In order to save the world, we first need to know what is wrong with it. Lets start with our community. Focus on health, medicine, wellness, and lifestyle to determine the needs of Coppell. What areas are deficient? What areas are well served? How can we make a difference? How can we start to change the world by making our own environment healthier?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Make an Impact
Take what you have learned in this class and teach someone else.Make a positive impact on your community in some way that shows you have connected what you learned this year with the real world.
Through Anatomy and Physiology, during our second semester, we spent a large amount of time analyzing and learning about the digestive system and more specifically, nutrition. Throughout this lesson myself and fellow students were exposed to many outrageous statistics and facts that pertain to unhealthy lifestyles and nutrition choices in American society. I took the time to not only further my research and understanding of the poor nutrition and lifestyle habits of American society but I exposed my classmates and professor at my community college to these facts I had learned on my own time and through anatomy. I was assigned an assignment in English to write a research paper over any topic that interested me, and throughout the digestive system unit we learned in anatomy, I was completely captivated by the statistics and horrid processed food nutrition facts. I found this assignment to be my prime opportunity to share this information with people in my community and hopefully make a difference in at least one of my fellow peer’s dietary habits if they are directly affected by obesity in their family or themselves.
I’m not much of an orator or an avid debater, but I do enjoy discussing and/or teaching others about beneficial things that I have learned; aspects that I have actively tried and changed within my own life. Nutrition is probably the most frequently discussed of these aspects, and I have found that my being in Anatomy/Physiology this year has expanded on my already driven search for the ‘ultimate’ diet/regimen. I especially enjoy informing my friends and family of my newfound knowledge through general discussion and in the case of my father, through active persuasion and instruction. My father and I have always had a strong bond when it came to working out and eating ‘right’; we would always advise each other on things that we had learned as per both activities. I have already begun to push my father towards a less meat-reliant diet in hopes of reducing his BMI, improving cardiac health, and overall well-being. Helping to eliminate his extreme dependency on meat products has/will force him to create a more well-balanced diet which will rely on alternate sources of nutrition. He also has a problem with eating little to nothing for dinner and sometimes breakfast which leads to adverse health conditions such as fatigue, lack of proper recovery, and perhaps even the exacerbation of his BMI concerns; such is another a issue that we have been working on. My father is merely one example of people who I gladly relay my nutrition and other physiological knowledge, and in the future, I hope to continue to teach and learn about the growing field of nutrition (Anatomy/Physiology).
In Anatomy and Physiology, the lesson in which I learned the most was the digestive system, specifically nutrition. When trying to be “healthy” I always check and make sure the item I am eating is low in calories, that’s it! I never cared about sodium, sugar, or fat levels. Looking at foods that I used to think were healthy, I learned that even though they are low in calories, they are extremely high in sugar, sodium or fat. Another thing I’ve started to look at are the ingredients in the products I eat. For example, one item of food I absolutely love is Nutella (a hazelnut blend). On the package it says that Nutella is natural and only has a couple ingredients, which made me think I was eating something that was good for me! However when I read the label, I found out it was 200 calories per tablespoon, 100 of those calories being from fat! Also, the first ingredient listed was sugar meaning the main ingredient in Nutella is sugar, not hazelnut or anything else that is good for you. Realizing how clueless I’ve been about nutrition, I think it’s about time for America to be clued into what foods are actually good for us and what foods are hiding behind a convincing label. The first step to my plan to help change America was to start in my own family. The last time my mom went grocery shopping, I went with her. When she picked out items she thought were healthy, I read the label and pointed out the nutritional values of each item. Shockingly enough, we bought new brands of several products including bread, butter, cheese and yogurt that were healthier. Now that my mom is aware, not only will I be eating better quality products, but my dad, brother and sister will benefit from this change as well! My plan doesn’t stop there. This summer when I visit my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, I would love to show them new ways of grocery shopping! I believe in the process of paying it forward--- teaching my immediate family and extended family to make better food choices, they will spread this information to their friends as well. Just think if everyone educated one person, this eye-opening lesson could spread across the nation! Many countries have made claims that Americans are foolish to eat so much unhealthy food. I do not believe that. I believe we are unaware of what high fat and high sugar foods are doing to our bodies and our health. This chain reaction learning process will hopefully change the views of many and, one day; change the eating habits of our nation.
Throughout the entire year that I have spent in Anatomy and Physiology, the topic that has influenced and impacted me the most has been the lesson on nutrition. Since learning about nutrition and the contents of the many foods I eat, I have not only changed my own diet, but also the diet of my friends and family. I have taught both my friends and family of the contents in processed foods, such as saturated and trans fats. I have shared with them how these fats are man made and very easy for the body to store. Since teaching people about these fats, I have influenced them to eat healthier and natural foods. My mom now buys more organic foods, along with foods without the presence of high fructose corn syrup and the bad fats. I plan to continue my eating habits and to further influence people in the world to weigh their risks, and buy organic and healthy foods.
If someone asks me which class was the most challenging for me this year then I will answer it was anatomy. In the other hand, if someone asks me which class was the most you learned than I will also answer it was anatomy. Even though it was the most challenging class for me, I learned so much things that I would never learn if I didn’t take this class. Basically, everything what I learned in this class are valuable but I think learning about nutrients were the best. After I learn about nutrients and healthy diet that improved my life style and bad eating habits. For an example, I was addicted on chocolate, but after I learned how to figure out which foods are good for my health, I could verify chocolates are definitely not good for my health. That’s why I stopped taking chocolates other than dark chocolates. My sister lost 10 lbs only by rectifying her bad eating habit just like I did. I think every student in Coppell High should take this class and I’m sure they won’t regret their choice.
As the year starts dwindling down to its final few weeks, my mind reflects back on all of the stuff I have learned throughout my courses over the year. More specifically, however, my Anatomy class discussed topics that got me thinking and realizing that products bought in stores that I, and many Americans consume, is unhealthy. In fact, Mrs. Deinhammer stated that “even if it says it’s healthy, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy” due to different types of ingredients. So if you haven’t already guessed, my favorite lesson that I learned was the digestive system, but more specifically nutrition. This lesson really caught my attention because I can really relate to it. I mean, I can relate to the other topics discussed, like the cardiovascular system, skeletal system, etc, but this one really made me concentrate on what type of food I put into my mouth. I finally came to the conclusion that the stuff I learned at school needs to be distributed out to the real world and I did just that. I began talking with my mom and her boyfriend while watching the Biggest Loser on Tuesday nights about how American’s have let themselves lose control of their weight. It really is sad the way some people just let themselves go. So while watching this show I started talking about what we could do to help ourselves out. I told them about what I learned in my anatomy class by describing the nutritional facts on how much a person should consume in one day, what overloading different types of foods will do to your digestive system, and the types of foods we should consume to keep our bodies healthy. My knowledge through Anatomy about nutrition sparked my mom and her boyfriend’s imagination on how we could improve our life styles. We came to a realization that we should definitely eat healthier and start working out more. In fact we all have started the P90x program, an intense workout video that deals with all of the muscles in your body. This has really helped us stay in shape so we are not considered unhealthy in the world. Another way we started becoming healthier was by road biking. In fact, over April 30, 2011 through May 1, 2011 we participated in the MS150, a 160 mile bike race to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. This was a complete success for my family to stay in shape and help out for a good cause. Introducing my family to healthier habits really began during the knowledge grade option earlier this year when I cooked for the family. I cooked a meal that’s normally unhealthy for someone and totally made it a healthy one. I realized eating healthy is amazing for my energy level, my body, and an overall healthier person. Nutrition as we all know is very important in maintaining a healthy life and through the facts I learned in Anatomy, I increased my parent’s realization that eating healthy is the key in our world. Impacting my parents on healthy habits was only the beginning. No matter what I do or how I do it, I will increase the awareness of nutrition to many more people.
Last Sunday, I taught a 5th grade bible study class about the importance of washing one’s hands. I thought it might be fun and different for them to learn. After doing the Google Project in our Anatomy and Physiology class and researching the risks of not washing one’s hands, I thought this was important for people to acknowledge. What better way to help spread the word about the significance in washing one’s hands then to teach a younger generation? They absorb knowledge much better and will grow up having better hygiene, which will impact the other incoming generations. Although the 5th graders at church do not represent the entire younger generation, I thought every step, even if small, would count! I showed them pictures of the bacterial colonies from my experiment and told them in simple words that this was what grew on their hands. In addition, I explained that although these colonies seem invisible, they are very much there and are the source of many sicknesses such as the common cold. Then I showed them pictures of the bacterial colonies from after the subjects (from the experiment) washed their hands to show how much less bacteria would be on their hands if they kept their hands clean! Of course, the kids thought these pictures were disgusting, and right after class they washed their hands and looked at them frequently to make sure they couldn’t see bacteria. Afterwards, the children’s parents inquired about my presentation and I explained the experiment as well as how I was trying to spread the word of good hygiene. They were impressed and actually told the head children’s pastor to let me speak to other grade levels! Next Sunday I am teaching the fourth grade bible study classes!
Throughout this course of Anatomy and Physiology, I have learned a variety of things about the anatomy of body, but what it came down to majority of the time was how the products we put into our body have a great impact on it functions as a whole. Maintaining good nutrition is both challenging and extremely necessary. In America, nutrition problems have been put on the back burner while other political and economical problems take the lead. Obesity continues to be the widespread epidemic in America, thanks to fast food, school-bought lunches, and the lack of knowledge about maintaining good nutrition. Through many experiments and research, I have found that the fuel we put in our body can eventually have negative effects on different body systems in the long run. When learning about the skeletal system, we conducted an experiment with chicken bones and soaked them in a variety of sugary and caffeinated drinks. With the use of a Paxton Structural test, a machine that measure the force at which something breaks, we found that sugary drinks, caffeinated or decaffeinated, will cause bone loss and bone decomposition over time. In addition, the diet drink fad continues to spread, though these drinks may contain zero calories, the artificial sugar, aspartame, causes calcium to be taken of the bones and prohibits the bones from absorbing as much calcium as before, thus causing the bones to weaken. Through sugar or artificial sugar alone, the bones are in great danger of having osteoporosis in years to come. Drinking juices, sodas (including diet), energy drinks, and coffee should be consumed in moderation to prevent bone loss in the future. In the integumentary system, though it sounds strange, nutrition plays a vital role to ensure the skins stays healthy and acne free. A common cause for acne is unhealthy diet- consuming too much grease, sugar, or fat. Thus causing the skin to break as a way of telling you to stop eat that way. In contrast, a healthy diet that includes all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients will usually create a clear complexion, free of acne. In conclusion, the body as a whole depends greatly on good nutrition to function. By eating correct proportions of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, the body will benefit greatly and each separate organ in the body will receive the exact nutrition it needs to function properly. The brain will be awake and ready to work, the muscles will be able to contract without cramping, the bone will be strong, and the heart will pump at a normal rate bringing oxygen to the entire body.
I coach kids at an ice rink every day so I'm around children constantly. They are always trying to progress more in their sport and its my job to help them. After taking anatomy and physiology I realized I can apply a lot of what I've learned in class to figure skating because the respiratory, muscular, skeletal and nervous systems are all used in this sport. Heart rate and endurance are crucial to skate fast pace for long periods of time and your nervous system must tell your body what to do at the right time. Your skeletal and muscular systems are also important because they support you and allow movement. Without your muscles and bones, your body wouldn't be able to preform the jumps or spins that are required in skating. When I told my students this, they understood how figure skating isn't just all about muscle memory. Your body systems are constantly involved in skating and that gave them a better understanding of the sport
In Anatomy and Physiology this year, I've learned many things that I hadn't learned or knew about before. One of the biggest things I learned was about nutrition and health benefits. I had no idea that "fat free" was actually not completely without fat. I had no idea that sugar-free meant the same thing (fully without sugar). Instead, there is an artificial sweetner is place of the actual sugar. Many of my friends did not know that as well, as some of them consume fat-free items, thinking that there is in fact, no fat in them. After I told them, they were surprised and thanked me for telling them. Another important thing I learned this year was that food which contain trans fat are actually extremely unhealthy and bad for your body. I told my friends that even a little bit of trans fat is worse than a lot of fat. Nutrition has been an important aspect I've learned this year and it continues to affect me in my daily life choices considering a healthy meal.
For some reason the nutrition section of anatomy was really interesting to me and has stuck with me. Obviously we need to eat food to live, and one stop in any of the four grocery stores of coppell will show you that residents have a vast selection of different types of foods to bring into their house holds. The knowledge of daily percentages of different things like protein, carbs, sodium and such has really inspired me to look at the labels and nutrition facts of different items before I eat or buy them and from what i saw, with plenty of good grocery stores like sprouts and market street, people that live in coppell are able to buy healthy foods from the stores. Unfortunately, where coppell lacks is in healthy places to go out to eat an already prepared meal. On denton tap and sandy lake alone, we have chipotle, mooya, and mcdonalds with taco bell, whataburger and wendys not far away. Because coppell is small, all of these fast food places are very close to the high school and give students quick, easy, appealing, and unhealthy options when released on off-campus lunches. Knowing how bad all of these places are to eat at (extreme calories, sodium, and fat levels) i have become aware that coppell is deficient in providing healthy places to order a meal at but is sufficient in offering healthy choices at the grocery store for families to buy and prepare themselves.
Throughout anatomy this year I have learned things that have truly expanded my knowledge of the human body and how I can keep myself a healthier person. When we learned about nutrition and health I learned that the average intake of calories for a person is only 2000 calories. I also learned the differences between the different types of fat. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are fats that are liquid at room temperature and are healthy for the body. I learned that trans fats and saturated fats are solid at room temperature, man made, and are extremely unhealthy for the body. I also learned that high fructose corn syrup was once considered more healthy than just sugar, but in all reality high fructose corn syrup is not, it is worse for the body. Eating healthy is one of the most important necessities for keeping your body in the best condition and avoiding obesity, diabetes, or any other poor health conditions. The better you eat the healthier life you will live.
In my online speech course I am required to give a public speech in front of an audience- over any topic of my choice. So what better of an opportunity to put some of the nutrition information I had learned in anatomy to the test. Nutrition to me is one of the most applicable sciences to an open audience. People usually are interested on how their body functions, either out of curiosity or concern, and if they discover they aren’t eating properly it’s an easier fix for them as opposed to telling them to run on the treadmill. For that reason I choose to teach others about various aspects of nutrition. Hydration is an issue that affects us in minute ways, not being properly hydrated can lead to headaches, the inability of concentrate, exhaustion and irrability. Problems that can plague anyone of any age. So I gathered some friends of all ages in my neighbourhood, and gave a speech of the detrimental affects of dehydration. As well as how crucial maintaining a balance of water in your body is, considering that the majority of the human body is water. I hope that I achieved my goal, and a few of the kids promised me that they drink more water and regularly when playing outside in the hot Texas heat.
In anatomy we have studied a wide variety of topics, all pertaining to the body and health. This second semester we studied nutrition and the effect it has on our bodies. We looked deep into different foods and what ingredients they have, along with how the different ingredients and amount of them effect our health. We learned that one of the biggest things that can improve your health is the consumption of whole wheats rather than white bread. I learned this and shared it with my family. My dad has diabetes and this lesson we learned was very valuable to him. When we looked into it further we discovered that the amount of sugars in white bread is drastically higher than in wheat. The high amounts of sugar in white bread was very bad for my dads blood sugar but turning him onto whole whole wheats helped greatly. We also learned how to balance the amount sugar and sodium in our bodies, which is another thing i shared with my family to help improve everyones health. Learning these things in anatomy helped make an impact on more people than just myself.
Anatomy has been the funnest and most educational class I have had all year. I loved learning about all of the body systems and the way they all work and interact with each other. It has really been interesting to see the structures and functions of everything to truly understand what is going on in your body. I enjoyed being able to recognize when something was going on in my body and I could pin point what exactly was being affected. I have become so much more knowledgeable about everything and have gladly been sharing the information with my family. In fact, it came in handy not too long ago when my brother was getting sick, it was nice to be able to explain to him why his throat was hurting and his body was weak. It made him feel better to know that all of this pain was just his body’s way of fighting the virus to get rid of it and make him healthy again. Being able to provide this information made me feel good about helping someone out and my parents seemed surprised that I was able to explain what was happening in his body. Anatomy has taught me so much and has opened up a new interest of mine, I am now considering to do something in this field when I get older.
During this year in atatomy, I have learned so much about how our bodies work. One of the most interesting, and most important topics, was nutrition and keeping your body healthy. Diabeties and obeasity are two dangerous diseases that can be caused by what you eat on a regular basis. This is such a problem especially in America- one of the reasons we chose this topic for our google project. I realized that unhealthy eating habits were among my family members. To help them out, I taught them everything about eating healthy and making the right choices when it comes to cooking breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I went grocery shopping with my mom to pick out some foods that will help us lead a healthy lifestyle. When picking out bread, for example, I taught her how to determine if it is whole grain or not by reading the label. Also, I have steered my family away from drinking sodas (regular and diet) and made them drink water with every meal. I have encouraged my parents to go on walks daily, and have made myself exercise multiple times a week. For dinner, we have been eating grilled chicken or other lean meats instead of red meats which are less healthy. Overall, it is a good feeling knowing that I have made an impact on people with the things I have learned in Anatomy this year. It is important that people realize what they are putting into their bodies and how it can be harmful to them.
Throughout Anatomy and Physiology, I learned a huge variety of interesting facts I have never known about before. This class not only kept me well informed about the body, but it also taught me to be a healthier person. One topic that really caught my eye was the nutrition section. I was surprised by the fact that corn syrup is found in virtually every food we eat. So the sad part is that none of us can really avoid high fructose corn syrup. I also never knew that fat free foods were actually just as unhealthy as the regular version of the food, if not worse. Fat free food contains so many extra fillers, such as sugar and flavor enhancers, which negates the effect of fat free food. Before I found that out, my mom and I were actually big fans of fat free foods, so now we try to avoid them. I also taught my family and friends about how harmful trans fat and saturated fat can be. This class enabled me to make my diet healthier as well as influence my family and friends to eat healthy.
Taking this class was probably one of the wisest choices I've made in high school. I believe that learning about how we work from the inside out has a great impact on our awarness of our health and will definatley benefit our lives in the future. In general, learning about being more aware of skin cancer, memorizing each bone and seeing what foods dissolve them, examining good choices of brain food, understanding the effects of drugs on our lives, observing what a REAL healthy diet is, and being aware of the lies of food corporations is valuable as it is, to just mention a few things we've learned. Also, this class has prepared me well to go right into my new job as being a lifeguard at Great Wolf Lodge in case an emergency is to ever happen during work, I already had a good idea as to what I would be up against. Around the time we were studying nutrition is probably what affected me the most; I told my friend a lot of what we had learned and since then, we've watched Food Inc and become more aware of what we eat. I mean, I now actually read the nutrion labels of food to avoid HFC and unhealthy fats and I've also been motivated to excersise way more now. What got me involved most was when I was invited to the Health Expo where I had my first experience donating blood, becoming an organ doner, and signing up to donate bone marrow and all of this wouldn't of happened if I had just copped out and taken Aquatic or Enviornmental Science.
Trying to live healthy, I have learned a huge amount of information during the nutrition section this second semester. Everyone has to eat, but after observing these absurd statistics about obesity and processed foods consumed by people, I realized that more people needed to be aware about this. During the lab experiments, I went on a diet that limited me to natural unprocessed foods for a whole week. Although it was difficult getting used to, I saw result and realized how important it is to eat healthy and take in nutritional foods. I lost weight and there was a difference in my girth. From that point on, I convinced close family and friends to quit drinking soda, which contain high amounts of HFCS, to read labels of foods bought in stores, and how to realize what foods are actually healthy. Ever since then, I have had family discussions of ways to be more healthy and watch what we put in our own bodies. I have not only changed my lifestyle but also the lives of others in a positive way. I hope that more people will be reached to and there can be a "pay-it forward" reaction. The more people know, the less people will face illnesses, and the healthier people can live. The nutrition part of this class has opened my eyes and has made me realize how important it is to take care of ones health and how simple changes can make a healthier lifestyle. I hope to spread the word and help others realize the possible risks of eating fast foods and the advantages of eating vegetables, fruits, and appropriate drinks such as milk and water in one's daily diet are.
Through Anatomy and Physiology, during our second semester, we spent a large amount of time analyzing and learning about the digestive system and more specifically, nutrition. We looked deep into different foods and what ingredients they have, along with how the different ingredients and amount of them effect our health. We learned that one of the biggest things that can improve your health is the consumption of whole wheats rather than white bread. Since learning about nutrition and the contents of the many foods I eat, I have not only changed my own diet, but also the diet of my friends and family. I have taught both my friends and family of the contents in processed foods, such as saturated and trans fats. I have shared with them how these fats are man made and very easy for the body to store. Since teaching people about these fats, I have influenced them to eat healthier and natural foods.
Like most other students this year, Anatomy and Physiology has helped me take a proactive step towards a healthier diet and living for both me and my family. In recent months as “preparation for college”, my typical daily diet has consisted of mostly snack food for lunch, and Ramen noodles and Dr Pepper for most meals. While I knew that this diet was incredibly unhealthy, and despite the fact that I’ve heard all the generalized nutrition education before, Anatomy and Physiology has actually changed my view on dieting because of its unique approach and information. Beyond basic nutrition facts, Anatomy and Physiology has taught and shown me the effects of poor nutrition on the body beyond most other health classes, such as how the body responds to missing meals, and it’s mechanisms to conserve energy (such as stomach shrinking, saving all nutrients, etc.) and the misleading labels on wheat products (such as “Multigrain” and whole grain) and how to choose an actually healthy diet. Now that I’ve learned how to better myself, I took these skills to my family and helped them make better decisions too. Now that I know the recommended daily dose of sodium, and how much that physically equates to in terms of food, I managed to show my dad why it’s a bad idea to put hot sauce on literally everything (his sodium intake from the sauce was calculated to be about 1,500 mg a day) and managed to explain to my vegan sister why she was losing unhealthy amounts of weight due to lack of protein intake.
Through out my time spent in this anatomy class i have come to learn many things about the body's intake and nutrients. I have taking my learnings and helped out society by telling my family and friends the different nutritional information I have learned throughout the second semester of anatomy. My mother decided to change all of her pastas to wheat products to start moving to a more healthy approach to eating. I informed her of the dangers of trans and saturated fat and how they are very unhealthy for ones daily intake. Since coming into this anatomy class for the second semester I have changed mine and other diets to healthy ones.
This year I have learned many things that I can teach people to better their lives, but the most helpful thing that I have learned that I can teach my friends and family is the value of good nutrition. At the beginning of the year I ate fast food 2 or 3 times a week and did not take notice of how poorly I ate in general. Now towards the end of the year I take much more care of myself as far as nutrition goes and I try to teach my family and friends what is truly good for you and what foods try to trick you into thinking they are healthy. Another part of nutrition that I have been teaching my friends is how truly unhealthy fast food is for you and what lasting effects it may cause to your health if you continue to eat it. Overall I think that learning how big nutrition is to everyday living I have been able to share my knowledge with many others and improve the way they eat.
During the second semester of my anatomy class we were taught basically how to eat healthy. I learned what needs to be taken out of my diet and what I need more of in my diet. With this newly found knowledge I decided to spread my knowledge to my family and friends. I educated these people in what food to avoid and what restaurants avoid, and in doing so I have surrounded myself with people that eat more healthy now. My hope in this is that the knowledge that I passed on will be passed on to many people with the eventual result of a healthier planet.
The section about skin and the severity of melanoma really affected me and has changed my way of thinking about the sun. I had no idea how common melanoma was and really, how easy it is to get. After finding this information out, I cancelled my membership to the tanning salon immediately and told myself to start taking care of my skin more. When a few friends and I went down to Mexico during Spring Break, I made sure to bring sunscreen and I personally made sure every single person put some on before they went outside. I was really surprised to see how strong the sun was and would constantly have re apply to ensure I would not get sun burnt. I tried to limit the amount of time we were outside so our skin would be less vulnerable. Luckily we were still able to get tan without causing severe damage to our skin. Since then I have also made sure my family members have cancelled their membership to tanning salons and that if they do go outside to wear sun screen. With summer coming up it is so important for people to understand the damage the sun can do to their skin and I will continue to try and raise awareness.
This year in anatomy has taught me a myriad of information about the body and how it functions. I have learned about how we move, how we make energy and how we think. All of these lessons have allowed me to have a positive impact on my community. After learning about the cardiovascular system and various diseases, I was inspired to donate blood through Carter Blood Care. I know that something so simple can help save many lives. Nutrition is also something that I have come to highlight to my family. Due to my dad's high cholesterol,my family and I try to avoid the restaurants that we discussed that have abnormally high fat and sodium levels. Also, we are trying to incorporate more "raw" fruits and vegetables to increase the amount of nutrients we get out of our food. Anatomy and Physiology presented the facts about food in a way that I understood and inspired me and my family to take on a healthier lifestyle. Lastly, with the approach of summer and warm weather, I am remembering the integumentary system. After learning about the skin and melanomas, I will strive to always wear strong enough sunscreen and try to protect myself from harmful UV Rays.
The lesson over the muscular system demonstrated the importance of daily physical exercise. Although having a balanced, healthy diet is an important part of staying fit, exercise is just as vital and beneficial. The muscular system enables us to move, aids in blood circulation, digestion, emotion, and stores energy. Therefore, it is very important that we keep our muscular system in shape by getting some sort of physical activity every day. I babysit two kids named Piper and Stone on a regular basis. Ever since I learned about the importance of the muscular system, I take Piper and Stone on a walk or to the playground every time I babysit so they can get some physical exercise as their muscles are developing. Learning about the muscular system as also encouraged me to construct a daily work out routine. Personally, getting more physical exercise has made me feel a lot better. I have more energy, feel healthier, and feel encouraged make healthier eating choices.
Throughout this semester in anatomy and physiology I have learned more than I ever thought possible. One chapter really caught my attention which was over nutrition. I learned so much about what to eat and how much to eat, but I also learned about how to look at the labels to determine how much of an ingredient is in a certain product. The food that I changed after learning about the ingredients was bread, I’ve always eaten multi grain but I found out that just because it says multi grain that doesn’t mean it all good grains because white flour is considered a grain so they make the label seem like a healthy choice however it’s not. I switched to whole wheat bread which is a much healthier selection. I have used what I’ve learned to tell me dad so he can buy it and he actually started eating whole wheat too. Since I was so interested about what I had learned about the ways they try to trick customers, I have tried to share that information with others around the school, gym, or even family friends in hope that as a community we can become much healthier regarding our diets.
This last semester of Anatomy and Physiology has had more of an impact of not only my actions but those around me. I feel as though the study on digestion and nutrition help us as a community to spread the awareness of how some food choices we make are horrible if healthy at all. I took the knowledge of what we learned and started cooking for my family,changing the type of snacks we ate, and teaching my students at my RST school that the different snacks they choose at lunch time might not be the best. Two weeks ago my sister and I started knocking out carbs,certain juices and processed food in our food intake. Recently my grandmother has stop buying those so called "whole grain" cereals and bars and sodas, and replaced her craving for Sprite with Carbonated fruit flavored water.The first week of our new nutrition intake my sister lost 3 pounds and since then has decided to not only eat right but exercise daily to keep her body functioning together healthy.
This year, in my anatomy and physiology class, we have learned much about the body and how to keep it healthy. One of the most interesting things we learned about was nutrition. We learned what is considered unhealthy, and how to avoid bad eating habits. After learning about this, I started to incorporate healthier eating habits into my own life. Because of this, my family has also started eating healthier. We have only been eating whole wheat bread and pasta, and we have been eating a lot more produce for snacks rather than sweets. Another lesson we learned this year was on skin, and how important it is to protect from the damage of the sun. After learning this, I have been able to encourage my family to wear sunblock everyday. By making these changes in my life I have been able to feel better and much more energetic. Because of this, it is easy for me to share this knowledge with the people around me.
The lessons learned this semester have been more helpful than I could have ever imagined and go far beyond what I expected when I signed up for Anatomy. Learning how exactly my body functions and how to take proper care of it to promote growth will be an invaluable lesson as I go into College Sports this upcoming summer. This past summer. I traveled to Johannesberg, South Africa with a ambassador program and met a group of South African students our age. I recently asked my chief ambassador Herb if I could get into contact with their classroom once again via Skype and speak with them during one of their science lessons. It wasn't fun having to do it so late at night, but a lot of fun was to be had as I got to see my old south african friends again. I hope to spread all that I have learned to my family and friends so that we can all benefit from the knowledge I've acquired these past months.
Throughout the year, I've learned many things from Anatomy, whether it be about healthy eating or about the muscles. But something that interested me the most was creatine, and how it creates energy and helps rapid muscle development. But there is no exact amount that dictates when an athlete or average person can overdose on creatine. Although I'm not an avid speaker on any subject, when it comes to working out, I feel like I always have something to say, whether it be joining in a talk about supplementation or talking about new workout. Recently, while working out, my friends younger brother asked me about my personal beliefs on creatine. Because of Anatomy, I influenced my friends brother to stay away from supplementation and especially creatine, telling him the negative side effects and how there is no possible way to determine how much creatine is enough or efficient enough for it to person because every person is different. Because of learning about creatine, I helped influence an athlete from making a sudden decision on creatine, and helped influence him from taking something that could have been possibly harmful for his body.
I am extremely glad that I chose to take Anatomy and Physiology this year not only because you were a great teacher, but because all the information I learned in this class was something I could apply to my every day routine. Learning about Nutrition really made me realize that even though companies try to disguise the products they sell, us consumer ignore the small print and don't really realize what it is we are consuming. In fact, I didn't know what the difference was between "Multi-grain" and whole grain before this year. Becoming more aware of what we put into our bodies really created awareness for the obesity related problems in this country, especially to our community and classes. One other thing I learned, as well as emphasized to my parents, were the impacts of caffeine and soda on our bones. We don't really realize that coffee, tea, and soft drinks really do weaken our bones, but after conducting that one experiment, i've learned otherwise. My family and I drink coffee every morning together as a daily ritual and now that we know how bad it is for our bones, we've all decided to cut back on our caffeine intake. My family finds it really important to maintain our bone health because my grandparents have been suffering through pain in their joints and bones for the past couple of years. My parents have seen it first hand and wish to avoid it before it's too late. I would apply all my knowledge from this class and teach my parents now and then because everything i've learnt has helped me take care of myself and encouraged my parents to do the same.
Well i have learned a lot this year, and i was planning on writing something here about my new insight in to the true nutrition facts behind the food we eat on our everyday lives, but after seeing how every other person has written about that I will try to mix things up. Another unit that had an impact on me was the one on drugs. Learning how each of the drugs affects the human body really gave me a better understanding as to why people get addicted and what it does to you in the long run. Not that I am going to go around preaching not to do drugs or anything but it has reaffirmed my own beliefs in not doing drugs, but by setting an example i believe i could have an impact on others around me. Participating in shattered dreams also brought me back to the information i learned in this class. i know going through that experience will affect me forever, and im sure it also affected others in the school. The drug information we learned about in class needs to be wore widely taught to people so that less people end up suffering from drug related tragedies
While most of my friends decided to take Earth and Space Science, I went the opposite route and took Anatomy & Physiology. Do I regret it? Never in a million years. I never really though that I would come to love Anatomy & Physiology as much as I do now. I have learned so much in just one short year and it's been a blast. It's difficult to say which lesson I enjoyed the most, but like most people, nutrition and the dangers that can happen to your body seemed to have the most impact on me. I never really paid attention to what I was putting into my body even though I knew it was junk food. It's difficult for anyone who loves to eat junk food to start to eat healthier. Part of being healthy isn't just about staying fit and exercising, you have to have a balance of nutrition and physical activity. The fats that you eat from chips and sodas can build up in your arteries and increase your chances of having some type of sickness. What helped me learn the most about nutrition were the videos about fast food. There is so much that I didn't know about the foods I eat that I buy from regular grocery stores and the raw meats that I buy. Many of the things I eat I don't know much about because the companies don't share them with us. I've started to incorporate more whole grains into my diet and actually eat fresher fruits and vegetables especially by making smoothies. The other aspect of Anatomy that I learned a lot from is about how the body systems work. Each body system plays a vital role in maintaining the body to work right. Since taking Anatomy and Physiology, I decided to become more involved in being aware and letting my friends and family understand about being healthy and making a difference. Just a tiny effort can go a long way. <3 Anatomy =)
I have learned many things this year in Anatomy and Physiology. What has had the biggest impact on me is how many ways our body can be damage by things and we don't really experience the consequences. I have been trying to make my family healthier in general by eliminating the unhealthy foods that were in our house. I now make sure that most things are more natural and healthy than all the sugary sweets we use to keep everywhere. Another thing we learned about this year was Melanoma. The effects of it are brutal and fatal sometimes. I know keep a whole bottle of sun screen on a table near our pool and make people are not in the sun for too long but also not making them stay in the house becoming prunes. After taking this super awesome fantastic class I've learned to take better care of my body and not take it for granted.
Just like the majority of people who have posted it seems, I too felt like the most impactful unit we studied in anatomy was Nutrition. Now every time I go into the grocery store I find myself scoffing at the seemingly infinite “variety” of food producers on display. All the companies connected in ways the average person would never guess or think that the happy cow in a beaming grassy farm is the complete opposite of the true environment of a cow to be slaughtered. Or that practically everything we eat and even drink that is processed has some part of corn in it. I am constantly going over interesting facts in my head as I skim over restaurants’ menus or think about my daily food choices. Choosing an apple over a cookie for an after dinner evening snack or water over juice that is actually not organic and not better than sugar drinks to quench my thirst has turned into a chore I have to consistently remind myself. Most people’s weakness might be junk food, sodas, or candy, well mine is baked goods and chocolate treats. Nowadays I see that diets aren’t necessarily the answer to a healthy lifestyle or of losing weight if needed but simply moderation. With moderation, one can have that snack or coke once or twice on occasion as long as it’s not an overwhelming habit. Also working in exercise since for my Google online science fair project was about the effects of certain foods on digestion (how long it takes for them to dissolve). We also looked at what the workout equivalent to burn the number of calories in certain foods would be. Having that data in front of me/finding it ourselves made me much more aware of the effects of high numbers of calories. I think people hear numbers of calories yet (unlike sugar or fat can have physical models of them) they cannot equate the weight of the intake of calories that’s on the label. So that part of my project has also helped me stay motivated to work out consistently (and hopefully stay fit in college). Overall, I am always eager to share what I learn in Anatomy with friends and family since most student feel that they cannot or will never use what they learn in certain courses later in life, Anatomy is a class I think everyone should take since it effects everyone’s lifestyle.
Runners are typically not athletes that do exercises that workout the muscles. After going over the muscular system in Anatomy, I used what I learned to help make my cross country and track teammates better runners. One thing that I reiterated to my teammates at every meet was warming up properly. I would always tell my teammates to try to get at least 10 minutes of jogging prior to a race in order to warm up the muscles. Doing so helps the muscles work better, as noted in the muscle temperature lab. And in practice, I made a goal for myself (and my teammates) to do some kind of resistance training every day. Doing lunges, squats, bicep curls, and several other exercises helped the team to build up the muscle around our bones .This was key in helping us stay healthy year-round. If Mrs. Deinhammer hadn’t presented the muscular unit, my cross country teammates and I might not have had the kind of success we had while running this year. The general information about the muscle functionality helped me to teach others how to get the most out of their muscles, and reach new personal goals in the process.
I decided to take Anatomy this year because I knew it would be applicable to the real world. I figured I would use the information I learned in class and apply it to my daily life. This summer I am going to be a lifeguard, so I will spend large amounts of time in the sun. I learned this year that sunscreen is a major factor in keeping your skin healthy. Sunscreen should be SPF 30 or higher or else it is not providing the optimum protection. I also learned how to identify melanoma. If you have a mole and it is asymmetrical, has an oddly shaped border, multiple colors, a large diameter, or is elevated it is likely melanoma and should be checked by a dermatologist. Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer and if it reaches the upper levels it can lead to death. I never realized how important it is to protect your skin. The only forms of skin cancer I had ever heard of were mild and could be treated easily. I did not realize how dangerous it could be. I learned that the suns rays are most harmful from the hours of 10 am to 4 pm and that protecting your skin when you are young drastically reduces your chances of contracting skin cancer when you are old. I learned so much about all of the different systems this year and I really had a great time doing it! I have never really enjoyed science classes but Anatomy was one of the best classes I have ever taken. I learned about things and I was able to apply them to my life. It made me feel like what I was learning was useful so I wanted to learn more.
EArlier this year, I helped out at a 7 on 7 football camp. This was for kids from all over Coppell that were in middles school and elementary school. At this camp I mostly taught them football plays and techniques, but I was also teaching them healthy and active habits while doing this. As we have learned in anatomy, the body must get good exercise in order to function properly. This is exactly what I was doing with the kids, I was giving them good exercise. As a group I would tell them how important being active is, but also I would have little small individual chats with the kids, telling them how they need to go out and play. Overall it was a very building experience, as I felt the kids learned about how important health is and found out how to work out and have fun. I also plan to go to the Denton Creek Elementary field trip on Friday where I'll also show the kids fun and how to be healthy. It definitely made a positive impact on them.
Throughout the year that I have spent in Anatomy and Physiology, the topic that has impacted me the most has been nutrition. Generally in my house there are a lot of snacks and unhealthy foods that my family member and I tend to eat, but after learning about how bad some food can be for you I encouraged my mom to not buy unhealthy foods but more healthier snacks. Also the portions of our meals are usually pretty big. I also encourage my mom to start serving us less food and encouraging my family member to look at the serving size on snacks that they are consuming. Another thing that I have encouraged my family to do is to be more active. In result, my mom signed up for "boot camp" that is run at kid country. This has defiantly had an impact on my family, and I will continue to encourage them to keep this up.
Making an impact in this class is so awesome because it is so practical. Maybe one cannot make a huge impact in one swing, but can definitely make an impact by one person at a time. I found that, because I do not just go to grocery stores with my family, I can take what I learned about nutrition, and teach it to them. No body said that I cannot take it one person at a time to make the change. Sometimes doing the little steps is way more effective than tackling it all at one time. To the friends that I go to the grocery store with, I tell them what to look for in bread, what are some common misconceptions, and show them the facts about nutrition. So I feel that maybe it does not seem like a huge deal now, but people notice what you buy while also seeing a healthy person. So, an image can do a great deal. -Izma Aviles (6th)
This year has taught me a lot of material that is applicable to my life. From learning about skin diseases to physical activity, I've learned many things that will continue to help me in my life. The thing that affected me most was learning about healthy eating and living. My family has always been very healthy eaters. My mom cooks very healthy meals that are almost impossible to make healthier. However, I'm not always eating my mom's home cooked meals. The few times I eat out are splurges for me. But I've realized that in college, I will not have my mother's cooking. I will have dorm food and fast food restaurants. Due to less healthy options, I have to be very aware of what exactly I'm putting in my body. Along with my dorm choices, I will also have my own personal groceries. How to efficiently read a nutrition label was the most beneficial to me this year. While shopping for groceries on my own, I feel confident that I know how to choose the healthiest food filled with the best ingredients. The freshman 15 won't happen. I have learned so much about healthy eating and how to go with it on my own. I feel that I would not be as sure or confident with my food choices and life styles if I hadn't taken this class. What I've learned in this class will help me for the rest of my life.
As a kid in high school that is still growing, I love to eat fast food. But prior to learning about nutrition, I really had no idea on how bad the nutritional value fast food actually is for an individual. Since then, I have strived to eat healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables which contain fewer calories and fats than fast food does. Moreover, it does not contain processed food materials such as high fructose corn syrup and aspartame like sodas and other fast food/drinks contain (making it more difficult for your body to break down the substances). Other things I noticed about nutrition was the effects that it has on your body. For example, I decided to give up soda for four days and noticed that my body was slightly addicted/dependent on it after being exposed to the caffeine and sugars in it. This helped me realize that this was not a healthy habit and has caused me to drastically cut back on my soda intake. Another experiment we did was with the effects of an energy drink on a chicken bone. After saturating the bone in the drink, the bone had atrophied and slightly changed color. This had also made me realize that soda not only is bad for my weight, but also other body systems such as the skeletal system. Another eyeopening subject that impacted me was the units on alcohol and other drugs. I knew that drugs were bad and could cause your body much harm, but i never imagined how much damage it could cause to one's brain and other organs such as the liver. This unit was somewhat of a blessing since I do know people that were going down the wrong path and getting into drugs (particularly hard drugs). Fortunately for me, this unit made me realize the danger in what these drugs can have on one's body and ultimately caused me to talk with my friends about their problem. Whether it was because of me they changed their mind or their own personal choice, I believe that this unit had some minor influence in their decision to quit with drugs.
To be completely honest, I took anatomy because I needed another science credit for the four-by-four plan. I didn't think I would like it. But it ended up being one of the, if not the most interesting and fun classes I've taken all four years in high school. I learned so much, and a vast majority of it can be applied to help myself or others, or at least used to understand what's going on when we're sick or hurt. In my opinion, the most applicable section of learning was the nutrition unit, simply because everyone can afford to eat better and live a healthier lifestyle. I've noticed that I now subconsciously am much more aware of what I eat, how often I eat, and what it's doing in my body, Because of this, I have monitored much more closely what the three-year-old little boy I nanny eats. I started feeding him primarily fruits when he wants a snack, and his favorite food is now bananas. He could eat an entire meal consisting of bananas, tomatoes, and strawberries if I let him (but of course I don't because he needs his protein, wheat, fats, and dairy). It has been so interesting to see how this small change affects such an innocent human. Griffin is too young to care about body image or health, but he genuinely loves the fruit and veggies I give him because he has gotten used to them. This makes me think that the same can be true for teens and adults--we're just too stubborn and set in our ways to change these habits. I hope that I have made at least some sort of positive impact in Griff's life that will carry on after I leave for college. I'd like to think that he will continue to eat as healthy as he does now years after I'm gone. And on a larger scaled, I would love it if a domino affect would be created, with his family making healthier choices because of his food choices, and when he gets older, making an impact on friends' food decisions instead of the other way around. I sincerely hope I have made at least a small change because of anatomy. I seriously love this class so much! You're the best, Mrs. D!!
Anatomy this year has been a whirlwind of emotions. Sure we’ve had our ups and downs (all ups and no downs), but overall, I would consider this a pretty successful year. When asked what I’ve learned in the class, however, I do not know where to begin. From the systems to the labs, what I’ve learned in anatomy goes beyond high school and is a true stepping stone into life. Although each and every system fueled the fire of my love for anatomy, one system stood out in particular. The musculatory system cut me to the core; probably because the project was over sport injuries and I am somewhat of an athlete. I can recall numerous of facts about the musculatory system, but one that I found very interesting was that muscles work in pairs and as one muscle contracts, another muscle relaxes. For my impact on the community, I connected muscle contraction and relaxation to the baseball team’s stretches. As a captain, stretching the team was one of my duties. So as an anatomy genius as well, I felt it wrong not to use my knowledge on the field. I gave a quick overview of muscle contraction and relaxation to the team; clearly stating that every muscle is key for athletic movement and that a pull is just a blink of an eye away. Baseball is a sport where you constantly use both your legs and arms, so stretching is a must. Instead of just starting practice, we started off with a nice jog to center field and back. After the jog, we did some high knees, soldier walk, toe touches, etc. After the high tempo stretches, we jogged back out to center field to further stretch our arms and legs. We then jogged back and started practice loose as can be. With my quick anatomy lesson, the 2011 Coppell Cowboys Baseball Team had no pulled or even tweaked muscles all season.
Throughout this year, I’ve learned about so much about how our bodies work and what needs to be done to keep them in tip-top shape. I’ve also learned about other good habits we as humans should get into in order to improve our world. Anatomy has changed the way I think during my day. I’m more conscious of my driving and how much gas I waste. I’ve started to exercise more frequently now that I know how incredibly important and effective it is. I’ve learned how to incorporate healthier foods into my diet while not sacrificing the tastes that I love. This last one has certainly spilled over into the lives of my friends as the year has gone on. After hearing about Quinoa in class, I jokingly began to try and sneak a box of Quinoa into my friends shopping carts any time we go to the grocery store. I’ve always gotten caught, but it’s definitely (and awkwardly) brought up my Anatomy class in our conversations, and it also unintentionally got us to talk about our diets and how we should be eating better. All this conversation has actually gotten us to take action. For example, we grab whole wheat bread and various organic products if one of us needs baking ingredients. It’s a small step--and a lot of times these items will be bought partly in jest (one of my friends will groan “because I’m so fat and I need to lose weight”)--but the thing is, they’re actually picking healthier items. What started off as joke with “America’s Favorite Native American Grain” has turned into a medium to promote healthier eating. Right now, my friends might not be completely serious about how they eat, but it could be the start of getting into the habit of eating better. I’ve personally been awakened to the influence of our food on our bodies after listening in class and watching Super Size Me and the documentaries on heart attacks and food processing. I think about what I eat frequently nowadays, and I’m glad I do; hopefully this will continue as I transition into college and I can make more health-conscious choices (and inspire my new college friends to do the same!). I’m so thankful for all that I’ve learned in Anatomy. This class is so different from the majority of classes at Coppell High School because it actually gives us students real-life applications that can actually be applied to our lives. Let’s be honest, I’m probably not going to calculate the height of a lighthouse anytime soon like in the “real-life application problems” in math class. However, I’m already applying what I’ve learned in Anatomy to my lifestyle, and I know that this is just the beginning.
It may be a fairly common response to this blog, but the nutrition and dietary studies this year have had a huge impact on my family and me. My sister has always been a very healthy eater, but lately she has wanted to take it to the next step. She wanted to get rid of meat as well as carbs in order to lose weight. But, after studying about nutrition, I called Kelsey and told her to be extremely careful because without protein and carbs, she won't get what her body needs to stay healthy. She wouldn't have energy, and if she were to ever eat meat or carbs it would actually make her body gain weight because it would store it all in case she would decide to go without it again. I filled her in on the tips Mrs. Deinhammer gave us in class about simply watching portion size and ingredients, because those seem to be the two big things to pay attention to. Along with helping Kelsey, this study helped my mom and I as well whenever we get groceries. Instead of buying food based on calories, we have started looking at the ingredients. It was amazing to us that some foods we thought were healthy had a lot of unhealthy ingredients in them. I hope that I can use this information from Anatomy to help me get better eating habits, especially before college where the Freshman 15 is waiting.
One of the big chapters I have really taken in and taught to other people was the nutrition section. I had no idea about a lot of the things we were learning and I thought that everyone needed to know exactly what they were putting in their bodies. I have taught the secrets of nutrition and what to really look for on a label to my family, close friends, and anyone else who feels like listening to me. (: The people who make our foods and labels do a very good job of hiding what is really in their product and that’s not fair to us. Because I have told my family we have been making small adjusts in the food we buy and eat at home which is great because both of my parents want to lose a little wait. Also, by telling my friends they have become more cautious of what they are eating and have told their friends as well. It’s one of those chain reaction things and I hope it continues until everyone knows. By spreading the word like this it will eventually make an impact on somebody’s life and in the community. I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t mind losing a couple pounds and if telling them one tip will do so that’s awesome! What I’ve also learned from nutrition that I’ve shared with everyone is that you can eat whatever you want just in moderation and that seems to be hitting home for a lot of people and helping them balance their diets a little more. (:
Throughout the course of anatomy and physiology I have learned so many new things about the human body and its functions. In class we learned about all the body systems, their functions and so much more. The topic that caught my attention the most and what I learned a lot from was nutrition. I learned that nutrition is such an essential part to keep you healthy. Many people don't realize it, but eating right and having the proper exercise is what keeps your body systems functioning correctly. If you don't maintain a healthy diet then you can have problems such as obesity, heart diseases, and sometimes it could even lead to some types of cancers. It is scary because there are a lot of things that you would think are healthy for you and beneficial for you, but they really don't benefit you. I've taken this information I've learned and I've helped my family members and friends get on the right track to a good diet and workout so that they can stay healthy!
Ryan Horner-5th The time we spent discussing nutrition really had a great impact on me. I learned a great deal about what foods are good to eat and what foods should generally be avoided. With this knowledge I gained, I was able to not only positively change my eating habits, but my family’s as well. I took what I learned in class about new nutrition and was able to make some minor changes in the groceries that my family buys. For example, my family traditionally eats a lot of junk food, or food that contains high amounts of trans fats. After learning about how bad trans fats are for the body, I was able to inform my family of the dangers of trans fats and find healthier alternatives. The other major impact that this class had on me was the unit we did about drugs. I learned a great deal about all the different effects of drugs and how they harm your body. This is information, unfortunately, is very applicable to the real world. Based off what I learned, I have made the decision to avoid drugs completely in my personal life. Also, I am now able to warn others of the dangers of drugs and hopefully keep them away from them as well. Overall, anatomy was a very relevant and useful class to have taken. Unlike calculus, almost every lesson we did was useful and will most likely play a part of our lives at some point. I had a good experience in anatomy and I definitely don’t regret taking this class at all.
With a distrubingly high rate of obesity in our country and an ambiguous understanding of the food industry, it is very important to be educated on nutrition. The common victim of the profit seeking producers typically plans their diet based on an intentially misguided apprehension. Most of the Americans who make an effort to eat healthy foods simply do not know how; and what's worse, companies capitalize on these intentions by falsely advertizing their products as healthy. A proper understanding of nutrition, something I was taught in this class, has helped me to make better choices regarding my food intake. I'd like to help spread this informed understanding to others to help them achieve their actual intent. For example, my mom thought she was eating healthier when she switched from white bread to wheat bread; however, upon examening the label I found that the bread was essentially striped of its nutrients and tarnished with addititives. I relayed the information I had learned in this class to her, enabling her to make healthier choices.
This year in anatomy there has been many topics that we have studied and that have captured my attention. I have learned more in this one semester of anatomy than I have in the past three years from other science classes. One of the topics that really interested me was the study of nutrition because it has a large effect on me and will throught my whole life. I was very suprised by many of the statisticss and facts about health and physical activity in the United States and it has made me think alot about my daily eating habits. I have tried to change some of these habits like cutting back on fast food and eating things that are better for me. Other than myself I have shared alot of this information with my family. I told them many of the statistics that we have learned and made them become involved when I would do assignments like play 60 and taking away bad foods from our diets. Since learning about all of these things my family has eaten more home cooked meals with things like fruits rather than just going out to get fast food. In the beggining of the year I never thought that what I would learn in anatomy would play a role in my life but it has effected me and in a good way. I hope to contribute more that I have learned this year into my life and impact more people around me.
During the 5th 6 weeks of anatomy, while studying the digestive system, we spent a lot of time focusing on nutrition and health. The documentaries we watched, such as "Food Inc.", heavily influenced the way I viewed the things I eat as well as the food produced in America.
My newspaper period is directly after anatomy, so one day, after another lesson on nutrition, I stormed in to the newsroom, ranting and raving about how disgusted I am with the food around me and how I would never eat again. One of my staffers, Addy Buigas-Lopez, overheard my rantings and started a discussion with me on the topic. Our discussion lead to her writing a column on nutrition in the high school, ridiculing the lack of healthy options in the lunch line and asking the school to reform their nutritional standards. The column will appear in the next issue of The Sidekick, and I am happy to say I helped it come to fruition.
I've found that most of what I've learned in anatomy this year I've been able to apply to my life and the lives of others. My favorite unit this year was definiely the nutrition unit. This year I've made an effort to be more conscious of what I eat and get more exercise. Before learning about nutrition in anatomy, I would go on special "diets" that I read about in an attempt to be more healthy, but I didn't really know what I was doing. The nutrition unit really cleared some things up for me, and I gained a much better understanding of what it means to be healthy. I found myself sharing tid bits that I learned in anatomy with my friends and family. I could tell that they found what I said interesting, so I kept sharing. After sharing some things with my family, my mom started implementing them into the dinners she made. The assingment where we found out how to make a "bad" meal healthier seemed to really change the way she cooks. Once I made a good-tasting meal that was considered healthy for my family, we've all become more conscious of the alternatives to fatty meals. Instead of using regular pasta for spaghetti, my mom uses whole grain. She makes substitutions like this for most meals she makes now, so I feel like what I learned in this class has actually been implemented in my life and the lives of my family, which I've found isn't the case in most of my other classes. A lot of teachers say that you will be able to apply the informationt hey teach you in the future, but I feel like I was able to implement the information I learned in anatomy immediately, which I reall like.
This year in anatomy we learned about the respiratory system and how the lungs work. During this unit something that stood out to me was the effect that smoking can have on ones lungs and respiratory system as a whole. After seeing that, I was assigned a research paper in english and one of the choices was health and medicine. I choose this because I wanted to research the effects second hand smoke can have on non-smokers like myself. I had to present a power point to the class later and I showed them that second-hand smoke is unhealthy and can cause different respiratory diseases even when one is not smoking. I can directly thank you for this project mrs. D. The topic was a direct result of what I learned in your class. Thank you!
My knowledge of nutrition and health in this semester of Anatomy and Physiology has helped me improve family meals. Having gone into depth about what to look for in foods to ensure they are healthy, I felt that I was more able to make smart decisions. I have encouraged my family to reduce the amount of fast food we eat monthly, and am helping my parents when we go shopping to create well rounded meals. I learned that it's alright to have some foods that are bad for you and should be limited, but it's also even more important to try and balance meals. You never want to have too much of anything, even if it's something good for you. The goal should be to be eating well balanced meals that contain most, if not all of the essential foods from the food pyramid. Even the last blog post helped me increase the healthiness of my food intake. After charting my food intake for a day, I was able to analyze the data to see what foods I should be eating more of and what foods I should be reducing. In conclusion, after taking Anatomy this year, I feel educated enough in the field of nutrition to make smart decisions and help those around me make smart decisions also. I can already see that my family is enjoying my input about nutrition and are taking my advice about what foods we should be eating. I know this knowledge will help me in college and pass on with me as I grow older.
Ryan Meade, although I am able to use what I have learned in Anatomy almost every day, I particularly take pride in spreading my knowledge to others about the dangers of not wearing sunscreen. The reason I am so active about spreading the dangers of not wearing sunscreen is because I have had family members die of skin cancers and just recently had a family member who had to have melanoma cut out of her neck. I have heard all the stories from family members about how awful treatment for cancer is which is why I do my best to ensure that everyone I’m with wears sunscreen while outside for extended amounts of time. One recent scenario where I was particularly avid was when my friends and I had our grad party out on the lake. I noticed that a lot of people at the beginning of the party were just diving right into their tanning session on top of the boat. I was not going to witness the creation of sunburns before my eyes so I informed them of how one bad sunburn can greatly increase your chance of developing skin cancer. After that little fact they were quick to start rubbing on sunscreen. Although there are many times in life where I get to share my knowledge of anatomy, I find that sharing my knowledge about the skin gives me the greatest feeling because of my family’s history with skin cancers.
As a result of the extensive time I have spent learning and listening in anatomy class this 2011 school year at Coppell High School, I have acquired a considerable and respectable knowledge of my body and how it works. This has allowed me to spread my knowledge to the world with which I interact and allow others to absorb my same fascination with human life. This year has taught me a lot of material that is applicable to my life. From learning about skin diseases to physical activity, I've learned many things that will continue to help me in my life. I have been able to alter my entire family's eating habits, as I have learned a repectable amount about proper nutrition and eating habits. I have set a path for my family to be healthy. I have also somewhat been able to diagnose my close relatives with certain problems after analyzing the symptoms that they describe to me. That is how I have made an impact mainly. I know what is inside me and how I am affected by my external actions, inregards to food, excersize, actions, lifestyle etc. As a result, I have been able to extend my knowledge beyond my personal realm and help those dear to me.
Entering in Anatomy I thought we would be learning about basics facts and it would discuss functions of the systems, identifying structures, everything you would find in the expected curriculum, etc. Instead, we learned how we could apply this information to an daily lifestyle or why it would be important in the real world. For example, after going over new concepts we would then be assigned cases of patients and our goal was to diagnose them.A few units/concepts that stuck out to me were the skin and nutrition (or the digestive system). The skin was significant to me because previously before Anatomy I was really lazy about caring for my skin and carelessly let my skin burn in the summertime. I was more concerned about getting a tan than protecting myself. Now,this summer I have made it a priority to use at the least SPF 30 out in the sun. Considering I'll be life-guarding all summer long, it's a good thing I learned about what the sun can do to your skin. Before I barely new anything about Melanoma and how badly it will affect a person.In terms of what i learned about the digestive system, I've decreased the amount of carb intake I have had each day. I even went on a diet with my mom shortly after when we realized we needed to balance out our carbs with more fruits and vegetables. Hopefully this summer I'll be able to continue these good habits!
Because I aspire to be a sport nutritionist and major in nutritional scientist, the nutrition unit we did was most interesting to me. My dad recently went to the doctor and found out that he has high cholesterol and he wants to reduce his cholesterol intake. After watching the video in Anatomy that shows how cholesterol lodges in your arteries and can eventually shut of your heart, gave me knowledge when my dad told me about what the doctor said. It scared me knowing that even though his high cholesterol was not a serious matter according to the doctor, it was still a matter that I didn't want to risk ignoring. I went with my dad to the grocery store and picked out foods low in cholesterol such as fish and chicken, and stayed away from the red meat such as beef and steak. When we make burgers now, we make turkey burgers which use turkey, a leaner meat than beef. The knowledge I gained about nutrition and how cholesterol affects the heart allowed me to help my father gain a better diet and hopefully he will be around longer now that he has switched his diet.
My favorite lesson so far this year has been the lesson on nutrition. What I learned during that lesson is easy to apply to my life, and has caused me to really question and evaluate the food that I buy from the grocery store. I didn’t really have a good idea of how my nutrition should be balanced or how to read food labels, but now I know what to look for and what is and isn’t good. In order to apply this and make an impact on someone else, I shared this lesson with two girls that I babysit. Reagan, a third grader, and Maggie, a seventh grader, both eat typical kid food- pizza, mac and cheese ,and chicken nuggets. The night that I babysat them, I took them to Tom Thumb so that I could show them brands of food that are healthier for them and teach the the tricks that Ms. Deinhammer explained to us in class, and we got supplies to make a nutritious dinner. After researching healthy recipes that they would like, we decided to make hamburger macaroni and cheese with vegetables and chips and ranch dip on the side. I used Ms. Deinhammers trick of cooking them half regular noodles (we bought the Velveta brand of macaroni and cheese) and using half whole grain noodles (we bought the Tom Thumb brand O-Organtics whole grain macaroni noodles). I used a cheese grater to grate up zuccini, and finely chopped up onion and mushrooms to put into the cheesy sauce so that they girls would get even more vegetables in with their meal without feeling like they were eating vegetables. For our ranch dip for our vegetables, we used the packet of the Hidden Valley ranch dressing powder and mixed it in with sour cream and low fat plain yogurt (the recipe on the packet called for only sour cream, but using the yogurt made it a tad healthier and did not alter the taste). They usually just dip lays potato chips into the ranch dip, but this time we added raw carrots and broccoli on the side. We went home and cooked the meal and the girls loved it. Although they do not necessarily have to count calories, it is important for them to understand nutrition, especially because they are picky eaters who only like to eat junk food! I was excited to get to share my knowledge with them, because we love to cook dinner together whenever I babysit, and this time we got to cook a healthy dinner! I had them explain to their mother what we had for dinner and how we made it healthier, and she was amazed that I was able to get them excited about eating healthy. She is planning on using the same tricks that we used because they ate the same food they usually do, but it was a healthier version and they couldnt taste the difference. I am planning to continue cooking healthier for them, and I hope that on the nights when they have friends over, that the friends will tell their parents and will begin to eat healthier as well!
From all the lessons in anatomy, I took nutrition to heart, because it was most applicable to ordinary life in my opinion. I hoped to expose the destructive chemicals of McDonald, but may people are rather apathetic when the joy of fast food is I haven't impacted as wide an audience as I would've liked to, but I've been able to influence my family in a smaller scale. At first my family was unaware as to how breads differ. Select bread contain preservatives and processed flour which only increases starch and toxins without any nutrients. I've been able to teach my family how the food labels, in that the main ingredients would be listed first. It was a relatively small experience among the many but I hope to change the amounts and types of food which we buy to a healthier pick. I hope for a healthy lifestyle with plenty of food, exercise, and choices for me and my family in the near future, and eventually have a positive influence on those around me in the near future.
Nutrition is very important to me as a distance runner. Performance depends on my nutrition, making sure my body is fueled. I have learned a lot about protein, carbs, and fats and how many grams you are supposed to have of each in a day. Learning about this in anatomy was very helpful to me and I used my knowledge to help inform my mom about her eating choices as she has just began a diet. With the knowledge from what I learned this year in anatomy I was able to help write out a diet plan for my mom and also teach her how to read labels and buy healthy items at the grocery store that will lead to overall better health.
Throughout Anatomy and Physiology, I learned a lot about the body systems and how to keep them healthy and functioning properly. The unit that stuck out to me most was nutrition, as it's the most relavant to my everyday life. I learned the importance of eating healthy and the impacts a poor diet can have, how to properly differentiate between "good" foods and "bad", and the amounts of fat, sugar, calories, carbs, etc that should be consumed in a day. With my new knowledge of a healthy diet, I have been able to inform my family of how to eat properly, often helping to prepare meals so as to be sure we get the proper amount of each food group. I also help teach Spanish at Middle School East for Ready, Set, Teach, and during their food unit, I helped teach them how to eat well and how much of each food group to eat while also incorporating the vocabulary of the chapter they were learning. In this way, I feel I've helped contribute to bettering the community.
I have used what I learned about nutrition to make a positive impact on the world. I took my knowledge of nutrition and used it to help one of my friends create a healthier lifestyle. My friend always talks about how she wants to lose weight and often decides to start dieting by limiting her intake of calories and fats. However, she goes about losing weight completely the wrong way and I helped her understand the best ways to eat in order to stay healthy, and in turn lose weight. I remember one time at lunch she claimed she was dieting so all she ate was a bag of cheetos. She decided the 300 or so calories in the bag of cheetos was all she could eat if she wanted to lose weight. After learning about nutrition and the bests ways to fuel your body, I shared with her that being healthy is not all about limiting calorie intake, but making every calorie you put in your body count. She did not understand that calories are good because they give your body energy, but it is important to eat in moderation and eat a balanced diet, obtaining all the nutrients you need. I also taught her that not all fats are bad. I explained to her the differences between good fats found in such foods like avocados, humus, and nuts and the bad fats found in junk food. Ever since I have explained this to her, she has started bringing her lunch every day and packing it with foods such as a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread along with fruits, veggies, and dairy products. Her lunches are low in calorie, like they were before, but now her body is much healthier and she stays full for much longer, which is much different from when she would only eat a bag of cheetos for lunch. I know that I can share my knowledge of nutrition to further make an impact on the world for the rest of my life, especially since America is such an unhealthy country and many American are unsure how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sarah Barlow-5
Over the summer, I am going to be working as a lifeguard. When I was younger (really just last year) I would never wear sunscreen because I rarely, if ever, burned and I thought it would inhibit my ability to get a sweet tan. I had no idea that skin cancer was such a prominent disease that endangers the lives of people every single day. Before anatomy, I would have laughed off my parent's request that I put on sunscreen and think "it won't happen to me". But that's the issue, every person who has ever contracted skin cancer probably thought "it won't happen to me". Now I know the truth and that skin cancer can happen to anyone. I plan to use this knowledge to aid my fellow lifeguards in making sure not only that they use the proper sunscreen but also are aware of the dangerous nature of melanoma and how to identify it. By spreading awareness and making sure everyone knows that it can happen to anybody maybe I can help prevent it from happening to just one person which is more than enough.
Anatomy has also made me think about what I put into my body and to realize that nutrition is imperative to a healthy life. I feel like the last blog was about nutrition so I won't ramble about that. Thanks so much for everything you taught me this year! You're the best:)
Anatomy has by far been my most favorite class at CHS. The things I've learned will be used more frequently than things in many of my other classes. I've been influenced on how my body works. As a result, I work out almost everyday and eat a healthy diet. I also have influenced people around me to do the same. I've gotten a few of my friends to come workout with me and persuaded my family to eat more healthy. Another thing I've learned from Anatomy is how our body fights pathogens. From now on I wash my hands as often as possible to get rid of germs and bacteria which my body is fighting. I know that doing so will reduce the risk of getting sick or even spreading sickness. Its just one way to make an impact but if everyone were to jump on board than our world would be much better off.
This year in anatomy, I have learned a lot regarding the different body systems and the health of our own bodies. One lesson that really stuck out to me was the lesson about health and nutrition. Watching the documentaries about our nation’s food system and where everything we are eating comes from was really shocking. It makes me wonder what kind of impact it would have on our society if everyone was not blinded by what the food industry hides from us. I taught my family about the importance of watching what we eat and how that affects our body by pointing out really unhealthy foods in our house and by suggesting healthier alternatives. I explained how important it is to actually look at the ingredients and the nutritional facts on the back of packages. This alone could change your mind on what you thought sounded good to eat but instead you want to look for a healthier alternative. This helped me because before this year I never really paid attention to what I ate or what was in it. However since learning all of this, I now pay attention to what I’m eating not to lose weight but to just be healthier. I think it’s very important we all know all this now before we all go to college because we are going to be making all the decisions about what we are eating. We won’t have our parents buying all our food or telling us what is good or bad.
Throughout this year, my favorite topic by far has been nutrition. I feel like it is such a vital part of our lives. It is so interesting to me how everything works together to keep your body healthy. I have made an impact using nutrition with my family ever since the one knowledge grade where we made a healthy dinner for our families. As a family, we decided to work a lot harder to sub in healthier foods that were better for our bodies. We are definitely working over summer to make sure we keep up with our new healthy eating habits. Our family volunteers at Austin Street Shelter every month and we have decided to impact the people there by educating them on nutrition so they can make sure they stay healthy and keep their bodies in somewhat good condition. This is my way of impacting those around me with what I have learned this year in anatomy. I feel like by me doing this, I am helping those around me gain knowledge of how they can keep their bodies energized and healthy.
Through Anatomy and Physiology, during our second semester, we spent a large amount of time analyzing and learning about the digestive system and more specifically, nutrition. Throughout this lesson myself and fellow students were exposed to many outrageous statistics and facts that pertain to unhealthy lifestyles and nutrition choices in American society. I took the time to not only further my research and understanding of the poor nutrition and lifestyle habits of American society but I exposed my classmates and professor at my community college to these facts I had learned on my own time and through anatomy. I was assigned an assignment in English to write a research paper over any topic that interested me, and throughout the digestive system unit we learned in anatomy, I was completely captivated by the statistics and horrid processed food nutrition facts. I found this assignment to be my prime opportunity to share this information with people in my community and hopefully make a difference in at least one of my fellow peer’s dietary habits if they are directly affected by obesity in their family or themselves.
ReplyDeleteI’m not much of an orator or an avid debater, but I do enjoy discussing and/or teaching others about beneficial things that I have learned; aspects that I have actively tried and changed within my own life. Nutrition is probably the most frequently discussed of these aspects, and I have found that my being in Anatomy/Physiology this year has expanded on my already driven search for the ‘ultimate’ diet/regimen. I especially enjoy informing my friends and family of my newfound knowledge through general discussion and in the case of my father, through active persuasion and instruction. My father and I have always had a strong bond when it came to working out and eating ‘right’; we would always advise each other on things that we had learned as per both activities. I have already begun to push my father towards a less meat-reliant diet in hopes of reducing his BMI, improving cardiac health, and overall well-being. Helping to eliminate his extreme dependency on meat products has/will force him to create a more well-balanced diet which will rely on alternate sources of nutrition. He also has a problem with eating little to nothing for dinner and sometimes breakfast which leads to adverse health conditions such as fatigue, lack of proper recovery, and perhaps even the exacerbation of his BMI concerns; such is another a issue that we have been working on. My father is merely one example of people who I gladly relay my nutrition and other physiological knowledge, and in the future, I hope to continue to teach and learn about the growing field of nutrition (Anatomy/Physiology).
ReplyDeleteEllie Rose, 2nd period
ReplyDeleteIn Anatomy and Physiology, the lesson in which I learned the most was the digestive system, specifically nutrition. When trying to be “healthy” I always check and make sure the item I am eating is low in calories, that’s it! I never cared about sodium, sugar, or fat levels. Looking at foods that I used to think were healthy, I learned that even though they are low in calories, they are extremely high in sugar, sodium or fat.
Another thing I’ve started to look at are the ingredients in the products I eat. For example, one item of food I absolutely love is Nutella (a hazelnut blend). On the package it says that Nutella is natural and only has a couple ingredients, which made me think I was eating something that was good for me! However when I read the label, I found out it was 200 calories per tablespoon, 100 of those calories being from fat! Also, the first ingredient listed was sugar meaning the main ingredient in Nutella is sugar, not hazelnut or anything else that is good for you. Realizing how clueless I’ve been about nutrition, I think it’s about time for America to be clued into what foods are actually good for us and what foods are hiding behind a convincing label.
The first step to my plan to help change America was to start in my own family. The last time my mom went grocery shopping, I went with her. When she picked out items she thought were healthy, I read the label and pointed out the nutritional values of each item. Shockingly enough, we bought new brands of several products including bread, butter, cheese and yogurt that were healthier. Now that my mom is aware, not only will I be eating better quality products, but my dad, brother and sister will benefit from this change as well! My plan doesn’t stop there. This summer when I visit my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, I would love to show them new ways of grocery shopping! I believe in the process of paying it forward--- teaching my immediate family and extended family to make better food choices, they will spread this information to their friends as well. Just think if everyone educated one person, this eye-opening lesson could spread across the nation! Many countries have made claims that Americans are foolish to eat so much unhealthy food. I do not believe that. I believe we are unaware of what high fat and high sugar foods are doing to our bodies and our health. This chain reaction learning process will hopefully change the views of many and, one day; change the eating habits of our nation.
Throughout the entire year that I have spent in Anatomy and Physiology, the topic that has influenced and impacted me the most has been the lesson on nutrition. Since learning about nutrition and the contents of the many foods I eat, I have not only changed my own diet, but also the diet of my friends and family. I have taught both my friends and family of the contents in processed foods, such as saturated and trans fats. I have shared with them how these fats are man made and very easy for the body to store. Since teaching people about these fats, I have influenced them to eat healthier and natural foods. My mom now buys more organic foods, along with foods without the presence of high fructose corn syrup and the bad fats. I plan to continue my eating habits and to further influence people in the world to weigh their risks, and buy organic and healthy foods.
ReplyDeleteIf someone asks me which class was the most challenging for me this year then I will answer it was anatomy. In the other hand, if someone asks me which class was the most you learned than I will also answer it was anatomy. Even though it was the most challenging class for me, I learned so much things that I would never learn if I didn’t take this class. Basically, everything what I learned in this class are valuable but I think learning about nutrients were the best. After I learn about nutrients and healthy diet that improved my life style and bad eating habits. For an example, I was addicted on chocolate, but after I learned how to figure out which foods are good for my health, I could verify chocolates are definitely not good for my health. That’s why I stopped taking chocolates other than dark chocolates. My sister lost 10 lbs only by rectifying her bad eating habit just like I did. I think every student in Coppell High should take this class and I’m sure they won’t regret their choice.
ReplyDeleteJulie Kim,2nd period
As the year starts dwindling down to its final few weeks, my mind reflects back on all of the stuff I have learned throughout my courses over the year. More specifically, however, my Anatomy class discussed topics that got me thinking and realizing that products bought in stores that I, and many Americans consume, is unhealthy. In fact, Mrs. Deinhammer stated that “even if it says it’s healthy, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s healthy” due to different types of ingredients. So if you haven’t already guessed, my favorite lesson that I learned was the digestive system, but more specifically nutrition. This lesson really caught my attention because I can really relate to it. I mean, I can relate to the other topics discussed, like the cardiovascular system, skeletal system, etc, but this one really made me concentrate on what type of food I put into my mouth. I finally came to the conclusion that the stuff I learned at school needs to be distributed out to the real world and I did just that. I began talking with my mom and her boyfriend while watching the Biggest Loser on Tuesday nights about how American’s have let themselves lose control of their weight. It really is sad the way some people just let themselves go. So while watching this show I started talking about what we could do to help ourselves out. I told them about what I learned in my anatomy class by describing the nutritional facts on how much a person should consume in one day, what overloading different types of foods will do to your digestive system, and the types of foods we should consume to keep our bodies healthy. My knowledge through Anatomy about nutrition sparked my mom and her boyfriend’s imagination on how we could improve our life styles. We came to a realization that we should definitely eat healthier and start working out more. In fact we all have started the P90x program, an intense workout video that deals with all of the muscles in your body. This has really helped us stay in shape so we are not considered unhealthy in the world. Another way we started becoming healthier was by road biking. In fact, over April 30, 2011 through May 1, 2011 we participated in the MS150, a 160 mile bike race to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. This was a complete success for my family to stay in shape and help out for a good cause. Introducing my family to healthier habits really began during the knowledge grade option earlier this year when I cooked for the family. I cooked a meal that’s normally unhealthy for someone and totally made it a healthy one. I realized eating healthy is amazing for my energy level, my body, and an overall healthier person. Nutrition as we all know is very important in maintaining a healthy life and through the facts I learned in Anatomy, I increased my parent’s realization that eating healthy is the key in our world. Impacting my parents on healthy habits was only the beginning. No matter what I do or how I do it, I will increase the awareness of nutrition to many more people.
ReplyDeleteEvan Cliff, P.6
Last Sunday, I taught a 5th grade bible study class about the importance of washing one’s hands. I thought it might be fun and different for them to learn. After doing the Google Project in our Anatomy and Physiology class and researching the risks of not washing one’s hands, I thought this was important for people to acknowledge. What better way to help spread the word about the significance in washing one’s hands then to teach a younger generation? They absorb knowledge much better and will grow up having better hygiene, which will impact the other incoming generations. Although the 5th graders at church do not represent the entire younger generation, I thought every step, even if small, would count!
ReplyDeleteI showed them pictures of the bacterial colonies from my experiment and told them in simple words that this was what grew on their hands. In addition, I explained that although these colonies seem invisible, they are very much there and are the source of many sicknesses such as the common cold. Then I showed them pictures of the bacterial colonies from after the subjects (from the experiment) washed their hands to show how much less bacteria would be on their hands if they kept their hands clean! Of course, the kids thought these pictures were disgusting, and right after class they washed their hands and looked at them frequently to make sure they couldn’t see bacteria.
Afterwards, the children’s parents inquired about my presentation and I explained the experiment as well as how I was trying to spread the word of good hygiene. They were impressed and actually told the head children’s pastor to let me speak to other grade levels! Next Sunday I am teaching the fourth grade bible study classes!
Throughout this course of Anatomy and Physiology, I have learned a variety of things about the anatomy of body, but what it came down to majority of the time was how the products we put into our body have a great impact on it functions as a whole. Maintaining good nutrition is both challenging and extremely necessary. In America, nutrition problems have been put on the back burner while other political and economical problems take the lead. Obesity continues to be the widespread epidemic in America, thanks to fast food, school-bought lunches, and the lack of knowledge about maintaining good nutrition. Through many experiments and research, I have found that the fuel we put in our body can eventually have negative effects on different body systems in the long run.
ReplyDeleteWhen learning about the skeletal system, we conducted an experiment with chicken bones and soaked them in a variety of sugary and caffeinated drinks. With the use of a Paxton Structural test, a machine that measure the force at which something breaks, we found that sugary drinks, caffeinated or decaffeinated, will cause bone loss and bone decomposition over time. In addition, the diet drink fad continues to spread, though these drinks may contain zero calories, the artificial sugar, aspartame, causes calcium to be taken of the bones and prohibits the bones from absorbing as much calcium as before, thus causing the bones to weaken. Through sugar or artificial sugar alone, the bones are in great danger of having osteoporosis in years to come. Drinking juices, sodas (including diet), energy drinks, and coffee should be consumed in moderation to prevent bone loss in the future.
In the integumentary system, though it sounds strange, nutrition plays a vital role to ensure the skins stays healthy and acne free. A common cause for acne is unhealthy diet- consuming too much grease, sugar, or fat. Thus causing the skin to break as a way of telling you to stop eat that way. In contrast, a healthy diet that includes all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and nutrients will usually create a clear complexion, free of acne.
In conclusion, the body as a whole depends greatly on good nutrition to function. By eating correct proportions of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, the body will benefit greatly and each separate organ in the body will receive the exact nutrition it needs to function properly. The brain will be awake and ready to work, the muscles will be able to contract without cramping, the bone will be strong, and the heart will pump at a normal rate bringing oxygen to the entire body.
I coach kids at an ice rink every day so I'm around children constantly. They are always trying to progress more in their sport and its my job to help them. After taking anatomy and physiology I realized I can apply a lot of what I've learned in class to figure skating because the respiratory, muscular, skeletal and nervous systems are all used in this sport. Heart rate and endurance are crucial to skate fast pace for long periods of time and your nervous system must tell your body what to do at the right time. Your skeletal and muscular systems are also important because they support you and allow movement. Without your muscles and bones, your body wouldn't be able to preform the jumps or spins that are required in skating. When I told my students this, they understood how figure skating isn't just all about muscle memory. Your body systems are constantly involved in skating and that gave them a better understanding of the sport
ReplyDeleteIn Anatomy and Physiology this year, I've learned many things that I hadn't learned or knew about before. One of the biggest things I learned was about nutrition and health benefits. I had no idea that "fat free" was actually not completely without fat. I had no idea that sugar-free meant the same thing (fully without sugar). Instead, there is an artificial sweetner is place of the actual sugar. Many of my friends did not know that as well, as some of them consume fat-free items, thinking that there is in fact, no fat in them. After I told them, they were surprised and thanked me for telling them. Another important thing I learned this year was that food which contain trans fat are actually extremely unhealthy and bad for your body. I told my friends that even a little bit of trans fat is worse than a lot of fat. Nutrition has been an important aspect I've learned this year and it continues to affect me in my daily life choices considering a healthy meal.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason the nutrition section of anatomy was really interesting to me and has stuck with me. Obviously we need to eat food to live, and one stop in any of the four grocery stores of coppell will show you that residents have a vast selection of different types of foods to bring into their house holds. The knowledge of daily percentages of different things like protein, carbs, sodium and such has really inspired me to look at the labels and nutrition facts of different items before I eat or buy them and from what i saw, with plenty of good grocery stores like sprouts and market street, people that live in coppell are able to buy healthy foods from the stores. Unfortunately, where coppell lacks is in healthy places to go out to eat an already prepared meal. On denton tap and sandy lake alone, we have chipotle, mooya, and mcdonalds with taco bell, whataburger and wendys not far away. Because coppell is small, all of these fast food places are very close to the high school and give students quick, easy, appealing, and unhealthy options when released on off-campus lunches. Knowing how bad all of these places are to eat at (extreme calories, sodium, and fat levels) i have become aware that coppell is deficient in providing healthy places to order a meal at but is sufficient in offering healthy choices at the grocery store for families to buy and prepare themselves.
ReplyDeleteThroughout anatomy this year I have learned things that have truly expanded my knowledge of the human body and how I can keep myself a healthier person. When we learned about nutrition and health I learned that the average intake of calories for a person is only 2000 calories. I also learned the differences between the different types of fat. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated are fats that are liquid at room temperature and are healthy for the body. I learned that trans fats and saturated fats are solid at room temperature, man made, and are extremely unhealthy for the body. I also learned that high fructose corn syrup was once considered more healthy than just sugar, but in all reality high fructose corn syrup is not, it is worse for the body. Eating healthy is one of the most important necessities for keeping your body in the best condition and avoiding obesity, diabetes, or any other poor health conditions. The better you eat the healthier life you will live.
ReplyDeleteIn my online speech course I am required to give a public speech in front of an audience- over any topic of my choice. So what better of an opportunity to put some of the nutrition information I had learned in anatomy to the test. Nutrition to me is one of the most applicable sciences to an open audience. People usually are interested on how their body functions, either out of curiosity or concern, and if they discover they aren’t eating properly it’s an easier fix for them as opposed to telling them to run on the treadmill. For that reason I choose to teach others about various aspects of nutrition.
ReplyDeleteHydration is an issue that affects us in minute ways, not being properly hydrated can lead to headaches, the inability of concentrate, exhaustion and irrability. Problems that can plague anyone of any age. So I gathered some friends of all ages in my neighbourhood, and gave a speech of the detrimental affects of dehydration. As well as how crucial maintaining a balance of water in your body is, considering that the majority of the human body is water. I hope that I achieved my goal, and a few of the kids promised me that they drink more water and regularly when playing outside in the hot Texas heat.
In anatomy we have studied a wide variety of topics, all pertaining to the body and health. This second semester we studied nutrition and the effect it has on our bodies. We looked deep into different foods and what ingredients they have, along with how the different ingredients and amount of them effect our health. We learned that one of the biggest things that can improve your health is the consumption of whole wheats rather than white bread. I learned this and shared it with my family. My dad has diabetes and this lesson we learned was very valuable to him. When we looked into it further we discovered that the amount of sugars in white bread is drastically higher than in wheat. The high amounts of sugar in white bread was very bad for my dads blood sugar but turning him onto whole whole wheats helped greatly. We also learned how to balance the amount sugar and sodium in our bodies, which is another thing i shared with my family to help improve everyones health. Learning these things in anatomy helped make an impact on more people than just myself.
ReplyDeleteAnatomy has been the funnest and most educational class I have had all year. I loved learning about all of the body systems and the way they all work and interact with each other. It has really been interesting to see the structures and functions of everything to truly understand what is going on in your body. I enjoyed being able to recognize when something was going on in my body and I could pin point what exactly was being affected. I have become so much more knowledgeable about everything and have gladly been sharing the information with my family. In fact, it came in handy not too long ago when my brother was getting sick, it was nice to be able to explain to him why his throat was hurting and his body was weak. It made him feel better to know that all of this pain was just his body’s way of fighting the virus to get rid of it and make him healthy again. Being able to provide this information made me feel good about helping someone out and my parents seemed surprised that I was able to explain what was happening in his body. Anatomy has taught me so much and has opened up a new interest of mine, I am now considering to do something in this field when I get older.
ReplyDeleteDuring this year in atatomy, I have learned so much about how our bodies work. One of the most interesting, and most important topics, was nutrition and keeping your body healthy. Diabeties and obeasity are two dangerous diseases that can be caused by what you eat on a regular basis. This is such a problem especially in America- one of the reasons we chose this topic for our google project.
ReplyDeleteI realized that unhealthy eating habits were among my family members. To help them out, I taught them everything about eating healthy and making the right choices when it comes to cooking breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I went grocery shopping with my mom to pick out some foods that will help us lead a healthy lifestyle. When picking out bread, for example, I taught her how to determine if it is whole grain or not by reading the label. Also, I have steered my family away from drinking sodas (regular and diet) and made them drink water with every meal. I have encouraged my parents to go on walks daily, and have made myself exercise multiple times a week. For dinner, we have been eating grilled chicken or other lean meats instead of red meats which are less healthy. Overall, it is a good feeling knowing that I have made an impact on people with the things I have learned in Anatomy this year. It is important that people realize what they are putting into their bodies and how it can be harmful to them.
Throughout Anatomy and Physiology, I learned a huge variety of interesting facts I have never known about before. This class not only kept me well informed about the body, but it also taught me to be a healthier person. One topic that really caught my eye was the nutrition section. I was surprised by the fact that corn syrup is found in virtually every food we eat. So the sad part is that none of us can really avoid high fructose corn syrup. I also never knew that fat free foods were actually just as unhealthy as the regular version of the food, if not worse. Fat free food contains so many extra fillers, such as sugar and flavor enhancers, which negates the effect of fat free food. Before I found that out, my mom and I were actually big fans of fat free foods, so now we try to avoid them. I also taught my family and friends about how harmful trans fat and saturated fat can be. This class enabled me to make my diet healthier as well as influence my family and friends to eat healthy.
ReplyDeleteTaking this class was probably one of the wisest choices I've made in high school. I believe that learning about how we work from the inside out has a great impact on our awarness of our health and will definatley benefit our lives in the future. In general, learning about being more aware of skin cancer, memorizing each bone and seeing what foods dissolve them, examining good choices of brain food, understanding the effects of drugs on our lives, observing what a REAL healthy diet is, and being aware of the lies of food corporations is valuable as it is, to just mention a few things we've learned. Also, this class has prepared me well to go right into my new job as being a lifeguard at Great Wolf Lodge in case an emergency is to ever happen during work, I already had a good idea as to what I would be up against. Around the time we were studying nutrition is probably what affected me the most; I told my friend a lot of what we had learned and since then, we've watched Food Inc and become more aware of what we eat. I mean, I now actually read the nutrion labels of food to avoid HFC and unhealthy fats and I've also been motivated to excersise way more now. What got me involved most was when I was invited to the Health Expo where I had my first experience donating blood, becoming an organ doner, and signing up to donate bone marrow and all of this wouldn't of happened if I had just copped out and taken Aquatic or Enviornmental Science.
ReplyDeleteAshish Aerry
ReplyDelete1st Period
Trying to live healthy, I have learned a huge amount of information during the nutrition section this second semester. Everyone has to eat, but after observing these absurd statistics about obesity and processed foods consumed by people, I realized that more people needed to be aware about this. During the lab experiments, I went on a diet that limited me to natural unprocessed foods for a whole week. Although it was difficult getting used to, I saw result and realized how important it is to eat healthy and take in nutritional foods. I lost weight and there was a difference in my girth. From that point on, I convinced close family and friends to quit drinking soda, which contain high amounts of HFCS, to read labels of foods bought in stores, and how to realize what foods are actually healthy. Ever since then, I have had family discussions of ways to be more healthy and watch what we put in our own bodies. I have not only changed my lifestyle but also the lives of others in a positive way. I hope that more people will be reached to and there can be a "pay-it forward" reaction. The more people know, the less people will face illnesses, and the healthier people can live. The nutrition part of this class has opened my eyes and has made me realize how important it is to take care of ones health and how simple changes can make a healthier lifestyle. I hope to spread the word and help others realize the possible risks of eating fast foods and the advantages of eating vegetables, fruits, and appropriate drinks such as milk and water in one's daily diet are.
Through Anatomy and Physiology, during our second semester, we spent a large amount of time analyzing and learning about the digestive system and more specifically, nutrition. We looked deep into different foods and what ingredients they have, along with how the different ingredients and amount of them effect our health. We learned that one of the biggest things that can improve your health is the consumption of whole wheats rather than white bread. Since learning about nutrition and the contents of the many foods I eat, I have not only changed my own diet, but also the diet of my friends and family. I have taught both my friends and family of the contents in processed foods, such as saturated and trans fats. I have shared with them how these fats are man made and very easy for the body to store. Since teaching people about these fats, I have influenced them to eat healthier and natural foods.
ReplyDeleteRobert Broun, 2nd Period.
ReplyDeleteLike most other students this year, Anatomy and Physiology has helped me take a proactive step towards a healthier diet and living for both me and my family. In recent months as “preparation for college”, my typical daily diet has consisted of mostly snack food for lunch, and Ramen noodles and Dr Pepper for most meals. While I knew that this diet was incredibly unhealthy, and despite the fact that I’ve heard all the generalized nutrition education before, Anatomy and Physiology has actually changed my view on dieting because of its unique approach and information. Beyond basic nutrition facts, Anatomy and Physiology has taught and shown me the effects of poor nutrition on the body beyond most other health classes, such as how the body responds to missing meals, and it’s mechanisms to conserve energy (such as stomach shrinking, saving all nutrients, etc.) and the misleading labels on wheat products (such as “Multigrain” and whole grain) and how to choose an actually healthy diet. Now that I’ve learned how to better myself, I took these skills to my family and helped them make better decisions too. Now that I know the recommended daily dose of sodium, and how much that physically equates to in terms of food, I managed to show my dad why it’s a bad idea to put hot sauce on literally everything (his sodium intake from the sauce was calculated to be about 1,500 mg a day) and managed to explain to my vegan sister why she was losing unhealthy amounts of weight due to lack of protein intake.
Through out my time spent in this anatomy class i have come to learn many things about the body's intake and nutrients. I have taking my learnings and helped out society by telling my family and friends the different nutritional information I have learned throughout the second semester of anatomy. My mother decided to change all of her pastas to wheat products to start moving to a more healthy approach to eating. I informed her of the dangers of trans and saturated fat and how they are very unhealthy for ones daily intake. Since coming into this anatomy class for the second semester I have changed mine and other diets to healthy ones.
ReplyDeleteThis year I have learned many things that I can teach people to better their lives, but the most helpful thing that I have learned that I can teach my friends and family is the value of good nutrition. At the beginning of the year I ate fast food 2 or 3 times a week and did not take notice of how poorly I ate in general. Now towards the end of the year I take much more care of myself as far as nutrition goes and I try to teach my family and friends what is truly good for you and what foods try to trick you into thinking they are healthy. Another part of nutrition that I have been teaching my friends is how truly unhealthy fast food is for you and what lasting effects it may cause to your health if you continue to eat it. Overall I think that learning how big nutrition is to everyday living I have been able to share my knowledge with many others and improve the way they eat.
ReplyDeleteDuring the second semester of my anatomy class we were taught basically how to eat healthy. I learned what needs to be taken out of my diet and what I need more of in my diet. With this newly found knowledge I decided to spread my knowledge to my family and friends. I educated these people in what food to avoid and what restaurants avoid, and in doing so I have surrounded myself with people that eat more healthy now. My hope in this is that the knowledge that I passed on will be passed on to many people with the eventual result of a healthier planet.
ReplyDeleteThe section about skin and the severity of melanoma really affected me and has changed my way of thinking about the sun. I had no idea how common melanoma was and really, how easy it is to get. After finding this information out, I cancelled my membership to the tanning salon immediately and told myself to start taking care of my skin more. When a few friends and I went down to Mexico during Spring Break, I made sure to bring sunscreen and I personally made sure every single person put some on before they went outside. I was really surprised to see how strong the sun was and would constantly have re apply to ensure I would not get sun burnt. I tried to limit the amount of time we were outside so our skin would be less vulnerable. Luckily we were still able to get tan without causing severe damage to our skin. Since then I have also made sure my family members have cancelled their membership to tanning salons and that if they do go outside to wear sun screen. With summer coming up it is so important for people to understand the damage the sun can do to their skin and I will continue to try and raise awareness.
ReplyDeleteKatie Carlson
Maggie Clifford 5th
ReplyDeleteThis year in anatomy has taught me a myriad of information about the body and how it functions. I have learned about how we move, how we make energy and how we think. All of these lessons have allowed me to have a positive impact on my community. After learning about the cardiovascular system and various diseases, I was inspired to donate blood through Carter Blood Care. I know that something so simple can help save many lives. Nutrition is also something that I have come to highlight to my family. Due to my dad's high cholesterol,my family and I try to avoid the restaurants that we discussed that have abnormally high fat and sodium levels. Also, we are trying to incorporate more "raw" fruits and vegetables to increase the amount of nutrients we get out of our food. Anatomy and Physiology presented the facts about food in a way that I understood and inspired me and my family to take on a healthier lifestyle. Lastly, with the approach of summer and warm weather, I am remembering the integumentary system. After learning about the skin and melanomas, I will strive to always wear strong enough sunscreen and try to protect myself from harmful UV Rays.
The lesson over the muscular system demonstrated the importance of daily physical exercise. Although having a balanced, healthy diet is an important part of staying fit, exercise is just as vital and beneficial. The muscular system enables us to move, aids in blood circulation, digestion, emotion, and stores energy. Therefore, it is very important that we keep our muscular system in shape by getting some sort of physical activity every day. I babysit two kids named Piper and Stone on a regular basis. Ever since I learned about the importance of the muscular system, I take Piper and Stone on a walk or to the playground every time I babysit so they can get some physical exercise as their muscles are developing. Learning about the muscular system as also encouraged me to construct a daily work out routine. Personally, getting more physical exercise has made me feel a lot better. I have more energy, feel healthier, and feel encouraged make healthier eating choices.
ReplyDeleteMacaully Shumate
Deinhammer 6
Throughout this semester in anatomy and physiology I have learned more than I ever thought possible. One chapter really caught my attention which was over nutrition. I learned so much about what to eat and how much to eat, but I also learned about how to look at the labels to determine how much of an ingredient is in a certain product. The food that I changed after learning about the ingredients was bread, I’ve always eaten multi grain but I found out that just because it says multi grain that doesn’t mean it all good grains because white flour is considered a grain so they make the label seem like a healthy choice however it’s not. I switched to whole wheat bread which is a much healthier selection. I have used what I’ve learned to tell me dad so he can buy it and he actually started eating whole wheat too. Since I was so interested about what I had learned about the ways they try to trick customers, I have tried to share that information with others around the school, gym, or even family friends in hope that as a community we can become much healthier regarding our diets.
ReplyDeleteThis last semester of Anatomy and Physiology has had more of an impact of not only my actions but those around me. I feel as though the study on digestion and nutrition help us as a community to spread the awareness of how some food choices we make are horrible if healthy at all. I took the knowledge of what we learned and started cooking for my family,changing the type of snacks we ate, and teaching my students at my RST school that the different snacks they choose at lunch time might not be the best. Two weeks ago my sister and I started knocking out carbs,certain juices and processed food in our food intake. Recently my grandmother has stop buying those so called "whole grain" cereals and bars and sodas, and replaced her craving for Sprite with Carbonated fruit flavored water.The first week of our new nutrition intake my sister lost 3 pounds and since then has decided to not only eat right but exercise daily to keep her body functioning together healthy.
ReplyDeleteThis year, in my anatomy and physiology class, we have learned much about the body and how to keep it healthy. One of the most interesting things we learned about was nutrition. We learned what is considered unhealthy, and how to avoid bad eating habits. After learning about this, I started to incorporate healthier eating habits into my own life. Because of this, my family has also started eating healthier. We have only been eating whole wheat bread and pasta, and we have been eating a lot more produce for snacks rather than sweets. Another lesson we learned this year was on skin, and how important it is to protect from the damage of the sun. After learning this, I have been able to encourage my family to wear sunblock everyday. By making these changes in my life I have been able to feel better and much more energetic. Because of this, it is easy for me to share this knowledge with the people around me.
ReplyDeleteThe lessons learned this semester have been more helpful than I could have ever imagined and go far beyond what I expected when I signed up for Anatomy. Learning how exactly my body functions and how to take proper care of it to promote growth will be an invaluable lesson as I go into College Sports this upcoming summer. This past summer. I traveled to Johannesberg, South Africa with a ambassador program and met a group of South African students our age. I recently asked my chief ambassador Herb if I could get into contact with their classroom once again via Skype and speak with them during one of their science lessons. It wasn't fun having to do it so late at night, but a lot of fun was to be had as I got to see my old south african friends again. I hope to spread all that I have learned to my family and friends so that we can all benefit from the knowledge I've acquired these past months.
ReplyDeleteThroughout the year, I've learned many things from Anatomy, whether it be about healthy eating or about the muscles. But something that interested me the most was creatine, and how it creates energy and helps rapid muscle development. But there is no exact amount that dictates when an athlete or average person can overdose on creatine. Although I'm not an avid speaker on any subject, when it comes to working out, I feel like I always have something to say, whether it be joining in a talk about supplementation or talking about new workout. Recently, while working out, my friends younger brother asked me about my personal beliefs on creatine. Because of Anatomy, I influenced my friends brother to stay away from supplementation and especially creatine, telling him the negative side effects and how there is no possible way to determine how much creatine is enough or efficient enough for it to person because every person is different. Because of learning about creatine, I helped influence an athlete from making a sudden decision on creatine, and helped influence him from taking something that could have been possibly harmful for his body.
ReplyDeleteI am extremely glad that I chose to take Anatomy and Physiology this year not only because you were a great teacher, but because all the information I learned in this class was something I could apply to my every day routine. Learning about Nutrition really made me realize that even though companies try to disguise the products they sell, us consumer ignore the small print and don't really realize what it is we are consuming. In fact, I didn't know what the difference was between "Multi-grain" and whole grain before this year. Becoming more aware of what we put into our bodies really created awareness for the obesity related problems in this country, especially to our community and classes. One other thing I learned, as well as emphasized to my parents, were the impacts of caffeine and soda on our bones. We don't really realize that coffee, tea, and soft drinks really do weaken our bones, but after conducting that one experiment, i've learned otherwise. My family and I drink coffee every morning together as a daily ritual and now that we know how bad it is for our bones, we've all decided to cut back on our caffeine intake. My family finds it really important to maintain our bone health because my grandparents have been suffering through pain in their joints and bones for the past couple of years. My parents have seen it first hand and wish to avoid it before it's too late. I would apply all my knowledge from this class and teach my parents now and then because everything i've learnt has helped me take care of myself and encouraged my parents to do the same.
ReplyDeleteRitika Harchekar 3rd
Well i have learned a lot this year, and i was planning on writing something here about my new insight in to the true nutrition facts behind the food we eat on our everyday lives, but after seeing how every other person has written about that I will try to mix things up. Another unit that had an impact on me was the one on drugs. Learning how each of the drugs affects the human body really gave me a better understanding as to why people get addicted and what it does to you in the long run. Not that I am going to go around preaching not to do drugs or anything but it has reaffirmed my own beliefs in not doing drugs, but by setting an example i believe i could have an impact on others around me. Participating in shattered dreams also brought me back to the information i learned in this class. i know going through that experience will affect me forever, and im sure it also affected others in the school. The drug information we learned about in class needs to be wore widely taught to people so that less people end up suffering from drug related tragedies
ReplyDeleteBrandon Mullins
period 7
While most of my friends decided to take Earth and Space Science, I went the opposite route and took Anatomy & Physiology. Do I regret it? Never in a million years. I never really though that I would come to love Anatomy & Physiology as much as I do now. I have learned so much in just one short year and it's been a blast. It's difficult to say which lesson I enjoyed the most, but like most people, nutrition and the dangers that can happen to your body seemed to have the most impact on me. I never really paid attention to what I was putting into my body even though I knew it was junk food. It's difficult for anyone who loves to eat junk food to start to eat healthier. Part of being healthy isn't just about staying fit and exercising, you have to have a balance of nutrition and physical activity. The fats that you eat from chips and sodas can build up in your arteries and increase your chances of having some type of sickness. What helped me learn the most about nutrition were the videos about fast food. There is so much that I didn't know about the foods I eat that I buy from regular grocery stores and the raw meats that I buy. Many of the things I eat I don't know much about because the companies don't share them with us. I've started to incorporate more whole grains into my diet and actually eat fresher fruits and vegetables especially by making smoothies. The other aspect of Anatomy that I learned a lot from is about how the body systems work. Each body system plays a vital role in maintaining the body to work right. Since taking Anatomy and Physiology, I decided to become more involved in being aware and letting my friends and family understand about being healthy and making a difference. Just a tiny effort can go a long way. <3 Anatomy =)
ReplyDeleteDeinhammer- 1st Pd.
I have learned many things this year in Anatomy and Physiology. What has had the biggest impact on me is how many ways our body can be damage by things and we don't really experience the consequences. I have been trying to make my family healthier in general by eliminating the unhealthy foods that were in our house. I now make sure that most things are more natural and healthy than all the sugary sweets we use to keep everywhere. Another thing we learned about this year was Melanoma. The effects of it are brutal and fatal sometimes. I know keep a whole bottle of sun screen on a table near our pool and make people are not in the sun for too long but also not making them stay in the house becoming prunes. After taking this super awesome fantastic class I've learned to take better care of my body and not take it for granted.
ReplyDeleteJust like the majority of people who have posted it seems, I too felt like the most impactful unit we studied in anatomy was Nutrition. Now every time I go into the grocery store I find myself scoffing at the seemingly infinite “variety” of food producers on display. All the companies connected in ways the average person would never guess or think that the happy cow in a beaming grassy farm is the complete opposite of the true environment of a cow to be slaughtered. Or that practically everything we eat and even drink that is processed has some part of corn in it. I am constantly going over interesting facts in my head as I skim over restaurants’ menus or think about my daily food choices. Choosing an apple over a cookie for an after dinner evening snack or water over juice that is actually not organic and not better than sugar drinks to quench my thirst has turned into a chore I have to consistently remind myself. Most people’s weakness might be junk food, sodas, or candy, well mine is baked goods and chocolate treats. Nowadays I see that diets aren’t necessarily the answer to a healthy lifestyle or of losing weight if needed but simply moderation. With moderation, one can have that snack or coke once or twice on occasion as long as it’s not an overwhelming habit. Also working in exercise since for my Google online science fair project was about the effects of certain foods on digestion (how long it takes for them to dissolve). We also looked at what the workout equivalent to burn the number of calories in certain foods would be. Having that data in front of me/finding it ourselves made me much more aware of the effects of high numbers of calories. I think people hear numbers of calories yet (unlike sugar or fat can have physical models of them) they cannot equate the weight of the intake of calories that’s on the label. So that part of my project has also helped me stay motivated to work out consistently (and hopefully stay fit in college). Overall, I am always eager to share what I learn in Anatomy with friends and family since most student feel that they cannot or will never use what they learn in certain courses later in life, Anatomy is a class I think everyone should take since it effects everyone’s lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteRunners are typically not athletes that do exercises that workout the muscles. After going over the muscular system in Anatomy, I used what I learned to help make my cross country and track teammates better runners. One thing that I reiterated to my teammates at every meet was warming up properly. I would always tell my teammates to try to get at least 10 minutes of jogging prior to a race in order to warm up the muscles. Doing so helps the muscles work better, as noted in the muscle temperature lab. And in practice, I made a goal for myself (and my teammates) to do some kind of resistance training every day. Doing lunges, squats, bicep curls, and several other exercises helped the team to build up the muscle around our bones .This was key in helping us stay healthy year-round. If Mrs. Deinhammer hadn’t presented the muscular unit, my cross country teammates and I might not have had the kind of success we had while running this year. The general information about the muscle functionality helped me to teach others how to get the most out of their muscles, and reach new personal goals in the process.
ReplyDeleteI decided to take Anatomy this year because I knew it would be applicable to the real world. I figured I would use the information I learned in class and apply it to my daily life. This summer I am going to be a lifeguard, so I will spend large amounts of time in the sun. I learned this year that sunscreen is a major factor in keeping your skin healthy. Sunscreen should be SPF 30 or higher or else it is not providing the optimum protection. I also learned how to identify melanoma. If you have a mole and it is asymmetrical, has an oddly shaped border, multiple colors, a large diameter, or is elevated it is likely melanoma and should be checked by a dermatologist. Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer and if it reaches the upper levels it can lead to death. I never realized how important it is to protect your skin. The only forms of skin cancer I had ever heard of were mild and could be treated easily. I did not realize how dangerous it could be. I learned that the suns rays are most harmful from the hours of 10 am to 4 pm and that protecting your skin when you are young drastically reduces your chances of contracting skin cancer when you are old. I learned so much about all of the different systems this year and I really had a great time doing it! I have never really enjoyed science classes but Anatomy was one of the best classes I have ever taken. I learned about things and I was able to apply them to my life. It made me feel like what I was learning was useful so I wanted to learn more.
ReplyDeleteEArlier this year, I helped out at a 7 on 7 football camp. This was for kids from all over Coppell that were in middles school and elementary school. At this camp I mostly taught them football plays and techniques, but I was also teaching them healthy and active habits while doing this. As we have learned in anatomy, the body must get good exercise in order to function properly. This is exactly what I was doing with the kids, I was giving them good exercise. As a group I would tell them how important being active is, but also I would have little small individual chats with the kids, telling them how they need to go out and play. Overall it was a very building experience, as I felt the kids learned about how important health is and found out how to work out and have fun. I also plan to go to the Denton Creek Elementary field trip on Friday where I'll also show the kids fun and how to be healthy. It definitely made a positive impact on them.
ReplyDelete-Kyle Echerd
Throughout the year that I have spent in Anatomy and Physiology, the topic that has impacted me the most has been nutrition. Generally in my house there are a lot of snacks and unhealthy foods that my family member and I tend to eat, but after learning about how bad some food can be for you I encouraged my mom to not buy unhealthy foods but more healthier snacks. Also the portions of our meals are usually pretty big. I also encourage my mom to start serving us less food and encouraging my family member to look at the serving size on snacks that they are consuming. Another thing that I have encouraged my family to do is to be more active. In result, my mom signed up for "boot camp" that is run at kid country. This has defiantly had an impact on my family, and I will continue to encourage them to keep this up.
ReplyDelete-Zack Ratcliffe 6th period
Making an impact in this class is so awesome because it is so practical. Maybe one cannot make a huge impact in one swing, but can definitely make an impact by one person at a time. I found that, because I do not just go to grocery stores with my family, I can take what I learned about nutrition, and teach it to them. No body said that I cannot take it one person at a time to make the change. Sometimes doing the little steps is way more effective than tackling it all at one time. To the friends that I go to the grocery store with, I tell them what to look for in bread, what are some common misconceptions, and show them the facts about nutrition. So I feel that maybe it does not seem like a huge deal now, but people notice what you buy while also seeing a healthy person. So, an image can do a great deal.
ReplyDelete-Izma Aviles (6th)
This year has taught me a lot of material that is applicable to my life. From learning about skin diseases to physical activity, I've learned many things that will continue to help me in my life. The thing that affected me most was learning about healthy eating and living. My family has always been very healthy eaters. My mom cooks very healthy meals that are almost impossible to make healthier. However, I'm not always eating my mom's home cooked meals. The few times I eat out are splurges for me. But I've realized that in college, I will not have my mother's cooking. I will have dorm food and fast food restaurants. Due to less healthy options, I have to be very aware of what exactly I'm putting in my body. Along with my dorm choices, I will also have my own personal groceries. How to efficiently read a nutrition label was the most beneficial to me this year. While shopping for groceries on my own, I feel confident that I know how to choose the healthiest food filled with the best ingredients. The freshman 15 won't happen. I have learned so much about healthy eating and how to go with it on my own. I feel that I would not be as sure or confident with my food choices and life styles if I hadn't taken this class. What I've learned in this class will help me for the rest of my life.
ReplyDelete-Katie Perdue 3rd
As a kid in high school that is still growing, I love to eat fast food. But prior to learning about nutrition, I really had no idea on how bad the nutritional value fast food actually is for an individual. Since then, I have strived to eat healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables which contain fewer calories and fats than fast food does. Moreover, it does not contain processed food materials such as high fructose corn syrup and aspartame like sodas and other fast food/drinks contain (making it more difficult for your body to break down the substances). Other things I noticed about nutrition was the effects that it has on your body. For example, I decided to give up soda for four days and noticed that my body was slightly addicted/dependent on it after being exposed to the caffeine and sugars in it. This helped me realize that this was not a healthy habit and has caused me to drastically cut back on my soda intake. Another experiment we did was with the effects of an energy drink on a chicken bone. After saturating the bone in the drink, the bone had atrophied and slightly changed color. This had also made me realize that soda not only is bad for my weight, but also other body systems such as the skeletal system.
ReplyDeleteAnother eyeopening subject that impacted me was the units on alcohol and other drugs. I knew that drugs were bad and could cause your body much harm, but i never imagined how much damage it could cause to one's brain and other organs such as the liver. This unit was somewhat of a blessing since I do know people that were going down the wrong path and getting into drugs (particularly hard drugs). Fortunately for me, this unit made me realize the danger in what these drugs can have on one's body and ultimately caused me to talk with my friends about their problem. Whether it was because of me they changed their mind or their own personal choice, I believe that this unit had some minor influence in their decision to quit with drugs.
Jeff Kennedy 1st period
To be completely honest, I took anatomy because I needed another science credit for the four-by-four plan. I didn't think I would like it. But it ended up being one of the, if not the most interesting and fun classes I've taken all four years in high school. I learned so much, and a vast majority of it can be applied to help myself or others, or at least used to understand what's going on when we're sick or hurt. In my opinion, the most applicable section of learning was the nutrition unit, simply because everyone can afford to eat better and live a healthier lifestyle. I've noticed that I now subconsciously am much more aware of what I eat, how often I eat, and what it's doing in my body, Because of this, I have monitored much more closely what the three-year-old little boy I nanny eats. I started feeding him primarily fruits when he wants a snack, and his favorite food is now bananas. He could eat an entire meal consisting of bananas, tomatoes, and strawberries if I let him (but of course I don't because he needs his protein, wheat, fats, and dairy). It has been so interesting to see how this small change affects such an innocent human. Griffin is too young to care about body image or health, but he genuinely loves the fruit and veggies I give him because he has gotten used to them. This makes me think that the same can be true for teens and adults--we're just too stubborn and set in our ways to change these habits. I hope that I have made at least some sort of positive impact in Griff's life that will carry on after I leave for college. I'd like to think that he will continue to eat as healthy as he does now years after I'm gone. And on a larger scaled, I would love it if a domino affect would be created, with his family making healthier choices because of his food choices, and when he gets older, making an impact on friends' food decisions instead of the other way around. I sincerely hope I have made at least a small change because of anatomy. I seriously love this class so much! You're the best, Mrs. D!!
ReplyDeleteEmily Fowler
Anatomy this year has been a whirlwind of emotions. Sure we’ve had our ups and downs (all ups and no downs), but overall, I would consider this a pretty successful year. When asked what I’ve learned in the class, however, I do not know where to begin. From the systems to the labs, what I’ve learned in anatomy goes beyond high school and is a true stepping stone into life. Although each and every system fueled the fire of my love for anatomy, one system stood out in particular. The musculatory system cut me to the core; probably because the project was over sport injuries and I am somewhat of an athlete. I can recall numerous of facts about the musculatory system, but one that I found very interesting was that muscles work in pairs and as one muscle contracts, another muscle relaxes. For my impact on the community, I connected muscle contraction and relaxation to the baseball team’s stretches. As a captain, stretching the team was one of my duties. So as an anatomy genius as well, I felt it wrong not to use my knowledge on the field. I gave a quick overview of muscle contraction and relaxation to the team; clearly stating that every muscle is key for athletic movement and that a pull is just a blink of an eye away. Baseball is a sport where you constantly use both your legs and arms, so stretching is a must. Instead of just starting practice, we started off with a nice jog to center field and back. After the jog, we did some high knees, soldier walk, toe touches, etc. After the high tempo stretches, we jogged back out to center field to further stretch our arms and legs. We then jogged back and started practice loose as can be. With my quick anatomy lesson, the 2011 Coppell Cowboys Baseball Team had no pulled or even tweaked muscles all season.
5th Period
Throughout this year, I’ve learned about so much about how our bodies work and what needs to be done to keep them in tip-top shape. I’ve also learned about other good habits we as humans should get into in order to improve our world. Anatomy has changed the way I think during my day. I’m more conscious of my driving and how much gas I waste. I’ve started to exercise more frequently now that I know how incredibly important and effective it is. I’ve learned how to incorporate healthier foods into my diet while not sacrificing the tastes that I love.
ReplyDeleteThis last one has certainly spilled over into the lives of my friends as the year has gone on. After hearing about Quinoa in class, I jokingly began to try and sneak a box of Quinoa into my friends shopping carts any time we go to the grocery store. I’ve always gotten caught, but it’s definitely (and awkwardly) brought up my Anatomy class in our conversations, and it also unintentionally got us to talk about our diets and how we should be eating better. All this conversation has actually gotten us to take action. For example, we grab whole wheat bread and various organic products if one of us needs baking ingredients. It’s a small step--and a lot of times these items will be bought partly in jest (one of my friends will groan “because I’m so fat and I need to lose weight”)--but the thing is, they’re actually picking healthier items. What started off as joke with “America’s Favorite Native American Grain” has turned into a medium to promote healthier eating. Right now, my friends might not be completely serious about how they eat, but it could be the start of getting into the habit of eating better. I’ve personally been awakened to the influence of our food on our bodies after listening in class and watching Super Size Me and the documentaries on heart attacks and food processing. I think about what I eat frequently nowadays, and I’m glad I do; hopefully this will continue as I transition into college and I can make more health-conscious choices (and inspire my new college friends to do the same!).
I’m so thankful for all that I’ve learned in Anatomy. This class is so different from the majority of classes at Coppell High School because it actually gives us students real-life applications that can actually be applied to our lives. Let’s be honest, I’m probably not going to calculate the height of a lighthouse anytime soon like in the “real-life application problems” in math class. However, I’m already applying what I’ve learned in Anatomy to my lifestyle, and I know that this is just the beginning.
It may be a fairly common response to this blog, but the nutrition and dietary studies this year have had a huge impact on my family and me. My sister has always been a very healthy eater, but lately she has wanted to take it to the next step. She wanted to get rid of meat as well as carbs in order to lose weight. But, after studying about nutrition, I called Kelsey and told her to be extremely careful because without protein and carbs, she won't get what her body needs to stay healthy. She wouldn't have energy, and if she were to ever eat meat or carbs it would actually make her body gain weight because it would store it all in case she would decide to go without it again. I filled her in on the tips Mrs. Deinhammer gave us in class about simply watching portion size and ingredients, because those seem to be the two big things to pay attention to. Along with helping Kelsey, this study helped my mom and I as well whenever we get groceries. Instead of buying food based on calories, we have started looking at the ingredients. It was amazing to us that some foods we thought were healthy had a lot of unhealthy ingredients in them. I hope that I can use this information from Anatomy to help me get better eating habits, especially before college where the Freshman 15 is waiting.
ReplyDeleteJackie Clark p.6
ReplyDeleteOne of the big chapters I have really taken in and taught to other people was the nutrition section. I had no idea about a lot of the things we were learning and I thought that everyone needed to know exactly what they were putting in their bodies. I have taught the secrets of nutrition and what to really look for on a label to my family, close friends, and anyone else who feels like listening to me. (: The people who make our foods and labels do a very good job of hiding what is really in their product and that’s not fair to us. Because I have told my family we have been making small adjusts in the food we buy and eat at home which is great because both of my parents want to lose a little wait. Also, by telling my friends they have become more cautious of what they are eating and have told their friends as well. It’s one of those chain reaction things and I hope it continues until everyone knows. By spreading the word like this it will eventually make an impact on somebody’s life and in the community. I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t mind losing a couple pounds and if telling them one tip will do so that’s awesome! What I’ve also learned from nutrition that I’ve shared with everyone is that you can eat whatever you want just in moderation and that seems to be hitting home for a lot of people and helping them balance their diets a little more. (:
Throughout the course of anatomy and physiology I have learned so many new things about the human body and its functions. In class we learned about all the body systems, their functions and so much more. The topic that caught my attention the most and what I learned a lot from was nutrition. I learned that nutrition is such an essential part to keep you healthy. Many people don't realize it, but eating right and having the proper exercise is what keeps your body systems functioning correctly. If you don't maintain a healthy diet then you can have problems such as obesity, heart diseases, and sometimes it could even lead to some types of cancers. It is scary because there are a lot of things that you would think are healthy for you and beneficial for you, but they really don't benefit you. I've taken this information I've learned and I've helped my family members and friends get on the right track to a good diet and workout so that they can stay healthy!
ReplyDelete-Margaux Paylim
Anatomy, P.6
Ryan Horner-5th
ReplyDeleteThe time we spent discussing nutrition really had a great impact on me. I learned a great deal about what foods are good to eat and what foods should generally be avoided. With this knowledge I gained, I was able to not only positively change my eating habits, but my family’s as well. I took what I learned in class about new nutrition and was able to make some minor changes in the groceries that my family buys. For example, my family traditionally eats a lot of junk food, or food that contains high amounts of trans fats. After learning about how bad trans fats are for the body, I was able to inform my family of the dangers of trans fats and find healthier alternatives. The other major impact that this class had on me was the unit we did about drugs. I learned a great deal about all the different effects of drugs and how they harm your body. This is information, unfortunately, is very applicable to the real world. Based off what I learned, I have made the decision to avoid drugs completely in my personal life. Also, I am now able to warn others of the dangers of drugs and hopefully keep them away from them as well. Overall, anatomy was a very relevant and useful class to have taken. Unlike calculus, almost every lesson we did was useful and will most likely play a part of our lives at some point. I had a good experience in anatomy and I definitely don’t regret taking this class at all.
With a distrubingly high rate of obesity in our country and an ambiguous understanding of the food industry, it is very important to be educated on nutrition. The common victim of the profit seeking producers typically plans their diet based on an intentially misguided apprehension. Most of the Americans who make an effort to eat healthy foods simply do not know how; and what's worse, companies capitalize on these intentions by falsely advertizing their products as healthy. A proper understanding of nutrition, something I was taught in this class, has helped me to make better choices regarding my food intake. I'd like to help spread this informed understanding to others to help them achieve their actual intent. For example, my mom thought she was eating healthier when she switched from white bread to wheat bread; however, upon examening the label I found that the bread was essentially striped of its nutrients and tarnished with addititives. I relayed the information I had learned in this class to her, enabling her to make healthier choices.
ReplyDeleteThis year in anatomy there has been many topics that we have studied and that have captured my attention. I have learned more in this one semester of anatomy than I have in the past three years from other science classes. One of the topics that really interested me was the study of nutrition because it has a large effect on me and will throught my whole life. I was very suprised by many of the statisticss and facts about health and physical activity in the United States and it has made me think alot about my daily eating habits. I have tried to change some of these habits like cutting back on fast food and eating things that are better for me. Other than myself I have shared alot of this information with my family. I told them many of the statistics that we have learned and made them become involved when I would do assignments like play 60 and taking away bad foods from our diets. Since learning about all of these things my family has eaten more home cooked meals with things like fruits rather than just going out to get fast food. In the beggining of the year I never thought that what I would learn in anatomy would play a role in my life but it has effected me and in a good way. I hope to contribute more that I have learned this year into my life and impact more people around me.
ReplyDeleteDuring the 5th 6 weeks of anatomy, while studying the digestive system, we spent a lot of time focusing on nutrition and health. The documentaries we watched, such as "Food Inc.", heavily influenced the way I viewed the things I eat as well as the food produced in America.
ReplyDeleteMy newspaper period is directly after anatomy, so one day, after another lesson on nutrition, I stormed in to the newsroom, ranting and raving about how disgusted I am with the food around me and how I would never eat again. One of my staffers, Addy Buigas-Lopez, overheard my rantings and started a discussion with me on the topic. Our discussion lead to her writing a column on nutrition in the high school, ridiculing the lack of healthy options in the lunch line and asking the school to reform their nutritional standards. The column will appear in the next issue of The Sidekick, and I am happy to say I helped it come to fruition.
I've found that most of what I've learned in anatomy this year I've been able to apply to my life and the lives of others. My favorite unit this year was definiely the nutrition unit. This year I've made an effort to be more conscious of what I eat and get more exercise. Before learning about nutrition in anatomy, I would go on special "diets" that I read about in an attempt to be more healthy, but I didn't really know what I was doing. The nutrition unit really cleared some things up for me, and I gained a much better understanding of what it means to be healthy. I found myself sharing tid bits that I learned in anatomy with my friends and family. I could tell that they found what I said interesting, so I kept sharing. After sharing some things with my family, my mom started implementing them into the dinners she made. The assingment where we found out how to make a "bad" meal healthier seemed to really change the way she cooks. Once I made a good-tasting meal that was considered healthy for my family, we've all become more conscious of the alternatives to fatty meals. Instead of using regular pasta for spaghetti, my mom uses whole grain. She makes substitutions like this for most meals she makes now, so I feel like what I learned in this class has actually been implemented in my life and the lives of my family, which I've found isn't the case in most of my other classes. A lot of teachers say that you will be able to apply the informationt hey teach you in the future, but I feel like I was able to implement the information I learned in anatomy immediately, which I reall like.
ReplyDeleteErin Evans
1st Period
This year in anatomy we learned about the respiratory system and how the lungs work. During this unit something that stood out to me was the effect that smoking can have on ones lungs and respiratory system as a whole. After seeing that, I was assigned a research paper in english and one of the choices was health and medicine. I choose this because I wanted to research the effects second hand smoke can have on non-smokers like myself. I had to present a power point to the class later and I showed them that second-hand smoke is unhealthy and can cause different respiratory diseases even when one is not smoking. I can directly thank you for this project mrs. D. The topic was a direct result of what I learned in your class. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAndrew Rexroat
5th Period
My knowledge of nutrition and health in this semester of Anatomy and Physiology has helped me improve family meals. Having gone into depth about what to look for in foods to ensure they are healthy, I felt that I was more able to make smart decisions. I have encouraged my family to reduce the amount of fast food we eat monthly, and am helping my parents when we go shopping to create well rounded meals. I learned that it's alright to have some foods that are bad for you and should be limited, but it's also even more important to try and balance meals. You never want to have too much of anything, even if it's something good for you. The goal should be to be eating well balanced meals that contain most, if not all of the essential foods from the food pyramid. Even the last blog post helped me increase the healthiness of my food intake. After charting my food intake for a day, I was able to analyze the data to see what foods I should be eating more of and what foods I should be reducing. In conclusion, after taking Anatomy this year, I feel educated enough in the field of nutrition to make smart decisions and help those around me make smart decisions also. I can already see that my family is enjoying my input about nutrition and are taking my advice about what foods we should be eating. I know this knowledge will help me in college and pass on with me as I grow older.
ReplyDeleteRyan Meade, although I am able to use what I have learned in Anatomy almost every day, I particularly take pride in spreading my knowledge to others about the dangers of not wearing sunscreen. The reason I am so active about spreading the dangers of not wearing sunscreen is because I have had family members die of skin cancers and just recently had a family member who had to have melanoma cut out of her neck. I have heard all the stories from family members about how awful treatment for cancer is which is why I do my best to ensure that everyone I’m with wears sunscreen while outside for extended amounts of time. One recent scenario where I was particularly avid was when my friends and I had our grad party out on the lake. I noticed that a lot of people at the beginning of the party were just diving right into their tanning session on top of the boat. I was not going to witness the creation of sunburns before my eyes so I informed them of how one bad sunburn can greatly increase your chance of developing skin cancer. After that little fact they were quick to start rubbing on sunscreen. Although there are many times in life where I get to share my knowledge of anatomy, I find that sharing my knowledge about the skin gives me the greatest feeling because of my family’s history with skin cancers.
ReplyDeleteNick Martinez Period 1
ReplyDeleteAs a result of the extensive time I have spent learning and listening in anatomy class this 2011 school year at Coppell High School, I have acquired a considerable and respectable knowledge of my body and how it works. This has allowed me to spread my knowledge to the world with which I interact and allow others to absorb my same fascination with human life. This year has taught me a lot of material that is applicable to my life. From learning about skin diseases to physical activity, I've learned many things that will continue to help me in my life. I have been able to alter my entire family's eating habits, as I have learned a repectable amount about proper nutrition and eating habits. I have set a path for my family to be healthy. I have also somewhat been able to diagnose my close relatives with certain problems after analyzing the symptoms that they describe to me. That is how I have made an impact mainly. I know what is inside me and how I am affected by my external actions, inregards to food, excersize, actions, lifestyle etc. As a result, I have been able to extend my knowledge beyond my personal realm and help those dear to me.
Entering in Anatomy I thought we would be learning about basics facts and it would discuss functions of the systems, identifying structures, everything you would find in the expected curriculum, etc. Instead, we learned how we could apply this information to an daily lifestyle or why it would be important in the real world. For example, after going over new concepts we would then be assigned cases of patients and our goal was to diagnose them.A few units/concepts that stuck out to me were the skin and nutrition (or the digestive system). The skin was significant to me because previously before Anatomy I was really lazy about caring for my skin and carelessly let my skin burn in the summertime. I was more concerned about getting a tan than protecting myself. Now,this summer I have made it a priority to use at the least SPF 30 out in the sun. Considering I'll be life-guarding all summer long, it's a good thing I learned about what the sun can do to your skin. Before I barely new anything about Melanoma and how badly it will affect a person.In terms of what i learned about the digestive system, I've decreased the amount of carb intake I have had each day. I even went on a diet with my mom shortly after when we realized we needed to balance out our carbs with more fruits and vegetables. Hopefully this summer I'll be able to continue these good habits!
ReplyDeleteBecause I aspire to be a sport nutritionist and major in nutritional scientist, the nutrition unit we did was most interesting to me. My dad recently went to the doctor and found out that he has high cholesterol and he wants to reduce his cholesterol intake. After watching the video in Anatomy that shows how cholesterol lodges in your arteries and can eventually shut of your heart, gave me knowledge when my dad told me about what the doctor said. It scared me knowing that even though his high cholesterol was not a serious matter according to the doctor, it was still a matter that I didn't want to risk ignoring. I went with my dad to the grocery store and picked out foods low in cholesterol such as fish and chicken, and stayed away from the red meat such as beef and steak. When we make burgers now, we make turkey burgers which use turkey, a leaner meat than beef. The knowledge I gained about nutrition and how cholesterol affects the heart allowed me to help my father gain a better diet and hopefully he will be around longer now that he has switched his diet.
ReplyDeleteShannon Miller, 2nd period
ReplyDeleteMy favorite lesson so far this year has been the lesson on nutrition. What I learned during that lesson is easy to apply to my life, and has caused me to really question and evaluate the food that I buy from the grocery store. I didn’t really have a good idea of how my nutrition should be balanced or how to read food labels, but now I know what to look for and what is and isn’t good. In order to apply this and make an impact on someone else, I shared this lesson with two girls that I babysit. Reagan, a third grader, and Maggie, a seventh grader, both eat typical kid food- pizza, mac and cheese ,and chicken nuggets. The night that I babysat them, I took them to Tom Thumb so that I could show them brands of food that are healthier for them and teach the the tricks that Ms. Deinhammer explained to us in class, and we got supplies to make a nutritious dinner. After researching healthy recipes that they would like, we decided to make hamburger macaroni and cheese with vegetables and chips and ranch dip on the side. I used Ms. Deinhammers trick of cooking them half regular noodles (we bought the Velveta brand of macaroni and cheese) and using half whole grain noodles (we bought the Tom Thumb brand O-Organtics whole grain macaroni noodles). I used a cheese grater to grate up zuccini, and finely chopped up onion and mushrooms to put into the cheesy sauce so that they girls would get even more vegetables in with their meal without feeling like they were eating vegetables. For our ranch dip for our vegetables, we used the packet of the Hidden Valley ranch dressing powder and mixed it in with sour cream and low fat plain yogurt (the recipe on the packet called for only sour cream, but using the yogurt made it a tad healthier and did not alter the taste). They usually just dip lays potato chips into the ranch dip, but this time we added raw carrots and broccoli on the side. We went home and cooked the meal and the girls loved it. Although they do not necessarily have to count calories, it is important for them to understand nutrition, especially because they are picky eaters who only like to eat junk food! I was excited to get to share my knowledge with them, because we love to cook dinner together whenever I babysit, and this time we got to cook a healthy dinner! I had them explain to their mother what we had for dinner and how we made it healthier, and she was amazed that I was able to get them excited about eating healthy. She is planning on using the same tricks that we used because they ate the same food they usually do, but it was a healthier version and they couldnt taste the difference. I am planning to continue cooking healthier for them, and I hope that on the nights when they have friends over, that the friends will tell their parents and will begin to eat healthier as well!
From all the lessons in anatomy, I took nutrition to heart, because it was most applicable to ordinary life in my opinion. I hoped to expose the destructive chemicals of McDonald, but may people are rather apathetic when the joy of fast food is I haven't impacted as wide an audience as I would've liked to, but I've been able to influence my family in a smaller scale. At first my family was unaware as to how breads differ. Select bread contain preservatives and processed flour which only increases starch and toxins without any nutrients. I've been able to teach my family how the food labels, in that the main ingredients would be listed first. It was a relatively small experience among the many but I hope to change the amounts and types of food which we buy to a healthier pick. I hope for a healthy lifestyle with plenty of food, exercise, and choices for me and my family in the near future, and eventually have a positive influence on those around me in the near future.
ReplyDeletePeter Tran
Period 7
Nutrition is very important to me as a distance runner. Performance depends on my nutrition, making sure my body is fueled. I have learned a lot about protein, carbs, and fats and how many grams you are supposed to have of each in a day. Learning about this in anatomy was very helpful to me and I used my knowledge to help inform my mom about her eating choices as she has just began a diet. With the knowledge from what I learned this year in anatomy I was able to help write out a diet plan for my mom and also teach her how to read labels and buy healthy items at the grocery store that will lead to overall better health.
ReplyDeleteChristina Portillo, 7th
ReplyDeleteThroughout Anatomy and Physiology, I learned a lot about the body systems and how to keep them healthy and functioning properly. The unit that stuck out to me most was nutrition, as it's the most relavant to my everyday life. I learned the importance of eating healthy and the impacts a poor diet can have, how to properly differentiate between "good" foods and "bad", and the amounts of fat, sugar, calories, carbs, etc that should be consumed in a day. With my new knowledge of a healthy diet, I have been able to inform my family of how to eat properly, often helping to prepare meals so as to be sure we get the proper amount of each food group. I also help teach Spanish at Middle School East for Ready, Set, Teach, and during their food unit, I helped teach them how to eat well and how much of each food group to eat while also incorporating the vocabulary of the chapter they were learning. In this way, I feel I've helped contribute to bettering the community.
I have used what I learned about nutrition to make a positive impact on the world. I took my knowledge of nutrition and used it to help one of my friends create a healthier lifestyle. My friend always talks about how she wants to lose weight and often decides to start dieting by limiting her intake of calories and fats. However, she goes about losing weight completely the wrong way and I helped her understand the best ways to eat in order to stay healthy, and in turn lose weight. I remember one time at lunch she claimed she was dieting so all she ate was a bag of cheetos. She decided the 300 or so calories in the bag of cheetos was all she could eat if she wanted to lose weight. After learning about nutrition and the bests ways to fuel your body, I shared with her that being healthy is not all about limiting calorie intake, but making every calorie you put in your body count. She did not understand that calories are good because they give your body energy, but it is important to eat in moderation and eat a balanced diet, obtaining all the nutrients you need. I also taught her that not all fats are bad. I explained to her the differences between good fats found in such foods like avocados, humus, and nuts and the bad fats found in junk food. Ever since I have explained this to her, she has started bringing her lunch every day and packing it with foods such as a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread along with fruits, veggies, and dairy products. Her lunches are low in calorie, like they were before, but now her body is much healthier and she stays full for much longer, which is much different from when she would only eat a bag of cheetos for lunch. I know that I can share my knowledge of nutrition to further make an impact on the world for the rest of my life, especially since America is such an unhealthy country and many American are unsure how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteSarah Barlow-5
Over the summer, I am going to be working as a lifeguard. When I was younger (really just last year) I would never wear sunscreen because I rarely, if ever, burned and I thought it would inhibit my ability to get a sweet tan. I had no idea that skin cancer was such a prominent disease that endangers the lives of people every single day. Before anatomy, I would have laughed off my parent's request that I put on sunscreen and think "it won't happen to me". But that's the issue, every person who has ever contracted skin cancer probably thought "it won't happen to me". Now I know the truth and that skin cancer can happen to anyone. I plan to use this knowledge to aid my fellow lifeguards in making sure not only that they use the proper sunscreen but also are aware of the dangerous nature of melanoma and how to identify it. By spreading awareness and making sure everyone knows that it can happen to anybody maybe I can help prevent it from happening to just one person which is more than enough.
ReplyDeleteAnatomy has also made me think about what I put into my body and to realize that nutrition is imperative to a healthy life. I feel like the last blog was about nutrition so I won't ramble about that. Thanks so much for everything you taught me this year! You're the best:)
Anatomy has by far been my most favorite class at CHS. The things I've learned will be used more frequently than things in many of my other classes. I've been influenced on how my body works. As a result, I work out almost everyday and eat a healthy diet. I also have influenced people around me to do the same. I've gotten a few of my friends to come workout with me and persuaded my family to eat more healthy. Another thing I've learned from Anatomy is how our body fights pathogens. From now on I wash my hands as often as possible to get rid of germs and bacteria which my body is fighting. I know that doing so will reduce the risk of getting sick or even spreading sickness. Its just one way to make an impact but if everyone were to jump on board than our world would be much better off.
ReplyDeleteThis year in anatomy, I have learned a lot regarding the different body systems and the health of our own bodies. One lesson that really stuck out to me was the lesson about health and nutrition. Watching the documentaries about our nation’s food system and where everything we are eating comes from was really shocking. It makes me wonder what kind of impact it would have on our society if everyone was not blinded by what the food industry hides from us. I taught my family about the importance of watching what we eat and how that affects our body by pointing out really unhealthy foods in our house and by suggesting healthier alternatives. I explained how important it is to actually look at the ingredients and the nutritional facts on the back of packages. This alone could change your mind on what you thought sounded good to eat but instead you want to look for a healthier alternative. This helped me because before this year I never really paid attention to what I ate or what was in it. However since learning all of this, I now pay attention to what I’m eating not to lose weight but to just be healthier. I think it’s very important we all know all this now before we all go to college because we are going to be making all the decisions about what we are eating. We won’t have our parents buying all our food or telling us what is good or bad.
ReplyDeleteKatherine Marshall- 3
Throughout this year, my favorite topic by far has been nutrition. I feel like it is such a vital part of our lives. It is so interesting to me how everything works together to keep your body healthy. I have made an impact using nutrition with my family ever since the one knowledge grade where we made a healthy dinner for our families. As a family, we decided to work a lot harder to sub in healthier foods that were better for our bodies. We are definitely working over summer to make sure we keep up with our new healthy eating habits. Our family volunteers at Austin Street Shelter every month and we have decided to impact the people there by educating them on nutrition so they can make sure they stay healthy and keep their bodies in somewhat good condition. This is my way of impacting those around me with what I have learned this year in anatomy. I feel like by me doing this, I am helping those around me gain knowledge of how they can keep their bodies energized and healthy.