the CRWRC offers job positions and volunteer positions. Also people can sponsor a child or even apply for an internship.
The Special Olympics was founded by Eunice Kennedy Shriver who started a camp in her backyard for those with special needs in June of 1962 which eventually led to the first International Special Olympics being held in Chicago in 1968.The Special Olympics is an organization that provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. This training and competition gives those with special needs an opportunity to develop physical fitness and experience the joy and excitement of athletic competition. The organization depends on thousands of volunteers to serve as coaches, officials, competition assistants, and much more. Corporate sponsors, as well as private donors, provide the finances needed to run the Special Olympics. The United States is an extremely competitive nation, where the best and brightest are usually on top. This is true for the state of Texas, especially when it comes to sports. Although harsh, but a reality, most of those with special needs aren’t given the opportunity to develop physical fitness and experience the joy and excitement of athletic competition. At the Special Olympics, however, everyone is given that opportunity, regardless of the disease or state of mind. The Special Olympics is the only place for those with intellectual disabilities to develop acceptance and believe in themselves, improve life skills and have the chance to do their best. This is summed up by the Special Olympics Oath: "Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."
5th Period
Compassion International is an organization formed with the mission to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. It's main goal is to help children in impoverished countries get schooling, medical needs, and clean water. This organization allows people to adopt a child in a developing country for only $38 a month. Through this "adoption," the child will receive all of the necessities to survive and gain an education. Compassion International is an amazing organization that frees children from poverty.
ReplyDeleteThis video was created by Emily Fowler and Hannah Yates as a way to spread the word about Compassion International.
The Jason Kidd Foundation is dedicated to improving education among the youth, by making sure that kids of all ages have all the things they need through mentoring, tutoring programs to succeed in life. The Jason Kidd Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping young people succeed in life by using education. In the past the Jason Kidd Foundation has raised funds through various events and programs, such as the Celebrity Golf Tournament, Boys Night Out, and the "Assist 4 Kidds" program.
Zack Ratcliffe 6th period
Ilene Monh 1st Pd.
ReplyDeleteAction Against Hunger is a global humanitarian organization founded 30 years ago. Located in more than 40 countries, Action Against Hunger has worked with local communities and government agencies help families, villages, and entire communities rebuild their lives from the ground up. Their mission is to fight to end world hunger through prevention, detection, and treatment of malnutrition especially after disasters. The focus is to create lifesaving programs about nutrition, water, sanitation, food security and hygiene. Since being founded, their programs have helped more than 5 million people a year worldwide. Their help can mean the difference between life and death.Action against Hunger has been around awhile and millions of people don't have any food to eat and have nowhere to go except down. They are not only fighting to end world hunger, but are also helping people everywhere to rebuild whatever they have left to have a better life. The people in more than 40 countries are surviving day by day and if Action against Hunger is trying to make a difference and help those people, then they are worth this blog.
Union Gospel Mission is a homeless shelter and organization trying to help the 'last, least, lost and lonely of Dallas' and Fort Worth. Started in 1949, UGM has been feeding and giving a home to over 500 men, women, and children nightly. They are a homeless shelter, worship center, and a place of confort to those who need shelter from the hardships of being lost and homeless in Dallas/Fort Worth. UGM has volunteers come in daily to give breakfast, lunch, and dinner to the people at the shelter. They spend time talking with all the people there while they eat, building relationships and learning about each other. They are an organization commited to helping out the homeless people in DFW, and giving them a roof over their heads, a good meal, and a hope for a brighter future.
ReplyDeleteVisit their website at http://www.ugmdallas.org/
Heifer International is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to ending hunger and poverty in communities all over the world. Their goal is "to give families a hand-up rather than a hand-out". This means instead of just passing out vital supplies, Heifer focuses on helping families find ways to support themselves. They donate livestock and training to families in need so that they will be able to support themselves in the future. They also help communities build homes and give out micro-loans in order to end poverty permanently rather than just temporarily. Currently they have projects in 5 continents and are still expanding rapidly.
Ryan Horner 4th
Margaux Paylim, 6th
ReplyDeleteBBBS, also known as Big Brother Big Sister, is an organization that strives to provide mentors or role models to children who are in need of an adult figure they can look up to. This organization doesn't just look for an adult to watch over these children who need a role model in their life, but someone who can be their best friends and expand their minds on every aspect of life and the world. I believe that Big Brother Big Sister is such a great organization because it provides those children in need of a role model a direct person they can relate to. Big Brother Big Sister matches up the mentor and the child with alike interests. Also, Big Brother Big Sister is one on one, every child gets their own mentor to bond and bind with. This is beneficial because the mentor can provide their little with all their attention. I think having a mentor for these kids is a good way for them to open up and talk about anything they need. Having a mentor helps the child look up to a role model and hopefully strive to be like them in the future. These mentors set up a good future for those children in need and create a positive influence on their lives.
Canine soulmates is a volunteer organization that is dedicated to saving dog's lives by giving them homes to stay at until they are adopted; otherwise, they would be sent to the pound where they have only a couple of days to be adopted before they are put down due to lack of space. Through a foster program, families keep dogs at their house until they find a "forever home" to live at. The families take them in and nurse them back to health; most of the dogs come from situations where they are abandoned or abused and need a lot of tender loving care. They must be groomed properly (most have become very mangy), fed a healthy diet, and treated kindly as most have behavioral issues due to their previous living conditions. They aim to not only promote fostering dogs, but to adopt rescuing dogs- they argue that rescue dogs are already accustomed to living in homes and have been trained prior to being adopted, and that it is important to save a dog from the pound. I think that Canine Soulmates is worth of the blog page because it is an organization that not many people have heard about, but that many Coppell families could be a part of. A lot of families have pets or consider having pets, and getting a dog through canine soulmates is a great thing to consider. I also have a personal connection to this organization because my aunt is very involved with the Canine Soulmates, and my family is currently fostering a 2-year-old dachshund named Suzy.
^Pictures of some of the dogs that are available to be adopted through Canine Soulmates.
Keep America Beautiful's mission is to engage individuals to take greater responsibility for improving their community environments. Keep America Beautiful formed in 1953 when a group of corporate and civic leaders met in New York City to discuss a revolutionary idea — bringing the public and private sectors together to develop and promote a national cleanliness ethic. They feel that education is the key to encouraging positive behaviors toward community improvement. Keep America Beautiful focuses on litter prevention, waste reduction and recycling, and improving the visual aspects of our communities. Keep America Beautiful affiliates offer year-round volunteer opportunities, internships, learning programs, and more with affiliates in over 560 communities.
Nicodemus Wilderness Project is a foundation that helps all around the world clean up all the trash that people just throw around or that blows out of trashcans. This service is a learning program that brings youth volunteers, including those who are disadvantaged, in environmental stewardship projects such as beach, river and mountain trash clean-ups. Wildlife habitat and trail restoration, native tree planting, community recycling programs and big plant removal. youth get the ability to discover how to clean up the world and how they can make a difference in the world.
Jamie McRae 1st period
NBA Cares is a foundation promoted to teach children all across the world key social issues such as education, youth and family development and health-related causes. What this organization does is take NBA players to schools or other educational places and uses those players to teach and interact with the kids on the different issues located above. NBA Cares creates a place where these children and their family can have a place to live, learn, and play all the while doing so with their favorite NBA stars stopping by. The NBA, its teams, and players support a wide range of programs, partners, and initiatives that strive to positively impact children and families worldwide. This organization also provides assistance in hands-on service and legacy projects. Since October 2005 when NBA Cares was launched, the league, players and teams have raised more than $145 million for charity, provided more than 1.4 million hours of hands-on service, and built more than 525 places where kids and families can live, learn or play in communities around the world.
ReplyDeleteVisit its website and volunteer at: http://www.nba.com/nba_cares/
Here's a Youtube video to introduce what this organization is all about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUF5QcSwKes
Carter BloodCare is a not-for-profit organization that is driven on behalf of their loved ones in 54 Texas counties. The organization caravans to several counties in order to draw quarts upon quarts of blood for patients in need of blood transfusions. Carter BloodCare was created in 1998 by merging BloodCare in Dallas and Carter Blood Center which was located in Fort Worth to form the well-known organization that stands today. Carter BloodCare is Texas' largest blood donation center, providing more than 330,000 units of blood components for all sorts of different types of patients annually. Carter BloodCare is the primary provider of blood components and transfusion services for approximately 300 Texas health care facilities. Carter BloodCare does not just appeal to the adults in order to receive their transfusions, the organization travels to several high schools to allow kids to make a difference as well. This organization is important because it gives people who need clean, healthy blood the chance to live. Also, it gives donors a way to feel like they have actually helped someone or saved someone’s life by donating blood. It is a win-win situation; people get to live and donors get to feel as if they truly have made a difference.
The global organization CARE focuses on eliminating the basic reasons for poverty, so that people are better able to care for themselves. While focusing on distributing help to women and children specifically, CARE perceives the aid of women to be the sole cause of lasting social change, since they may always teach the practices to the next generation. In order to foster the fundamental improvements that make reducing poverty possible, CARE works with farmers to increase the yield of their crops, conducts community savings-and loan programs, provides technical training, increases the availability of basic education, and offers emergency relief. Moreover, CARE delivers health services and trains local volunteers, spreads awareness of HIV/AIDS, teaches mothers about the proper nutrition vital to a child’s development, and helps communities maintain clean water systems. Thus, CARE gives people the skills and resources needed to escape the cycle of poverty, practice effective living habits, earn a substantial income, and teach further generations the important practices to maintain a high-quality life. However, CARE also conducts individual projects, such as The Girl Effect, in which the betterment of girls’ education around the world is focused on. Because the organization understands that merely an effective education results in a higher paying job, fewer, healthier, and more knowledgeable children, increased protection against HIV, and a more active role in economic, social, and political decision-making, it works to increase the availability and ease at which one receives such an education. Moreover, this organization is successful in helping entire communities, because by facilitating the support of women, such beneficiaries are able to pass on such practices and opportunities to their husbands and children. Therefore, the organization is worthy of being recognized for its well-planned efforts and extensive and dedicated missions, since it is able to lift entire communities out of the poverty cycle and keep them out for centuries to come, by instilling long-lasting values and habits.
Life Without Limbs is an organization led by Nick Vujicic. Nick was born with no arms and no legs and from an early age struggled with suicide thoughts and depression. When he was very young he tried to kill himself however, he couldn't follow through because he realized that he would hurt his family very much. Through the dark times in his life he discovered faith in Jesus Christ and became a professional speaker, sharing with people that everyone is worth something and that God has made everyone for a reason. Nick has traveled around the world sharing his story and his faith with many people and villages. Nick has made some amazing impact and I believe he can continue to greatly impact the world today.
ReplyDeleteKim Kirby
http://www.lifewithoutlimbs.org/about-nick (cool video on this page)
Charity: Water is a non-profit organization that works to bring clean drinkable water to developing countries. It was started by Scott Harrison, who, in 2004, spent time helping those in developing countries by joining a group called Mercy Ships. As he worked with these people living in poverty, dealing with diseases that were brought on my the unclean water that they were surrounded by, he realized that he needed to help make a difference. This charity works for one simply idea, water for all. In the countries that this charity helps, many citizens have to walk around five miles in order to fill a container with water and then walk the 5 miles back. Some statistics to prove why the issue of clean water is one of extreme importance is that roughly one billion people are living without clean water. To put this in perspective, one billion seconds is about 32 years and one billion people is roughly one out of every eight people. To help theses people, charity:water enters a villages and not only builds them a system in order to gain clean water, whether that be a filter, rain collector, or well, and teaches them how to use and repair it. This is an extremely important charity by allowing other countries to have what has become an unthought of luxury, clean water.
Morgan Harnois
7th Period
The World Hunger Organization, WHO, is an organization that was established in the United Nations. WHO’s Constitution came into force on April 7, 1948, a date that is now celebrated every year as World Health Day. The main goal of the organization is to direct and coordinate heath. It shapes the health research agenda, setsnorms and standards, articulates evidence-based policy options, provides technical support to countries and monitors and assesses health trends. The WHO responds to hunger problems using the six point agenda. The six points consist of promoting development, fostering heath security, strengthening health systems, harnessing research, evidence and information, enhancing partnerships, and lastly improving preformance. Promoting development means that WHO tries to increase the economic state of the hunger stricken country, resulting in better health. Fostering health securities means that they take measures to prevent any sudden widespread outbreaks in sicknesses. Strengthening health systems means that WHO is trying to help other health systems reach the poor countires to offer more help. Harnessing research means that WHO researches the sicknesses and prioritizes their tasks at hand. Enhancing partnerships means that WHO works with the country in collaboration to meet their specified goal. Lastly, improving preformance means that WHO is aiming to imporve their effectiveness and efficiancy. The WHO organization is worthy enough to be on this blog because hunger is a larger issue than what is presumed. For example, over 1 billion people, 1/6 of the worlds population suffers from one or more neglected topical diseases. I believe that the issue of hunger is overlooked, and needs to be brought to attention. The World Hunger Organization is a great campaign in helping to end world hunger and with donations by people around the world, they can further imporve their six point step, which results in putting an end to hunger aroung the world.
ReplyDeleteWeb site used:
A GREATT youtube video with pictures:
-Ashley Adams (1st period)
International Justice Mission, also known as IJM, is a human rights agency that aims to protect and rescue those victimized by violence, abuse, slavery, and human trafficking around the globe. IJM was founded in 1997 by Gary Haugen, a United Nations investigator, in response to the horrendous aftermath of the Rwandan genocide. Throughout the past 13 years, IJM has committed to do four main things: provide relief to the victims of abuse, hold perpetrators accountable for their abuse, help victims rebuild their lives and respond to their emotional and physical needs, and prevent abuse. The agency is made up of lawyers, investigators, and social workers that work together to support the victims and take action against the perpetrator. One of the biggest issues causing these problems is human trafficking. Human trafficking is the buying and selling of impoverished human beings, often times women that are forced into prostitution. IJM believes that this violence can be stopped when the power of the law brings the perpetrators to justice as well as rescuing and protecting the invulnerable. They have made a lot of process over the past years, and are dedicated to continuing this fight for the innocent victims of abuse around the world. This agency is worthy of the blog page because it is addresses and is taking action to solve issues that many are unaware of and uneducated about. Although people can't directly travel across the globe to first handedly save people caught in the violent grasp of human trafficking, they can give money to IJM that is making a huge difference in so many lives and countries.
Save the Children is the world's leading organization for children. Their vision is to someday provide all children with the right survival, protection, development and participation. When disaster strikes, Save the Children is there to save lives with food, water, medical care, and education. When disaster ceases, Save the Children remains to build lives for the underprivliged children. Save the Children was there when World War II ended as one of its first main overseas projects. They helped all the children coming out of concentration camps to regain their lives back. Since then, Save the Children has expanded to over 50 countries, helping children everywhere. This organization is so important in our world because it is dedicated to helping our children, our future.
ReplyDeletekatherine marshall
Megan Donaldson
ReplyDeletePeriod 3
The ALS Association is a nonprofit organization aims towards finding a cure to ALS disease while giving patients hope. What is ALS? The technical name is Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease,".It is progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Motor neurons reach from the brain to the spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the muscles throughout the body. The progressive degeneration of the motor neurons in ALS eventually leads to their death. When the motor neurons die, the ability of the brain to initiate and control muscle movement is lost. With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, patients in the later stages of the disease may become totally paralyzed. This fatal disease may not be "well known" but it does affect many people as they grow old. One main goal of the ALS is to raise the level of awareness of The ALS Association as the leading voice and most trusted source of information about Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Lead, direct and collaborate on global research to understand the disease, develop treatments and find a cure. Provide every person with ALS and their families access to high quality, and compassionate support services.
Advance a nationwide program that increases funding for ALS research, improves patient services and empowers the entire ALS community. The ALS Association wants to become a main source of information on Lou Gehrigs's disease and most of all wants to give hope to those suffering from it. Below is a link to the association's logo...
Sanders Claus is a charity that was started by the NFL legend Deion Sanders. The main goal of the group and its affiliates, TXA 21 and local companies, is to help DFW/Fort Worth residents in need. Regardless of if the situation of the needy is realted to athletics at all, Deion Sanders and his partners step in to do whatever it takes to improve the lives of anyone they can in the Metroplex. I believe groups like this are some of the most important of any charities, because they help local people and stay within a given parameter. This allows more to get done in a certain area and bonds the Metroplex as whole. When a members of a city know that they can count on each other when their chips are down, well, that is what truly makes a city. Deion Sanders truly gives back and I believe he can truly impact the Metroplex around us today.
ReplyDeleteTaylor's Gift Foundation is an organization that was recently started by one of our very own Coppell residents. Todd Storch created the Taylor's Gift Foundation in honor of his deceased daughter, Taylor, whom tragically died in March. This foundation was created in order to help educate others on the importance of organ donation, and to help others become organ donors. This organization has affected many people nationwide already, and it has not even been a full year. This organization is owned, and fully ran by Todd Storch. It is simply dedicated to the expansion of organ donors (specifically in Texas) so that others can help people in need, just as Taylor helped others. I feel that this foundation is worthy of being on this blog page for two reasons: it was founded by a member of our community, and it is for a great cause. I believe that everybody should be organ donors simply because it will help others in the end.
ReplyDeleteKeely Leonard
Anatomy- 1st
Patrick Gillen- 5th period:
ReplyDeleteThe Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is a foundation set up by the Gates family. Their foundation was set up in order to stop hunger around the world. Their goal was to not set up one organization to stop world hunger, but set up multiple foundations. The foundation has multiple projects set up in all continents, except Antartica. A few of the projects are: "Maize is Life" which is a project designed to improve maize crops in Africa and boost yeilds by as much as 30% by 2016 benefitting up to 40 million people; 99 Percent of Way to Polio Eradication is a project designed to immunizie every last child against polio (a terrrible illness). Those are just two of the over 5 different foundations the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have set up. I am so glad to see them making an effort to not only stop world hunger, but immunizing children, setting up schools, and aid for countries just out of war. This foundation is worthy of a blog because it does not just attempt to solve one problem in the world in one location. It goes around the world solving different problems countries face.
Nick Martinez Period 1
ReplyDeleteThe Boys and Girls Club of America, or BGCA is an organization aimed at aiding neglected youth who do not have adequate adult or or supervison. Its main goals are instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence on young people who, without such factors in their life, would most likely take a very bumpy path in life, resulting in harm to society. It is a nationwide organization that rears underpriveledged children in the right dirextion, and foster a safe and encouraging environment to learn and grow as responsible and productive people in society. Many of the focuses of the organization include education and career programs, health and life skills, character and leadership programs, the arts program, sports and fitness/recreation, and other specialized works. This organization contributes to many beneficial aspects of youth promotion. They are a huge and complex system of regional divisions that contribute to community service, educational innovation, and ofcourse job creation.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8e-Bs_YIVE (explanatory video)
Bridge Lacrosse Dallas is an organization whose purpose is to spread the great sport of lacrosse to underprivileged children of Dallas. The goal is to use the sport as a vehicle for helping kids learn life skills and character values through the social atmosphere and competition lacrosse provides. This program is able to help connect these players with a larger North Texas lacrosse community. It helps to provide necessary equipment so that the kids can play, and there are a number of volunteers that help coach the teams. Lacrosse teaches trust, discipline, commitment, respect, and responsibility. Playing this wonderful game helps kids incorporate these values in to their regular lives, creating more possibilities to become successful as they grow up. Lacrosse is a passion of mine and I know what a great experience it has been for me, so I think all kids should have the opportunity to have an experience like mine. Last year, me and a couple friends volunteered to go help coach one of the Bridge teams for a practice. It was amazing to see how responsive the kids were and how much they really loved the sport. I have watched them play a few times, even beating our younger Coppell lacrosse team once. I feel this definitely deserves a spot on the blog page, because it’s not like some charity that just gives to the kids, it actually teaches them good life values. They get to be with their friends while doing something fun and having a great time. The kids get to be a part of a team that cares about each other, and works together to achieve a common goal.
ReplyDeleteHere is a video that Sam, Nate, and I made after helping coach one of the Bridge teams.
Here is the website link
Heal Africa is a collective of doctors and other medical professionals that help the war torn regions in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Founded 14 years ago, Heal Africa focuses on community development and most importantly the treatment of Gender based violence. By offering free medical care and psychological services as well as teach skills to help women who have suffered re-acclimate to their communities and help with the long-term development and progression of the economic status of their communities.
ReplyDeleteIn 2008 Heal Africa received funds and staff from UNICEF to help further their efforts. Now Heal Africa maintains 13 additional programs ranging from agriculture techniques to helping children with disabilities.
"The [Austin Street] Centre's primary purpose for existence is to offer emergency shelter and related services to the homeless person in a compassionate Christian community, so that the person in need might be better able to make responsible choices and changes in their lives. The Centre has a particular ministry of caring for those who suffer from various physical and mental disabilities, unable to care for themselves, with few or no available alternatives. This includes 24-hour shelter care for those persons recovering from serious illness or injury." I feel that this organization is worthy of being on this blog because of it's ability to reach out to those in need. I personally love helping out at Austin Street Shelter, which is a part that branches off of Austin Street Centre. My mom and I make breakfast foods and drive over to the shelter at five in the morning so that we can give them food when they wake up. Austin Street Center definitely has impacted many lives, those in need and those who are helping.
ReplyDeleteAnatomy 3
Elizabeth Cotton
ReplyDeleteAnatomy 2
Partners in Hope is an organization dedicated to finding homes for orphaned children. They receive their money by donations from people that want to help a lonely child find a family. These children are not only orphaned, but many of them are often sick or malnourished as well. I think this organization is a great cause. No child deserves to be on their own at such a young age. The organization helps children in places such as China, Vietnam, and India, bringing hope to them all.
Zoya Ministries is a foundation created to spread the word of god and to help those less fortunate around the world. Founded in 1999 by my aunt, the late Karen Abebefe. The name Zoya comes from the greek word Zoe, means "Life". They are firm believers that it is god's greatest desire to see all mankind saved irrespective of color, race, religion, sex or age. I feel this is worthy of a blog post because of the Ministry's undying dedication to help all of those in need
ReplyDeleteTo learn more, see:
Operation Christmas Child is an organization that gives Christmas presents to children all over the world. Many times these children would not normally have a Christmas present, so this organization helps to provide for those in need. The Organization encourages people to collect shoe boxes and fill them with necessary items such as shampoo and toothpaste, but also fun toys for the children as well. When I was in elememtary school, my school helped to contribute to Operation Christmas Child. Evey year before christmas, my sisters and I would find a shoebox from around the house and buy fun items to fill the shoebox with. It was so much fun trying to fit as much as possible into the shoebox and still being able to close the lid. I always found myself wanting to put more than was possible in the shoebox than could fit. Once I spent time thinking about it, I realized how little so many children have around the world. Christmas morning, our christmas tree would be filled with presents underneath for me to open, while children around the world would only be getting a small shoebox. I wanted to give as much as I could. It amazes me how joyful the children are even though they have so little. Once we finished filling the shoebox, we would write a letter to the children and put our picture inside so that they knew someone in the world cared for them and was praying for them. After everything was inside, we wrapped the shoebox for the child. I have always enjoyed helping this organization because I believe it is a very good cause and it helps so many around the world.
ReplyDeletehere is a video explaining more about Operation Christmas Child.
The Best Friends Animal Society is an organization that I have researched and worked with before, and their mission is to "bring about a time when there is no homeless pets". With the BFAS you can donate money to support their cause, adopt animals from their shelter aka "sanctuary", work in the sanctuary, sponser a pet, or become a guardian angel which helps special needs animals. Either way this non-profit organization deserves to be on here because animals are just as alive as we are, and they have feelings too. So they need to be taken care of and supported just as much as humans are, not to mention the adorable animal factor.
Sarah Barlow 5th period
ReplyDeleteThe North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) is a nonprofit hunger relief organization. Through a network of 1,146 feeding programs in 13 North Texas counties, the NTFB distributes donated, purchased, and prepared foods to those in need. Founded in 1982, the NTFB is a member of Feeding America, which is the nation’s leading domestic hunger relief charity. Each month agency pantries distribute food to more than 53,000 families as well as 435,000 meals/snacks during on-site meal programs. Last year, NTFB provided access to 44 million meals, feeding almost 25,000 people each day. The organization is also attempting to narrow the food gap through nutritional education. For every dollar donated, the NTFB can provide four meals and out of every donated dollar, 94 cents goes directly to hunger relief programs. The NTFB is a great organization and offers numerous and easy ways for the community to get involved. Anyone can volunteer at its main warehouse or at a member agency close to your home, make a food or money donation, or sponsor/fund a food drive. The NTFB is doing its part in changing the world by focusing on hunger issues close to home. Often times people can get too focused on hunger issues outside the United States, like in third world countries, but overlook the hunger problem that is right in front of their faces. The NTFB raises awareness of the prevalent hunger problems close to home and is making a difference in North Texas.
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (BC/EFA)is a charity comprised of working actors, designers, laborers, producers, and celebrities that have participated in productions on Broadway in New York City. The charity is special in that it uses the entertainment talents of its members to bring in money in the form of donations to benefit the research for cures and treatments of critical health issues, including but not limited to AIDS. The charity came about because the Broadway industry has lost so many talented and promising performers to serious health conditions. BC/EFA's mission is to raise both money and awareness about AIDS and other health conditions that at the moment seem incurable or too expensive to treat. Over the years, BC/EFA has created many different annual events in which Broadway actors and celebrities perform or participate to bring in people and donations. Two of these events are Broadway Barks (an event that puts sheltered dogs up for adoption that collected over $100,000 in donations and helped 200 dogs get adopted last year) and the Gypsy of the Year Competition that celebrates the 6 week period in which professional shows all across America collect donations from their audiences every night to benefit BC/EFA (last year they collected $4,630,695). Broadway Cares stresses heavily the idea that this money comes purely from donations and does not come out of business profits from the shows. In this way, audiences are still able to see productions at the same price without feeling like they're indirectly donating to a charity through added expenses onto the ticket price. All raised money comes from the hearts of people who want to help Broadway cares achieve its goal and fulfill its mission. Since 1988, BC/EFA has raised over $195 million for people who are suffering from AIDS and other critical health conditions. The charity is honorable for its selfless use of star power and entertainment to tirelessly raise awareness and expenses to improve the research for these diseases and the living conditions of those suffering from them.
ReplyDeleteHere is a student-made video that discusses the mission of Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (http://www.spike.com/video/broadway-cares/2931482) and a link to the main website of the charity (http://www.broadwaycares.org/)
Father's Heart Ministry is an organization in New York City that strives to end hunger and poverty in the surrounding area, help local youth learn work ethic and Christian values, prevent gangs, and teach non-English speaking locals English. FHM offers Tuesday night recreation for local kids and teens to keep them off the streets and in a good environment. They also offer ESL (English as a second language) classes to assist others in improving communication skills. Best of all, FHM owns an ice cream store next door where they employ a few kids who need jobs to develop workplace skills and provide references for future jobs.
ReplyDeleteI had the opportunity to stay at Father's Heart for a week last summer on a mission trip, and was able to help out with their weekly agenda. FHM has a food pantry in the basement of their building, which gets restocked every week, and they hand out food bags every Saturday to the surrounding community in need. We also got to help out with Kid Zone on Tuesday night and talk with the employees of Alphabet Scoop. Father's Heart Ministry is making great progress towards helping the community around them.
The (RED) project is a non-profit organization dedicated toward raising funds to spread treatment and awareness of HIV/AIDS in African countries. The idea behind (RED) is using the shopping power of the American consumer to generate proceeds that go toward the Global Fund and, in turn, fund treatment in Africa.
ReplyDelete(RED) can be seen in conjunction with many different retailers and organizations, most notably GAP, Apple, Converse, and Starbucks. When these businesses place a (RED) tag on a product, 50% of the proceeds from that item are donated to the Global Fund, who then spend the money supporting health and community support programs in Africa (the emphasis of the help being on suffering women and children.) (RED) can also be seen in conjunction with celebrities, with musicians such as Katy Perry and Wolfmother donating a portion of their proceeds to (RED) at what is called a (RED)NIGHT. The hope is that, one day, (RED) can eliminate AIDS in Africa for good.
Since (RED) was founded in 2006, they have been able to donate $150 million to the Global Fund and save thousands of lives. This is a wonderful program that has made it easy for normal buyers to make a difference: by just shopping.
Main site: http://www.joinred.com/red/#home
Video 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKrtG724Cek
Video 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l16YH6xCN4c
Soo La- Per: 7th
ReplyDeleteThere are countless of supportive organizations in the world that are saving many people, as well as the environment/species. One of the organization I thought was interesting was the Bread for the World. This organization is a collective Christian voice, which supports our nation's decision makers to help the poor’s; end hunger at home and abroad. In the United States, 14.6 percent of households struggle to set food on the table. Almost one in four children is at danger of hunger. Moreover, this is a big issue toward our country, which needs to have a bigger call for help. By making their voices heard in Congress, they create the laws more fair and sympathetic to people in need.925 million people are hungry. Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes. That's one child every five seconds. Furthermore, In the United States we live in the world's wealthiest nation. Yet 13 percent of people living in the United States live in poverty.
Link to the video:
Keep a Child Alive is a donation based organization which provides relief in Africa to children who have suffered with HIV/AIDS. KCA, Keep a Child Alive, has been saving lives of many in sub-Saharan African nations since 2003. The organization brings to attention the gruesome numbers statistics to African lives which have been effected by HIV/AIDS, and what you can do to mitigate the spread of it. Keep a Child Alive brings attention to the already 25 million people that have been killed by AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa and the millions more that are threatened and orphaned by the disease. By the end of 2006, 39.5 million people were living with HIV or AIDS, including 2.3 million children under the age of 15. Despite AIDS being a preventable and treatable disease, 2.9 million people died from AIDS related causes last year, including 380,000 children under the age of 15—the equivalent of one child dying per minute. KCA’s ambassador and celebrity spokeswomen is a famous singer, Alicia Keys, who often shows up on T.V. or benefits to help raise awarness and money for the organization. A lot of emotional appeal is used in helping the children of Africa affected by the gruesome illness. For instance they provide evidence to what 1 dollar a day could do for a child and how it directly goes to helping the fight for mankind in Africa.
ReplyDeleteKeep a Child Alive is worth contributing to because although there are many other organizations out there for humanitarian aid for the HIV/AIDS children in Africa, not all of them go towards benefiting the lives of children completely. For example some of the money goes to facilities to find a cure for AIDS/HIV while the money of Keep a Child Alive go towards the children’s medical treatment and the building of clinics where they can be treated directly. Some may disagree with the fact that finding a long term solution is better for the suffering African children, but they don’t regard the current circumstances which the effected African children must face. One does not outweigh the other, but people must understand that the current situation must be fixed as well as the long term solution which is being figured out by scientists.
Let's Start A Virus To End A Virus!!
Operation Smile is an international organization whose goal is to help children with cleft lips and cleft palates. Each year, more than 200,000 children are born with a severe cleft condition and are often unable to eat, speak, socialize, or even smile. Unfortunately these kids are often rejected and their families cannot afford to give them the surgeries they need in order to live a normal life. Since 1982, Operation Smile has provided free surgeries to children around the world through the help of medical volunteers. This organization is present in over 50 countries where it has been healing children and bringing hope for a better future to every child they can. Through generous supporters, Operation Smile has been able to heal 150,000 girls and boys and continues to give thousands of children a new chance at life each year. Operation smile works from the heart and reaches the unreachable. It not only raises awareness for the communities around the world but it also continually educates and trains medical professionals to ensure the best practices for these children. Every child’s face has a heart breaking story to tell and this organizations mission and success is changing these children’s lives and giving them the dignity they deserve. Because of this amazing organization, children around the world are getting a second chance at the smile of a lifetime.
Youtube Link:
The Turn 2 Foundation is a non-profit organization created by New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter in 1996, his rookie season. The foundation was created to guide children and teenagers away from drugs and alcohol and to reward them when they “Turn 2” high academic achievements and healthier lifestyles. In its existence, the Turn 2 Foundation has strived to create outlets from bad choices for children and teens called Signature Programs, which promote the message that children avoid bad decisions as they become the leader of tomorrow. These programs include camps, scholarships, and support groups that help convey the idea that illegal substances should be avoided and those that lead positive lifestyles should be rewarded with fun activities and life-changing opportunities. Jeter’s foundation is non-profit, with proceeds going to funding special events that treat the kids and remind them of the dangers of substance abuse. Jeter and the Turn 2 Foundation host several fundraisers each year, including the “Derek Jeter Celebrity Golf Classic” and the “Derek Jeter Turn 2 Foundation Dinner.” In addition to these fundraisers, the Turn 2 Foundation has awarded more than $11 million in grants since 1996 to support the notion that integrity must be practiced daily and reward those who live healthy lifestyles. In its relatively brief history, Derek Jeter’s Turn 2 Foundation has touched the lives of many children and teenagers, and its message of promoting lives without drug and underage alcohol use has been invaluable in the lives of these people.
Savannah Shealy
ReplyDeleteThe World Wide Fund (WWF) is an international non-governmental organization working on issues regarding the conservation, research and restoration of the environment, formerly named the World Wildlife Fund. It is the world's largest independent conservation organization with over 5 million supporters worldwide, working in more than 90 countries, supporting around 1300 conservation and environmental projects around the world. WWF's mission is to protect nature, animals and areas all over the world. They fund researching and science revolving around how we can keep this earth green and save animals from all over from extinction. I think this is a great organization and support its cause 100%. The protection of animals and nature is something that I am truly interested in.
Watch this, it gets a great message across: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDTmjR_GG1w
The Make-A-Wish Foundation started in 1980 with a boy named Christopher Greicius. He had a life threatening disease at the age of 7 and his dream was to become a police officer, and through this foundation, they made it possible. Since then, The foundation has reached out to over 193,000 children across the globe and through the network of over 25,000 volunteers, the dreams of these terminally ill children can become a reality. The Make-A-Wish Foundation make the lives of these children happy as well as their friends and family members.
ReplyDeleteSuperhero commerical for the Make-A-Wish Foundation
Ekal Vidyalaya is a non-profit organization that garners donations to fund primary schools in small villages in India. They provide basic learning for children that aren't supported by the Indian government and help establish small schools of a student body of around 500 kids. Ekal not only helps provide an education for these children, but it also creates awareness across the world about the negligent education system there. Donations are provided by people from all over the United States, but there is one event that donates all of its profits to the funding of the schools. A group of Indian students at the University of Pennsylvania created Penn Masala, which is an A-capella group that performs around the country as entertainment and humanitarian work. The importance of education cannot be any more emphasized than it already is and this organization brings hope to those children that dream to become doctors or lawyers in the future.
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. The organization provides assistance in many different areas. They provide school supplies, clothes, toys, household goods and building supplies to strengthen families, schools and neighborhoods. They also help families who are struggling in the wake of disasters in the United States through the American Families Assistance Fund. They also function as an international organization, and as an international aid Christian humanitarian organization, World Vision works in nearly 100 countries around the globe, combating the root causes of poverty and responding quickly when disaster strikes. They provide communities around the world with fresh resources. In Africa, where water quality is horrible, this organization is there to help the people of Africa to cope with their problems, and provide clean water to the people of Africa. This is a prime example of how this organization partners with communities to find lasting ways of improving the lives of children and their families.
Ecology Action of Texas is a recycling center in downtown Austin. They are open 24/7, and they support more than 70 participating environmental and conservation organizations by representing them in workplace, and giving programs throughout Texas. They offer tours to those who wish to learn more about recycling and its benefits. They take all kinds of recyclables included most types of papers, plastics, and medals. This organization is very great even though it is only located in a small area. A lot of different groups like these are similar in what they do, but are different by where they are located. I wish more groups like this could form all over the state of Texas and the United States. Recycling is great because it creates a lot of new jobs for people. It is able to help families save money, which is very important due to today’s economy. It even costs less to operate than today’s waste management. Recycling is and will be a very important issue to many people. This group is great, because it supports a great cause. Even though they may be small they are inspiring others to do the same. The issue is not whether it will help or not, but if people are willing to do it. http://creativebits.org/files/images/EA2_1.preview.gif
ReplyDeleteSara Wulff
ReplyDeleteStarlight Childes Foundation is an organization that helps seriously ill children. This organinization is a group of exerts from pediatic health care. They do everything from providing entertainment to the children in hospials to providing support, and educating the family and patient. They do outpatient visits, hospital visits, and even have online activities. Starlight also funds for the patient and family to go on crusies and travel, go to different ball games, and spas so the family can make as many memories together as possible. Starlight also provides patients with DVD players and Nintendos in their hospital rooms to keep them entertained. I believe this is truly a great organization. Because of this organization families of sick children are able to cherrish their time together and create memories that will last forever.
Websites used:
Ryan Meade-
ReplyDeleteThe Start program which is also known as students tackling abusive relationships together program is a branch off the local dallas organziation known as the family place. The start program is one of the many family anti-violence programs that the family place organization offers. Specifically the START program is a program that coordinates with high schools all over dallas. The family place sends counselers to each school to teach the social leaders of the school about how to be a not only a mediator but also aid in preventing violent relationships between students and their friends. This program is worthy of the "Blogspot" because of its high revelance to us high schoolers. Many students are unaware of the violence that takes place in and out of school and the start program gives students a way to identify these situations and take the necessary steps to prevent them from continuing on. Here is the link to the family place and a video that talks about the start program.
The Lance Armstrong is a nonprofit organization started by seven time Tour de France winner, Lance Armstrong, to help people affected by cancer go through life and eventually conquer their disease. The Lance Armstrong Foundations' message is to "inspire and empower" cancer patients and their loved ones. The most famous thing that this foundation has done are the "LIVESTRONG" bands. Over 70 million LIVESTRONG bands have been sold in more than 60 countries showing that everyone is somehow affected by cancer.
Connor Yingling 6th
ReplyDeleteStandUp for Kids helps rescue homeless and troubled youth, and help try to create a better quality of life for them. StandUp for Kids was created in 1990 and is run mostly by volunteers, and has programs in multiple states now. The objective of StandUp for Kids is to provide assistance to homeless kids and kids living on the streets. This charity is run by the national volunteer force who seach for, find, stabilize and assist homeless and street kids in their efforts to improve their quality of life. In addition to helping homeless and troubled youth with essentials such as food, clothing, shelter and personal hygiene, StandUp for Kids offers a wide variety of services, including assistance in finding housing, education assistance, vocational development, counseling, health services, transportation to self-help meetings, and legal assistance.
The Heavenly Hats Foundation was founded five years ago by a teenager named Anthony Leanna. He started this organization to donate headwear to patients who are in need of headwear due to hair loss because of their medical condition. As of today's date he has donated over 90,000 pieces of headwear to patients and hospitals nationwide. This organization helps patients cope with medical hair loss by providing them with hats that they may not be able to afford otherwise.
PETA, an acronym for people for the ethical treatment of animals, aims to save the animals of the world. Every year, millions of animals are tortured and killed for research or simply abuse. Members of this organization rescue animals, spread awareness of the violence going on, and raise money to fund project beneficiary for animals. It has over 2 million members and grows daily.
Water is a commodity in large supply, at least in the United States. The faucet is a few short steps away, a quick turn the only action needed by which our thirst can be fulfilled. Simple and quick, the faucet is so ubiquitous that its wonder has been replaced by acceptance, not even worthy of a thought despite its immensely crucial use. In Africa, however, this mundane sort of wonder has not yet crossed the seas, and is replaced by long, arduous walks through desolate terrain, in search of a water source. Frequently unclean, the water is often a breeding ground for disease, even giving drinkers dysentery, in certain cases. One organization that tries to fix this problem is charity: water. Founded by a former nightclub promoter, Scott Harrison, the group takes donations and uses the money to build wells in Africa, allowing rural villagers the chance to live a life free of the worry caused by a lack of clean, reliable drinking water. In operation since 2004, charity: water has embarked on almost 3000 clean water projects, and has helped over 1,200,000 people. According to the organization, a donation of only $20 can give one person water for 50 years. Who could not afford such a small donation that can make such a big impact?
ReplyDeleteTheir mission is outlined here: http://www.charitywater.org/about/mission.php
Josh Oden, 1st Period
ReplyDeleteASPCA, or The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, is a non-profit humane society that helps animals that have been subjected to cruelty, neglect, and abuse by providing them with food, water, and shelter and possibly even a home. In addition ASPCA is the only humane society in the America that is granted legal authority to investigate animal cruelty cases, as well as make raids and arrests if a perpetrator who demonstrates animal cruelty is caught. Animal neglect is a very prevalent issue in society today, and with thousands of animals treated poorly and dying every year, ASPCA is truly a shining light in the future of the prevention of cruelty to animals. ASPCA's mission statement reads "to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States", stated by the founder Henry Bergh in 1866, and they have truly lived up to this statement with over 1 million donors and thousands of animals saved each year.
Autism Speaks aims at helping ease the lives of those who struggle with autism spectrum disorders. Autism Speaks was founded by Bob and Suzanne Wright who have a grandchild who struggle from autism. This non-profit organization dedicates fund to research into the cause, prevention, treatment and cure for autism. They also hope to raise public awareness about autism to make people aware of the hardships that autism brings to individuals and families.
Ami Lee 2nd
Texas Right to Life is an organization dedicated to the cause of protecting human beings from fertilization till birth. Thus, giving every individual the opportunity to live until a natural cause of death. TRTL links mother who are unwilling or unable to care for their future child and links them with functional families willing to adopt. By taking action TRTL has provided ample individuals with the ability to have a shot at life, and also gives families who are unable to naturally have their own children with the opportunity to raise and have a child of their own. Through TRTL lives are being saved and families are becoming complete.
The Michael J Fox Foundation is an organization that specifically aids research/treatment of the parkinson's disease. Michael J Fox a popular celebraty has taken it upon himself to try to create awarness and try to create funds for the study of a cure for parkinson's disease. The Foundation puts on many events that raise money for the cure and also the foundation puts on many events inorder to create global/national awareness. Information about the foundation can be found at:
Andrew Parsley-
ReplyDeleteNothing But Nets was started in response to the large number of child fatalities in Africa occurring because of malaria. Because malaria is spread by mosquitoes, it is rampant in areas of Africa where there is a large population of mosquitoes. One big way to prevent getting stung by mosquitoes is by sleeping under a mosquito net. Nothing But Nets provides poor children with malaria nets at no cost to them in order to keep them malaria free. It was started by Rick Reilly, a writer for Sports Illustrated, challenging all of his readers to donate $10 to purchase an insecticide-treated net for someone who needs it. Now Nothing But Nets is a global campaign that provides numerous children with malaria nets to sleep under.
Tyler landis
ReplyDeleteAnatomy and physiology 6th
The American brain tumor association collects funding to give to researchers working to solve brain tumor diagnosis, treatment and care, and ultimately to find a cure. It is also recognized for finding information and providing support for the brain tumor patients, families and caregivers who are living with this disease.
The American Brain Tumor Association exists to eliminate brain tumors through research and to meet the needs of brain tumor patients and their families.
The abta was founded by Susan Kramer in 1973, after susan's daughters were both affected by Brain tumors.
This non profit organization is great because it is helping a problem that isn't as big of an issue as cancer or diseases like, but is just as prominent and injures around the same amount.
Reach Out and Read is a non-profit organization that promotes literacy in young children. This organization gives new books to children and advice to parents about how to help teach them to read. 3.9 million people that have been helped by Reach Out and Read read together more often. Doctors have been a part of this organization as well, they check up on children and "prescribe" books to them.
Greenpeace is one of the largest environmental organizations in the world. They are devoted to protecting the earth and educating and spreading awareness of inhumane or destructive activities towards our planet. Greenpeace is famous for its use of peaceful public protest and its creative and effective ways of communication. Although Greenpecae protests are peaceful they are still often illegal. Greenpeace is well-known for attaching large banners to famous landmarks without permission such as the statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro, the UK National Bank, and even on airplanes. Nude public protests are also common, however they ar dedicated to their cause of saving the world.
ReplyDeleteTravis Tarleton
3rd Period
Many Hearts One Goal is a foundation started by a friend of mine. Bryane Heaberlin is a goalkeeper for the Under 17 and 20 women's usa soccer team. In a qualifying match in Costa Rica, they defeated Haiti in a 9-0 massacre. This game was during the time of the earthquake, at which the Haitian team lost their coach to. Making the world cup, which need to be done by defeating the U.S team, was their only way of securing shleter and food for at least three months during the natural disaster. This is way the Haitian keeper fell down on the field crying after the final whistle blew. My friend Bryanne conforted her, and from that sentimental moment, is how she knew she wanted to help. At only seventeen, she created this organization, which helped the Haitian players play yet again in a club showcase tournament in Florida. They were in residency for a week while enjoying a game they show endless passion for. Bryanne's next goal is to help get these girls scholarships to colleges so they can get a better education versus return to a home that really, is no longer a home anymore.
Chioma Ubogagu
Philip Roh begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting 7th period
ReplyDeleteThe Central Asian Institute is an organization that builds schools for the non-privileged Afghan women and girls. Currently, Afghanistan is under NATO governance where women are seeing more liberty than ever before, but ever since Taliban rule, there has been this norm on looking down on women. Although NATO has funded many organizations to help the freedoms of women, the government still look down on them as inferior. With Greg Mortenson's help and book, Three Cups of Tea, the Central Asian Institute has received many charitable donations and have now seen publicity all around the nation. What the Central Asia Institute is, is a non profit organization that builds schools in third world countries, and helps rebuild societal norms, where people see women as just a product. With the help of C.A.I these young women are allowed an education that many of us take for granted. This organization is important because education is one of the most under looked curriculum that students and parents alike take for granted. With C.A.I these young students are given a second chance at learning, and are given help to take the next step to make an impact on society.
Below is the link with picture for the Central Asia Institute
AmeriCare is a non-profit organization that is providing medical aide to distressed persons in the United States as well as the rest of the world. They come to places where natural disasters and poverty are overtaking the inhabitants that live in that part of the world. They send medical supplies, doctors, as well as establishing long-term humanitarian assistance programs. Through their work they have been able to save the lives of thousands through out the entire globe. Now what sets this oraganization apart from others is the scope of the people they help. They are literally saving people that are in desperate life and death situations. Stepping back and looking at big picture it is amazing to think the difference you can make by contributing to this organization and keep it going. If that isn't blog worthy, I don't know what is!
Morgan Halvorson
Megan Clemens
ReplyDelete6th period
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is a non profit organization, that started in 1955, is here to find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. They want to control cystic fibrosis and improve the quality of life for those with the disease. I have personal experience with this disease. My little sister, Natalie, 13, has Cystic Fibrosis along with my little brother, Owen, 11. I have been around kids with Cystic Fibrosis, CF, most of my life. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, CFF, has come a long way since it first started. They have multiple treatments that can help those with CF have a somewhat healthy life. This foundation is really close to my heart. My family made a donation this summer to the CFF. My little sister Natalie ordered LIVEstrong bracelts that say "Cure Cystic Fibrosis" and made over $700. All of that money went to the CFF in hope for them one day finding a cure.
Unicef is a humanitarian relief organization that provides aide specifically for children. This includes education, food, clean water, health care, and emergency relief. All of which is needed for anyone to be able to live a long and prosperous life. Currently there are 22,000 children that die of preventable causes in the world today. There mission is to make that number zero.
The Global Water Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to delivering clean water and sanitation to the world's neediest communities. The organization was founded by pro tennis player Johan Kriek in 2005. The Global Water Foundation's goal is to raise public awareness, contribute technical assistance and fund programs to improve water quality. Some other sport superstars like Olympic swimmer Aaron Peirsol is a Clean Water Ambassadors. The first project they completed was in 2006 in Uganda. The Global Water Foundation addressed dangerous water problems at the Ndolwa Parents School in the town of Budiope. The project was soo successful that the project now serves the surrounding area providing clean water to 15,000 people.
The Arc is a volunteer program that helps and supports those with intelectual and developmental disabilities and keeps them active and happy within their community. The Arc has been around for 60 years and continues to help those with disabilities. This organization takes pride in its financial status and reliability. I believe this is an organization worth mentioning because of how many people in our world have disorders and they do have a hard time functioning in communities. So the help that this organization provides is relevant to many lives and it keeps those who otherwise wouldnt, involved in the community and ultimately live better lives.
Garrett Quick 7th period
ReplyDeleteIn 2001, as more North Korean refugees made the harsh and dangerous trek to free nations, information about the human rights and humanitarian crisis in North Korea began to spread all over the world. People began to testify before major institutions, books were written and reports filed– all were true testimonies of human rights atrocities in North Korea.
In 2004, two passionate individuals learned about what was happening and felt it was their job to share with the rest of the world what had gone unnoticed for too long. Educating a group of college students and young leaders about the crisis, together they formed link with the hope of spreading awareness and effecting real change. The organization quickly grew and became a movement of activists empowered by the stories of refugees and motivated by the urgency of the issue. LiNK's work focuses on awareness through mobilizing the grassroots and telling these stories of hope and survival. We meet with governments, NGOs and institutions to advocate for the North Korean people, while working directly with refugees through a network of shelters in China and Southeast Asia - protecting, educating and assisting them to eventually find freedom and empower them to live new lives.
Over a million people died on the other side of the world, and hardly anybody noticed. Millions starved, hundreds of thousands were imprisoned in concentration camps, and tens of thousands crossed borders seeking food, money, protection and even freedom that they never knew existed. That place was, and continues to be, a land with virtually no freedoms - of speech, assembly, religion, movement and more. However, hopefully through L.I.N.K awareness can be brought through the rest of the world as to what is going on in North Korea.
Adam Bremner
ReplyDeleteThe NBA, though mainly a sports organization focused on making a profit, they have made attempts to save the world by educating the youth. Through the organization, NBA cares, the players, coaches and owners participate in activities to assist the community into becoming a better and more effective place. The players often visit schools, preaching the importance of social responsibility in a person’s life and how education can teach you this. The players also visit kids with illnesses to give them hope and happiness so that they can get well. The owners participate in philanthropic activities by giving money to other organizations as well that help save the world. NBA cares has had an impact on a plethora of students and kids, improving their outlook on education and the responsibilities they have.
A volunter led organizaation, The American Red Cross provides emergency help, and disaster relief. It is a nation wide network that is governed by volunteers and supported by donations from communities. More than a million volunteers support this large organization. They also organize fundraisers that help the needy, provide comfort for military and their family members.
The CCA, or Christian Community Action, is an organization that helps more than 12,000 each year in more than one way. The CCA helps provide food, shelter, education, and shelter families in need throughout 42 communities in Collin, Denton, Dallas, and Tarrant county. Most people recognize the CCA from their resale stores, but what's amazing about these stores is that they do so much more. They help to provide families with clothes, toys, furniture, etc. affordably, but they also provide donation and volunteer oppurtunities, and vocational training. The CCA, through other outlets is able to provide over 57,000 lunches to children over the summer, and distributed more $1.4 million worth of food to low income patients in their health centers. Through the help they provide families in need the CCA takes a christian approach, and "in the spirit of Jesus Christ, Christian Community Action ministers to the poor by providing comprehensive services that alleviate suffering, bring hope and change live" (Mission Statement). One of the greatest things about CCA is how easy it is to help, whether it be dropping by a bag of clothes that don't fit you anymore, or volunteering for a couple of hours, there is always something you can do to help.
Lindsay Abel
Guide Dogs of Texas established on February 14, 1989. This organization supports Texans who are visually handicapped to improve their liberty, mobility and independence. It is contributed to personalized service and lifelong dedication to clients and its guide dogs. In early year, it developed Puppy Raiser Program (raising puppies from 8 weeks to 14 months of age), which ended up placing “Harley,” The first guide dog, in the Houston area in 1998. These days, Guide Dogs of Texas doing its best job to serve its clients with clam atmosphere so the clients can focus on their dog and the day’s training. If I have chance to join it, I will really glad to be a volunteer!