Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Blake Mycoskie had a idea that people thought was ridiculous and silly. Look at the difference his idea has made since 2006.


  1. Shoes. They are an entirely simple concept and living in such a well-off environment, we do not even stop to think that there are millions of people living in third world countries without shoes. TOMS gives people in need one of the most basic necessities in one's life, shoes. In a manner that involves both the giver and the reciever, this organization has created a system that is now a renown movement. With a simple pair of shoes, the providers at TOMS are helping to prevent cuts, infectious diseases, sores, and other unknown infections. Most importantly, they are preventing the deaths of thousands. I, myself have participated in providing shoes for people in need, and I admire the work that TOMS is doing for impovershed people around the world.

  2. It's amazing to be able to see such a huge difference in peoples' lives around the world with the help of a simple pair of shoes. Blake took his far fetched idea and turned it into a well known bussiness that still manages to incorperate giving to other people every day. Blake's idea has not only made a difference to thousands of families in poverty, but to anyone with a bussiness or dream who wants to make a difference in the world. Within the last 4 years TOMS has given away 130,000 shoes and counting. That's 130,000 lives saved so far and it only took one "silly" idea.

  3. Blake Mycoskie's idea is not just inspiring, but it seems to benefit every person involved. When I first saw a pair of TOMS, my initial reaction was the thought that the shoes were interesting but very cool. It wasn't until after I did a little work online and tried to order a pair that I realized what was so great about them. Not only did I get an awesome pair of shoes, but, by buying one, I helped provide what could be a child's first pair of shoes. The organization really tugs at my heart because in America we seem to have more pairs of shoes than we know what to do with. I wear a different pair of shoes almost every day of school in one week, whereas there are children who don't even own one pair, or if they do the pair doesn't fit right or it's beat of from all the wear-and-tear. TOMS paired up with Fellowship Church at one point last year, and we got the honor to listen to Blake Mycoskie talk about his idea and what it has become. He liked to remind us that it is different from nonprofit organizations. It is run like a business and does make a profit in order to produce more shoes and keep the shoes popular. His simple, yet crazy idea inspires me to never dismiss an idea that could help out others, even if it is far-fetched. TOMS is an organization that will continue to grow and continue to provide for those in need.

  4. This little video clip moved me to tears. I can't help but feel so appreciative whenever I see people like Blake Mycoskie actually taking the effort to make a difference in this world. I can vaguely connect to what he may have felt when people labeled his brilliant idea as “silly”; because when people have the courage to say that, it basically means: “That’ll never work. You’re on your own”. But the progress and the success over these 6 years reflects Mycoskie’s passion and longing to help those who others wouldn’t even think about- which is something/someone truly worth looking up to. Now as of today, Mycoskie has saved 130,000 lives, and is still counting.

  5. Shoes are something that people like us take for granted every single day. After watching this video clip, it made me feel guilty for ever complaining about how uncomfortable a pair of shoes were. At least I had parents loving enough, and lived in a great society where we are able to buy shoes. Kids that live in Africa don't have the luxury of buying shoes, much less ever even wearing a pair of shoes. All sorts of diseases infect these children's feet, all because they do not have a pair of shoes. Blake Mycoskie's idea for the Toms Shoes must have been not supported at first because of the hard work that it requires. A bunch of people doubted what he was going to do, because it seems a bit unbelievable to give a bunch of free shoes to a less fortunate country. I think that this foundation is one of the best donating foundations that has ever been created. Giving things to others is what life is all about to me, and I think that Toms Shoes does just that. It is incredible to me that so many people live life daily without shoes. I am proud to say that I have two pairs of Toms shoes, which means that i have put a pair of shoes on two needy children's feet. This September, it is planned that Toms Shoes will donate their one millionth pair to a needy child. The passion of Mycoskie is what is most amazing to me, and I will continue to support it because of all of the good that it is doing.

  6. TOMS is one of the greatest charities in existence today. While Blake Mycoskie’s idea may have seemed silly to some, he has impacted hundreds of thousands of lives and continues to do so everyday. In America, we are fortunate enough to have the money to pay for basic necessities, such as clothes and food. In Africa, people are not so lucky. They cannot even pay for shoes. The things that we put no value on because they come to us so easily are practically unheard of in other places around the world. TOMS has set out to change that and supply those people with shoes. The best part about TOMS is that anyone can help and it is so easy. Mycoskie has changed so many lives since the founding of this organization and has inspired many others to help those less fortunate. I know that this story has inspired me to not take things for granted and to want to help others. I sincerely hope that TOMS continues to serve people and change lives for a long time to come.

  7. TOMS is one of the greatest charities in existence today. While Blake Mycoskie’s idea may have seemed silly to some, he has impacted hundreds of thousands of lives and continues to do so everyday. In America, we are fortunate enough to have the money to pay for basic necessities, such as clothes and food. In Africa, people are not so lucky. They cannot even pay for shoes. The things that we put no value on because they come to us so easily are practically unheard of in other places around the world. TOMS has set out to change that and supply those people with shoes. The best part about TOMS is that anyone can help and it is so easy. Mycoskie has changed so many lives since the founding of this organization and has inspired many others to help those less fortunate. I know that this story has inspired me to not take things for granted and to want to help others. I sincerely hope that TOMS continues to serve people and change lives for a long time to come.

  8. TOMS is by far one of my favorite organizations. I love knowing that every time I by a pair of TOMS shoes, I also bought a pair for someone who really needs them. I can personally say that shoes are something that I take for granted all the time. My closet has stacks of shoes inside, some of which I haven’t worn in months. Usually when I think of people in need, I imagine them only needing food, water, education, and medical care. I do not usually think of shoes, but Mycoskie did. His idea for TOMS was so simple, yet brilliant. He has inspired so many people to help out and each year it gets bigger and bigger. It would be amazing that if one day, every single person on Earth could have a pair of shoes. I’m not sure if it’s possible, but TOMS is definitely on the right track. Mycoskie has reminded all of us that we can do something amazing with something just as simple as a pair of shoes.

  9. To Keely:

    I know what you mean. I always feel so ungreatful whenever I see others who are less fortunate than me.
    Did you know, Mycoskie is actually making more of a difference than the video shows? According to an interview he did (with a Harvard professor I believe...), His first motivation to help the children came from looking at their feet conditions. But then, after learning that children without shoes AREN'T ALLOWED to attend school, he had a new inspiration to his project. Not is he only saving their feet, but he's also saving their future.

  10. Blake Mycoskie isn't only making a difference, he's changing lives. There are numerous amounts of people that live without shoes or even everyday needs every single day. It is amazing to me how some people can walk around in our $150 dollar shoes, while there are people in another country who are much more needy than we can even imagine. What Blake Mycoskie is doing is one of the largest acts of kindness I have ever heard of. By just giving a child a pair of shoes, you can make them smile like they've never smiled before. And to me, that's a beautiful thing. I bought my first pair of TOMS at my church store, and ever since, I knew that I had helped a person in need. Blake Mycoskie isn't just giving, he's loving.

    Sarah Spence

  11. Blake Mycoskie is taking something simple and making it save lives. In our community, shoes are something we don't even think about because we don't have to worry about them. We wake up every morning and have shoes to put on our feet and clothes to wear. Blake Mycoskie is giving us a chance to get a pair of shoes, and at the same time, give a pair of shoes to a child without the privilege to even wear shoes on an everyday basis. He is making miracles out of things we do every day. So, when we need a new pair of shoes, why not buy a pair that help someone we've never even met have, possibly, their first actual pair of shoes? It's a miracle we're making without even going out of our daily routine.

  12. Non-profit organizations like TOMS are the type of group thats really making a change in small, under-privledged countries outside of the United States. After Mycoskie realized that children were susceptible to foot disease and that children who didn't have shoes were't allowed to go to school, he knew it was time for a change. Now, TOMS drops shoes in 20 different countries now. It's certainly a good thing that people like Mycoskie exist and know what it takes to make a difference and understand how fortunate they are.

  13. I have been dying to get a pair of these when I found out the great cause behind them! Not only are they now a fashion statement but a clever way to provide humanitarian aide to those in need. It is strange to think how a pair of shoes could make a difference in a person's life. I know I am guilty for having atleast 20 or so pairs shoved in my closet. Most of them I don't wear too often. And its easy for me to just toss a pair or two to make room for new ones. Sometimes we really take things for granted and sometimes we act just plain spoiled. How often do we complain that we are hungry when we ate a few hours ago. Or look in closet and complain we have nothing to wear. How many times do we complain about having to go to work, school, or do clores. We forget the many priveldges that we are given. It is extremely humbling to watch the joy in the faces of the children recieving TOMS. That is probably the only pair of shoes they have recieved in their lifetime. It is amazing to see Blake Mycoskie get out the bubble of selfishness and look to see wear he could make a differnce in the world. How he could help people in need. Not only do I find it important to try and invest in this project but to also look at his example and figure out a way personally to change the lives of others.

  14. TOMS organization has a great thought process, and everything that Blake Mycoskie does is for the benefit of the kids without the priveldges that we take for granted everyday. Shoes to us, kids or adults in America, are a necessity and not seen as a luxury like the kids that are helped by TOMS. Blake Mycoskie, being an entreprenuer from Arlington, Texas and the company being based out of Santa Monica, California, has no ties to children in Africa. This shows that this company and organization is truly for the children, and to help get them through their everyday lives. The motto for Toms is "one for one", meaning that every pair of shoes bought by a person, a pair of shoes is donated to a under privledged kid. This organization has great meanings, and more people should strive to become a part of this great movement to try and give kids things we take for granted everyday.

  15. In todays day and age ,we seem to have lost the value and true importance of shoes. Shoes not only help us get us from point A to point B, it helps protect our feet from harmful infections and diseases. Blake Mycoskie's TOMS footwear company not only inspires thousands but helps provide shoes for those who are unable to afford and obtain simple luxuries like shoes. Mycoskie's amazing business where the purchase of one pair of shoes enables the exact replicate to be given to a needly child, not only helps the buyer have a new pair of shoes on their feet, but also privileges thousands of children with feet protection. Simply buying a pair of TOMS shoes is like making a 40$ donation, from the satisfaction of buying shoes, one can also feel the satisfaction of good.

  16. I always saw other people wearing TOMS and always talking about them. I could not figure out what was so special about them. Now seeing this, i want a pair. I think its amazing what this guy has done. Its a great and simple way to help out kids in need that do not have the privledges that we do. This has changed my ideas about having old shoes. At least i have a pair. I feel bad now

  17. It's amazing how the most simple things in life for us can mean so much to others. Most of us have two or maybe even three pairs of shoes, spending even a hundred or more dollars on them, thinking little on the people out there that would give anything for even a pair of flip flops. It's so easy to live life everyday without thinking about how good we have it and how blessed we are. It's very humbling to see a video like this and truly realize the amazing lives we all live but furthermore goes to prove how many people don't share that. How many people are out there craving of all things shoes. What Toms has been able to accomplish is great because giving someone a pair of shoes, even the most simple pair, changes how they live everyday. It gives them a comfort that they had probably never known before, and in a vast way gives them hope to hold on to. It;s really cool to see other people give their everything for a cause and even if it doesn't necessarily motivate all of us to go out there and do the same, it certainly teaches us and lets us grow as people.

  18. This organization has touched my heart because I feel as if I can make a difference in these kids lives. I can do something that will provide them with something that may change their outlook in life, that will provide them with something they treasure and we view as one in many. I can provide a child with a pair of shoes that will change their life, and if I can change a child's life, what am I waiting for? I spend so much time thinking of myself, what I want, what I think I need, that I don't take any time to consider what others truly need to survive. After learning of TOMS, I figured I needed to do something to help, so I bought a pair. They aren't the most comfortable shoes or the best looking, but I love wearing them because every time I do, I remember that because I bought them, I was able to buy a pair to change a child's life.

  19. It’s such a great idea to give shoes to people that need them. Toms adapts a simple idea and makes it feasible. All you would have to do in order to provide shoes to a child in need is to buy yourself shoes. The shoes aren’t even pricey either. It costs you no more than it would regularly to buy shoes to buy them for two people. The success of Toms is not only astounding but reassuring that society today can sit still for a second and help those in need.

  20. No one realizes how privileged we are, because we are so used to living comfortable lives. This video is one of the more inspiring things I've seen, personally. Not only does it relate to children in need of shoes, but it is also relevant to the older community in that part of the world. Knowing that I have enough money to contribute to this organization makes me feel like I can truly make a difference, even if it's only to one person. A regular pair of shoes for anyone probably costs more than two pair of shoes for the TOMS organization. This video makes me feel so blessed with the life that I live at home, and I would personally be more than willing to donate money for such an inspiring organization.

  21. Shoes usually occupy a different place in the hearts and minds of American citizens than for those of Third World countries. Most heart rending decisions regarding shoes in America involve two choices: Nike, or Air Jordan. I have friends whose main pride and joy in life involves the acquisition of more and more vintage sneakers and high tops. Their closets are quite literally overflowing with shoes, usually gathered over years and years of dedicated searching. The exact opposite prevails in the countries Mr. Mycoski has included within his project. Most decisions regarding shoes are similar to America in one respect: They are heartrending and involve two decisions. In this case, however, the choice is between bare subsistence, and safety from the wilderness with which they live. It's heartening to see someone with absolutely no reason to do give back do, and even more heartening to see that same person hailing from Texas. Founded in Arlington, and by an SMU undergrad, TOMS Shoes is of that rare breed, the charitable organization that has received due recognition for what it does. Mr. Mycoski has spoken with Bill Clinton, received a People's Design Award, and spoken on numerous panels involving inventors and social charities. Finally, it seems, one need of Third World countries has evaded the eyes of self serving celebrities, and been noticed, as it should, by a regular person motivated by only his belief in altruism, and his need to help others.

  22. The TOMS project has really made a huge impact on our world. Even before I actually heard of the organization, I saw the shoes and wondered what they were. The shoes have become massively popular and nearly a fashion trend. The concept behind the organization is one of the smarter ideas I've heard. Since they donate a pair of shoes to impovervished children per pair of shoes they actually sell, thousands of homeless, hungry people are getting new shoes everyday. As seen in the video, some of the children have never had a new pair of shoes, much less even a pair of shoes. I also think it's very cool that Blake Mycoskie, the founder of TOMS, is from nearby Arlington. It's fitting that he has gained national recognition from TOMS in that he has spoken along the side of Bill Clinton. Overall, the TOMS organization is extremely helpful all around the world.

    -Kyle Echerd 6th Period

  23. As a teenager i often take shoes for granted.Leaving them at a friends and never going back to get them. or throwing away a pair just because my laces are a little dirty. Toms has taken the initiative to give shoes to people who are not as fortunate as us and make us more aware of how important shoes are at the same time. Toms provides fashionable shoes to people in our community while at the same time providing an every day necessity to people who have never even owned there own pair of shoes.Toms has done nothing but good and is a great organization that is taking one step at a time to making the world a better place

  24. It's amazing how much we take little things for granted such as shoes. They are people all over the world that would give anything to have what we have. It is a great think that the TOMS organization is a great thing for people over the world that do not have enough to buy shoes. Also the fact that Blake Mycoskie is doing this as a non profit organization is also amazing. When i first saw TOMS i thought they were just weird looking shoes, but now i know the real reason behind the shoes i will for sure look into buying a pair of them.

    Zack Ratcliffe

  25. Its amazing to think the difference that one pair of shoes can make in a persons life. Some of us in America are very fortunate and we sometimes forget that there are others in other countries that do not have some of the simplest of things including a pair of shoes. Sometimes we take that for granted. Although not everyone saw it in the beginning, Blake Mycoskie’s idea of TOMS was one of the greatest ideas that someone could think of to help those that are less fortunate and he ended up helping even more people than he could have imagined. It makes me feel good that by buying a simple pair of shoes I can be providing another pair of shoes to someone who may have never had a new pair of shoes in their life. It also makes me happy to know the difference that that one pair of shoes can make in someone’s life. To one person a new pair of shoes could be the greatest gift on earth.

    Taylor Baird

  26. Blake Mycoskie's successful idea goes to show how something so simple can make a huge difference. Even something as small as a pair of shoes can change the world. The TOMS organization is extremely inspiring and does a great job not only providing for people in need, but promoting the issue at hand and bringing the attention of the United States to it. Shoes are vital for our everyday attire and are something that a lot of people notice. TOMS unique design and bright logo catch almost any by passer's attention. People see these shoes and wonder what they are for, and once they hear Blake's inspiring story, they are encouraged to go buy a pair of their own. The TOMS organization gives everyone an opportunity to make a difference simply by purchasing a pair of shoes that we would need anyway. It allows an easy, assessable, affordable, and beneficial way to touch the life of someone in need. I have a pair of TOMs and whenever I wear them, I can't help but smile. I know that as I walk to class in my own pair of TOMs, another kid in a whole other country is now walking comfortably for the first time in a new pair of shoes. I smile because I know that I made a difference. I smile because that kid that is running around in their new pair of TOMs is smiling as well.

    Macaully Shumate
    Deinhammer 6

  27. The idea to help the needy has been around for a long time, but it wasn't until Blake Mycoskie figured a modern and increasingly successful idea to give back.The idea "one for one," in my opinion, is the best way to help the needy. Not only does it give pairs of shoes to those who are less fortunate, but it also gives something back to the buyers, provides awareness, and gives jobs to to thousands of people daily. Personally, I have own one pair of TOMS and have another pair in the mail at the moment. Whenever I wear TOMS I get a distinct feeling of helping out. TOMS is definitely an amazing organization that has overall helped a vast variety of people across the globe. I am certainly proud to be a part of it all.

    Emily Alexanderson

  28. It's typical for those more fortunate than other to take so many amazing yet simple things in life for granted. For example, shoes are easily taken for granted everyday. People will spend tons and tons of money on new shoes, wear them until they smell, and then throw them away or to a charity. Yes, people are getting wear out of them and sometimes even donating them to charity, but we could all do something more. That's why TOMS organization is such a wonderful charity. It's not only providing shoes to those less fortunate, but it is also showing how those who can pay for shoes choose to buy a pair of TOMS so that they can provide for others. This organization brings out the good in every soul (pun intended).

    Carly Danner

  29. TOMS, which comes from the word "tomorrow" derived from the original concept "Shoes for Tomorrow Project," is an astounding humanitarian organization founded by Blake Mycoskie. It's inspiring to know that Blake Mycoskie, an Arlington, Texas native, pursued his dream of creating a business that would impact the lives of so many unfortunate children and adults. Its people like Blake Mycoskie who are changing this world day by day. This simple concept of every one pair of shoes sold is one pair donated is an amazing idea that has come a far way. It is extremely satisfying to know that its this easy to change the lives of people who have never even had the luxury of owning a pair of shoes, or have only owned a pair or two. Blake Mycoskie has impacted this world in a huge way, and I love how we can contribute to his generous organization to help people from all around the world.

  30. To be honest anyone can donate some shoes,but its not just the shoes its the heart that comes with the pair.Blake Mycoskie's idea of TOMS was very inspirational and heart throbbing I love the fact that a little task can make such a big stamp on the world.Even though there are those out there without shelter,food,and maybe even guidance it's great to know just a pair of shoes can help.People do without alot of things and sometimes it feels as though we forget that although we may not be able to buy them the better things we can start little and gradually work our way to the greater levels.I mean think about it who real thinks about "Well hey if I buy this another kid will benefit from it." Often times we find ourselves throwing change in the buckets of our local lower class,but have you ever handed them a pair of shoes and would you ever think to? I think more people should open their eyes and realize that yes this is an awesome concept,but it doesn't have to be the only form of where we both benefit.As a family,nation,world,etc. we should come together and discuss more ideas like this!

  31. The idea does sound ridiculous at first. I can see where a person would think that but some times its ideas like these--the rediculous ones, that make the difference. This is an almost ridiculous idea that is practical and works! Which is what matters after all.
    We are people who take the small things for granted--like shoes. I mean, i don't think about the fact that i have shoes, i think about which shoes to wear. I think most people are like that, especially in the United States. They just go into their closets and complain that they don't have the best articles of clothing while kids like the ones here have no shoes let alone have good clothing. You really never know what you have until its gone. And, as ridiculous as this may sound to people, it works and that's all that really matters--that it makes a difference.
    --Izma Aviles (7th)

  32. People thought the idea of giving a pair of shoes to children in need for every pair of TOMS shoes sold was ridiculous and would never work. Blake Mycoskie was able to prove these people wrong and has given 130,000 pairs of shoes to children in need to date. Blake Mycoskie has not only provided shoes for children in need, he as inspired many others to join and do what they can to help and make a difference. TOMS which is a non profit orginization, has done more than it was ever expected to do, and continues to inspire more and more people every day. Many people have a mindset that they would never be able to make a big enough difference to matter, but Blake Mycoskie has proven that it is possible. The fact that he is from Arlington, a close town, just gives me more proof that if you really do put your mind to it you can acomplish anything.

    Connor Yingling

  33. I Absolutely love this idea! Even though this may seem like a small ordeal to us, this is a vital necessity to some less fortunate individuals. Blake's vision of "one for one" is a phenomenal task of a servant mentality that we, as Americans, take for granted. When you really think about this idea it really isn't THAT complex! It just required action, and someone passionate enough to follow through with a cause that has changed numerous lives in return.

  34. Everyday we take things for granted. I feel lucky to have a loving family, to live in a safe area, and have the opportunity to go to a great school. But never do I think I am lucky for having a single pair of shoes. I look in my closet and I see running shoes, dress shoes, sandals,boots, and even a few pairs of TOMS and I can't help thinking that there are young starving kids my age and younger that have maybe one pair of shoes. When at first I heard about TOMS I thought the idea was creative and had a lot of potential but little did I know that the organization had already given more than 100,000 kids pairs of shoes. The shoes are popular and I didn't think they were worth about $40, but once I knew the whole
    concept behind the “one for one” they became totally worth it for me. The fact that Blake Mycoskie went to a 3rd world country with 250 pairs of shoes in 3 duffle bags and from there has built this whole organization is truly inspirational.

    katherine marshall- 3

  35. TOMS is truly an amazing organization. The fact that it is able to incorporate helping others in to the company makes it truly unique. It is evidence that there are still people out there who are truly kind hearted and focused on helping others. I think we could all use a little more if this in our lives. With our busy lifestyles is easy to get caught up in everything and just live life for ourselves. Only when we stop to think about it do we actually realize how lucky we are. It’s our duty as humans to help those who are less fortunate. TOMS allows us to get in touch with that side of us that we might not get to expose very often. I was a part of the TOMS club last year at school so I know how it works and what they're all about. I helped to count and pack shoes that were donated for the shoe drive. After kind of getting to know the organization a little better I can honestly say that it’s honestly a no BS charity that simply does what they say. For every shoe purchased, they donate a pair to someone in need. It would be amazing if more companies could adopt this type of mindset, and make a difference in the world.

  36. Blake Mycoskie is a hero in his own right, as his selfless and genuine creation of TOMS has improved the standard of living for 130,000 and counting. In sacrificing what could potentially be an immense profit in shoe sales, Mycoskie has earned more than a dollar could ever be worth. He has founded a truly humane charity that has impacted the lives of tens of thousands and legitimately made the world a better place. With each pair of shoes donated, Mycoskie effectively protects another child from injuries and infections that can be prevented simply with a pair of shoes. In doing this, Mycoskie puts the world into persepective for those more fortunate. People sheltered in well to do suburbs like Coppell are virtually blind to the idea that people are living their lives without shoes on their feet. This man's passion for helping others illustrates how beautiful the human race can be, as his work has protected tens of thousands of children from contracting diseases through their feet. The world is a better place today due to the actions of people like Blake Mycoskie, and society would do well to follow in his footsteps as a pioneer for improving our environment.

  37. Blake Mycoskie is a perfect example of how God works in mysterious ways. Blake attended Southern Methodist University on a full ride scholarship for tennis. Unfortunately an Achilles injury ended his athletic career, causing the young athlete to pick a new college path. Who knew his college major would be found because he was on crutches, unable to do his own laundry. He created his first business, Easy Laundry, at only nineteen years old! That was the precise moment Blake knew he wanted to be an entrepreneur. After that, Blake attempted a few businesses here and there until he landed on the idea of TOMS shoes. Blakes (Blake Makin - Hope for Africa, Blake Mycoskie) in general must just really have an amazing heart, because this idea is truly remarkable. Taking such an everyday item for Americans to help support kids with almost nothing is touching. It reminds me to never take material possessions for granted. I also like how TOMS is ONE for ONE. A lot of multimillionaire companies who are helping an organization always do such a low percentage of their profit, but not Blake. Blake's business is straight down the middle, fifty, fifty.

  38. The reason I like the idea of TOMS is because Blake Mycoskie took something that most other charity organizations look past, and acted on it. While people thought the idea was small and almost useless, Blake started the organization in 2006 and it immediately took off. While most people are taking shoes for granted, almost none of them know what kind of diseases and illnesses can arise from walking around barefoot every day in such awful conditions. Blake has provided hundreds of thousands of the less fortunate children with shoes, and has certainly made more of a difference than anyone would have expected.

  39. The TOMS generous effort is one of startling proportions. It started out small but has sprouted into a world-altering organization. Blake Mycoskie is a true hero and role model not simply in the states of America but around the globe. His actions should be looked up to and commemorated by everyone. His non-profit organization, which provides shoes for the less fortunate goes beyond just preventing infections in children's feet. It proves the cliche that one person can truly impact the world. All that is needed is a goal and passion to make that goal happen. Mycoskie's thoughtfulness and selflessness has allowed him to leave a positive foot print on the earth and urges others to have a global awareness besides the narrow one most of us live in.

    Adam Bremner

  40. In 2006, American traveler Blake Mycoskie befriended children in Argentina and found they had no shoes to protect their feet. Wanting to help, he created TOMS Shoes, a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need. One for One, Blake returned to Argentina with a group of family, friends and staff later that year with 10,000 pairs of shoes made possible by TOMS customers. I think Blake Mycoskie is simply a genius. People around the world thought that his idea was a mere joke, but now we see how much it has impacted our world and the people in it today. The very idea of shoes is brilliant and classic. Girls and guys all around the globe love shoes. It is so amazing to think that this one idea helped so many others -- in so many different ways. One way is that it prevented the soil transmitting disease, which can penetrate the skin through bare feet. Wearing shoes also prevents sores and cuts on the soles of feet. One of the most critical reasons of all is that some schools require uniform and if the kids don't possess shoes, they cannot enter the school. So, this idea was also a major factor in education. All in all, TOMS has been and currently being impacting our world and is also really inspiring.

  41. Blake Mycoskie is both a genius and a humanitarian. Coupling both business savvy with a willing heart, Blake Mycoskie’s vision allows students to both survive their day to day lives and have hope for a better one. Donating a pair of shoes for each one bought from consumers, the organization sustains itself, and spares children who have never had a pair of shoes from having to walk in the dirt and filth of slums and the scorching sands of the deserts, but also from not being allowed to attend school. TOMS is allowing a better life for children around the world by donating as something as simple as a pair of shoes.

  42. TOMS is a great idea. But i find it hard to believe that someome laughed at Blake Mycoskie when he had this idea. I mean one for one is a great idea. He is pretty much taking all of his profits and buying shoes for people who don't have any shoes. He has risked the life of his company in order do something good in this world and i thank him for that. More people need to be like him and donate not just money but food, water and other items we take for granted everyday.

  43. I think the TOMS organization is inspiring and unique. Blake Mycoskie has found a creative way to run his business and promote charity at the same time. This company not only lets you buy a pair of shoes for yourself, but provides a pair for someone in need. Seeing the precious faces in this video makes me want to go out and buy 10 pairs of TOMS shoes. In a country of such affluence, we must educate ourselves about the needs of the people across the globe. Every time a person wears his or her TOMS shoes, he or she will always remember why they bought them. I believe the video also shows how rewarding it is to help other people. Hopefully more U.S. corporations will follow the TOMS shoe's example and come up with new ways to contribute to charities.

    Ellie Rose
    2nd period

  44. Here in the States and in many areas around the globe most shoes we own are one of a plethora. An accessory or added touch to the perfect outfit- that is how we see the stylish addition. But what if we did have them to our disposal so easily or in every shade of blue with rhinestones or metallic accents? What if we couldn't even attend school because we could be carrying a disease due to the lack of coverage of our feet? That is how the children of these unfortunate circumstances are and while this story pulled at my heart strings it also made me more aware of how lucky/ spoiled we truly are. We take for granted what some consider a prescious commodity. Lastly this clip and organization rather show the possibilities that one can achieve through the simple kindness of strangers. When we buy these shoes we do not know who they go to, may never embrace the little child it reaches, or recieve an award of compensation for a giving notion but the purchasers do it because they are putting someone else first. That is what really makes this such a great organization. That the generousity of one person could benifit another around the world.

  45. Before last year I had never even heard of TOMS. That is, until a friend of mine decided that, for her birthday party, we would decorate our own TOMS, that way it would be a fun party that also had an impact on the world. As she told me about the program, I became more and more interested in this company. It is incredible that one person's idea could make such a profound impact on the lives of so many others through an objects that most people take for granted, shoes. In a place like Coppell, where everyone has the ability to go to a store and buy a pair of shoes, it is nearly impossible to understand how difficult it is to live without even a single pair of shoes for your entire life, not having any protection between your skin and the ground is highly unsanitary and painful. The TOMS organization is working so that no one has to go through that. By simply buying a pair of shoes, that are fashionable and comfortable, each customer is able to help a child in need while still getting a product that they can use. This organization helps to bring to light the many things that we take for granted that people in other countries need to survive such as clothes, food, water, and medical aid. By bringing these issues to light hopefully TOMS will be able to help bring more than just shoes to those in need.

    Morgan Harnois-7th

  46. Back in 2006 I can say I was one of the first few proud people to rock this brand new shoe called Toms. Mine were sparkly and obviously drew lots of attention from pedestrians. I remember the feeling of pride when I told every single person about what the mission of Toms was, and it was making our world a better place one "sole" at a time. Eventually my Toms fell apart from over use on my behalf, but that didn't stop me from ordering more and more. Why? Because when you see companies going out and doing good like what Blake did, it is hard not to chip in for a great organization. Blake managed to capture one of America's greatest markets and turn it into something that was so much more beneficial for todays world. Its with modern day "silly" ideas like his that are honestly changing the world. Nobody said you have to have a bachelors in Enviromental Studies or be President in order to make a difference in this world. Its with small revolutionary ideas like these that we can make such a large impact in todays world.

  47. Have you ever gone outside in the hot Texas summer without shoes on? It hurts and it is hot. Think about never having shoes to put on to protect them. I feel guilty for complaining if a pair of shoes is uncomfortable, when there are millions without any shoes at all. Today, in our society, many things are taken for granted, such as shoes. They are seen as a something everyone has, but the truth is not everyone does. There are millions with out shoes and Blake Mycoskie idea is a great one. People all over are wearing TOMS and when you buy a pair, you are buying it for someone else too. You are giving back. We all need to follow in Blake’s footsteps and give back. And what a great way to give back, every girl loves a new pair of shoes, right?

  48. I think it's really remarkable that an entire movement like TOMS can be started by one person. After doing further research, I found out that the idea behind TOMS has been adopted by other big companies as well; Ralph Lauren has co-branded a line of Polo Rugby TOMS, and is donating one pair of shoes for each pair sold. Another brand that has collaborated with TOMS is the skater brand Element. They released a limited edition pair of Element-TOMS, as well as a skateboard with the words "One for One" on it. For each skateboard purchased, one was donated in an effort to spread the word about TOMS shoes. Overall, I think TOMS is really beneficial; those who buy the shoes get to feel like they're helping someone, and those who receive the shoes are protected from soil-transmitted diseases and general wear from excessive walking.

    Erin Evans
    6th Period

  49. What someone will do just for one pair of shoes is a scary thought. In America, the norm of society has a countless amount of shoes. These shoes are most likely never worn and have been sitting in a closet ever since they have gotten out of style. I am a prime example of this; I probably have around ten pairs of shoes in my closet that I haven’t worn in years, not even to wear as just a knock around pair when doing yard work. After watching the TOMS video, I realized how selfish and stupid I am when it comes with the purchasing of shoes. For every pair purchased, TOMS gives a pair of shoes to a child in need; what do others in need get when I purchase another unnecessary pair of running shoes? Materialistic shoes are expensive and leave those walking around barefoot shoeless; it’s a sad reality I just realized that. Blake Mycoskie is a genius and has impacted the world for the better. He’s changed thousands of lives and is on pace to change a million. Next time, I’m going to think twice before buying another pair of $100 running shoes before a pair of TOMS.

    5th Period

  50. I think its such a great idea. Toms are very commonly purchased, and to help out by giving the ones in need a pair of shoes really makes a difference. This organization helps in making a difference in kid's lives. They go to rural areas where kids walk bare foot and can't afford a pair of shoes. Every time someone buys Toms they realize how they made a change in someones life. Such organizations need all the support they can get, and it's very important that even if its a little thing, we should help in any possible way we can.
